Hello @trytan6bz,
I do not believe there is a Nigerian LoCo at the moment, however if that’s something that you would like to start, please feel free to check out this link: Create an Ubuntu Local Community
We’re in the process of updating a lot of our LoCo resources so you will see more content and updates in this category over the coming weeks. If you need any help, please feel free reach out to myself or one of the other folks in this thread.
Thanks, I will be honoured to start that and I will reach out if I need any help. I do believe there’s one for Lagos, Nigeria though but I couldn’t find a link to join them and even after checking the list of loCo teams, I couldn’t find them amongst the list so I guess they aren’t functional yet
We were recently at OSCAfest and asked folks there who were interested in joining a future Lagos or Nigerian LoCo to give us their email. Our plan was to send them some links to the new LoCo resources once we thought they were ready. With the added interest, I will look getting that message out sooner rather than later.
Great, have my email address so you can send me the link as well taiwoadelusi@gmail.com
Btw, created a mailing list on launchpad so interested people can subscribe
[1] https://launchpad.net/~loco-reboot
[2] mailing list address: loco-reboot@lists.launchpad.net
August 23 Update
What’s been done
- Added newly updated LoCo verification documentation.
- Added LoCo FAQ page for commonly asked questions.
- Started outreach efforts to recently active LoCo groups.
- Created Discourse category for new LoCo teams (Ubuntu Nigeria, Ubuntu Hungary)
- Requested LoCo Council Election be added to Community Council agenda.
Next Steps
- LoCo Roll Call - Determine which LoCos are inactive and eligible for new ownership.
- Publish “Best Practices” and “Using Discourse for LoCos” documentation.
- Finalize LoCo merch packs and update request form.
- Redirect loco.ubuntu.com to new LoCo frontend.
- General announcement of new LoCo program on Ubuntu Blog.
I want to thank Bhavi for all the thought and hard work he’s put into the LoCo Council and Teams resurrection project over the last year. His energy and enthusiasm is really inspiring! It’s been great to see responses from so many other dedicated LoCo teams… Portugal, South Korea, Arizona, Wisconsin…
It’s been self-evident to me for a long time that there’s a need to restart the LoCo Council, but I’m excited to see that now there’s a lot of energy and enthusiasm around the idea. I think all of Bhavi’s ideas are a great start, and I’d like to thank the Canonical Ubuntu Community Team for helping to support the LoCo Team infrastructure as well. I think I’ve talked with most of them this year about the desire to reenergize this part of the community. Indeed, they’re all well-established community leaders and bring a lot of experience to the table as well.
I look forward to supporting this new era of Ubuntu Local Community Teams, and in helping Bhavi and a new Local Community Council get things started to encourage local participation in Ubuntu and events.
Seems like the next step is getting the LoCo Council reboot onto a meeting agenda - so for the @community-council that means figuring out the date and time, and then making an agenda post here on Discourse. If people aren’t able to make the meeting, they can leave comments/questions on the agenda post for the Council to address/answer.
Thanks for everyone’s patience, and let’s do our best to get a meeting scheduled for September. If you’re on the CC, look for an e-mail with a link to a scheduling poll. Once we have a day and time that works for most people, we’ll pick a date, create an agenda, and link the agenda in a reply to this topic.
Thanks @madhens.
We, the loco rebooters team have emailed the CC for a meeting request on loco council resurrection.
Since the demise of the Ubuntu Portal where the LoCos could post dates of upcoming events, I see no reason why we cannot use the Discourse page to post the upcoming Loco events. Is there a plan to post them somewhere else? Am I off track for the purpose of the LoCo pages?
It’s my intention to post on discourse until there’s an alternative. Discourse can work, but I rather have something purpose made.
Indico works well/better for big events, but regular small events where we just want to have a normalized event submission form and an attendance measurement, was best served by the previous portal, or something like meetup dot com (which we do also use at Ubuntu-pt). Or I’m I missing something?
Yes, that was our thought as well. For routine events like monthly meetups, you can just post a topic in your LoCo team cateogry and update it as needed. For larger events, creating a separate topic would probably be ideal. In both cases, please do add the events tag when creating the topic to help folks find it easier.
As @diogoconstantino mentioned, our intention is to extend Indico for LoCo usage as well. Discourse for the conversation piece and Indico for event planning. I don’t have an exact time-frame yet, but we hope to have something to share soon.
Is there a simple way to create new posts from a template, ideally one that doesn’t involve copy + paste? That would help a lot!
That’s a great idea! I know Discourse has an official plugin that allows for topic template, but we do not currently have it enabled. I’ll check in with our web folks to see if it’s something we can take advantage of.
Alright. Thats cool, Looking forward for the feedback.
Nice, looking forward to the feedback as well
Be also aware that with https://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ now directing to https://ubuntu.com/community/locos the respective LoCos presently have no means to post event notification to a localized media. The News Team is in a bind to relay any forthcoming event notifications.
We are trying to do this manually - time consuming and the chance of missing notifications is great.
A small matter that may mean a lot.
I have a solution, probably temporary, until a permanent one is created and distributed to us. I created a posting under the Arizona LoCo listing of our remaining September events and meetings.
Of course it must be updated monthly and probably well in advance for planning purposes, but I believe it may temporarily fill the void for us lowly LoCos who have been left without guidance after the demise of the Portal. And while the Council is at it they might consider a place where we can post the results of our events. Just a thought.
I appreciate you letting me know!
I can think of two ways to help at the moment until we have the dedicated events management solution ready to go:
- LoCo’s can post their events directly in the Events category. Folks who want to be notified can click the little
icon in the top of the category and they will receive a notice when any new events are posted there.
- Alternatively, LoCos can post their events within their own category and use the existing events tag. We could also create a new specific loco-events tag to help seperate LoCo specific gatherings from general meetups and conferences.
If it helps, we ran an UbuntuOnAir event tracker topic for a couple years using the Wiki functionality.
A single post that gets edited frequently by the team members as needed.
It worked well, and required almost zero maintenance.