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See also: get, set, launch, networks, Create an instance with multiple network interfaces, Add a network to an existing instance, local.<instance-name>.bridged




The name of the interface to connect the instance to when the shortcut launch --bridged is issued.

Allowed values

Any name from multipass networks.

Note that validation is deferred to multipass launch.


multipass set local.bridged-network=en0

Default value

<empty> ("").

This bridged network feature is only available with lxd as the driver. If you have the default qemu driver, you’re out of luck.

Does the en0 in

multipass set local.bridged-interface=en0

refer to the physical interface on the host which is enslaved to the bridge?
Also, is there some way to use an existing bridge such as br0?

Hi @quashee. Yes, you can see what networks are available to bridge with multipass networks. And you can specify the intended --network on each launch.

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