InstallFest 2024 in Prague

Hey folks! In a bit over 2 weeks time, there’s going to be a cool event happening in Prague. Since it’s going to be saturated by the green chameleon and red/blue hatted folks, I would be thrilled to see a bit more orange in the mix. We’re going to have a booth there for both Ubuntu and Ubuntu Touch communities. Depending on the turnout, we might do an afterparty/testing/translation party. If you’re in the area on March 16-17, be sure to come and give us a high five. :slight_smile:

Zdar ludkovia. O cosi vyse dva tyzdne sa udeje v Prahe celkom zaujimava seslost. Kedze tam bude plno zelenych chameleonov a cerveno/modrych klobucnikov, bol by som rad, keby sa tam vyskytlo aj zopar ludi v oranzovej. Budeme mat stanok pre Ubuntu a Ubuntu Touch komunity. V zavislosti na ucasti by sme si potom mohli usporiadat aj after/testovanciu/prekladaciu party. Ak sa budete vyskytovat v Prahe a okoli 16.-17. marca/brezna, tak vas radi privitame.