The Nagios 3 documentation is now deprecated. Please refer to the Nagios 4 installation and configuration guide instead.
This document needs to be updated. Nagios3 isn’t even available to install on Ubuntu 20.04 (even in universe). At the very least, package names, directory paths, etc. need to be updated for nagios4.
There’s also a series of bad links in the “Note” in the “Configuration Overview” section.
Could updating this guide for 20.04 LTS or 22.04 LTS be put on a schedule? Or perhaps, something that we might propose other than nagios today? Thanks
Yes, it is important to get rid off the references to Nagios3 during setup steps because commands and paths are changed. Also nrpe-server needs a bit of cleanup.
There is missing information. I found it hard to get good documentation for Nagios4. One thing that needs to be added is: when creating a host definition, in Nagios4, it is mandatory to add a max_check_ attempts line or the pre-flight will fail.
This page is being updated. Please follow Github project at: Nagios 4 installation and configuration · Issue #59 · canonical/ubuntu-server-documentation · GitHub
Complete Nagios 4 Core installation and configuration guide can be found here Nagios Core 4 Installation and Configuration