Getting global menu back

An alternative to the global menu can be to get rid of the top panel.

Here’s an article about an extension that apparently allows that and moves the notification area to the dock:

If you’re saying that GNOME developers tend to ignore at times “the preference and the work of others”, and Gtk developers apparently do the same sometimes, I can see that.

And I agree with the general sentiment, of course.

If I remember right, D2P had been there since gnome 3.18…and, getting better all the time.

Yes and that vertical positioning is shaping up nicely. Maybe consider swapping D2D with D2P? Could give Ubuntu more of an own identity without deviating from upstream too much.

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Nice! How did you get that vertical D2P panel?

There’s a few issues, but it works fairly well so far.

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You’ve changed the app-grid icon to Ubuntu, so it look more like Unity. And, clicking on that Ubuntu icon opens the menu (or App grid). Nice!

I think, I’ll change that icon myself later, whether I’d use the panel on the bottom or on the left. Now, of course, the global menu is not needed, for there’s no top panel. It is on the left.

For now,

Thank you for the link. :slight_smile:

You are welcome. Let me know if you need an svg of the BFB that I used. :wink:

I tried this for the moment,
Ubuntu icon
Thanks, anyway!

Actually, all this trying to mimic the Unity look goes away with the vertical Dash to Panel. Up to now, D2P didn’t have the ability to have it on the left side. The D2P has minimise maximise ability that D2D and clones don’t have.

Global menu,

Not on Unity or on Gnome-shell.

Glorious Plasma :slight_smile:

BTW, dunno if someone linked this yet, but I found a discontinued project that brings global menu to GNOME shell.

It is fast, consumes less memory, and most importantly has the most full featured file manager available in Linux.

People, users, move on dropping their projects and the DE, disheartened.

BTW, dunno if someone linked this yet, but I found a discontinued project that brings global menu to GNOME shell.

If you don’t notice this yet, i was the developer of that project and of course i was who discontinued it. The reason of why is discontinued is exposed by me also here.

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Do you mean that this “continuous development” of gnome-shell is actually a hindrance to 3rd party developers?

Do you mean that this “continuous development” of gnome-shell is actually a hindrance to 3rd party developers?

No, this means that GNOME don’t want to have a global menu, they also don’t want to have a menubar (a global menu is a menubar that we export on DBus) and more than that, they consider a menubar as an obsoleted concept and then is something not recommended to be used in applications. So, the GNOME flow is in the direction of remove all possible support for that type of things.

But yes, it’s much worse now, because the only opposition to that tendency in the desktops with base on GNOME technologies was Ubuntu with Unity, but now is discontinued and not only that, Ubuntu developers are now part of the GNOME community and in concordance they are accepting the GNOME HIG. That means they also accepted that:

Menu bars increase the vertical footprint of an application’s user interface, introduce a large number of disclosure points, and function as a fixed set of inflexible options. For these reasons, header bars and header bar menus are generally recommended over menu bars, along with other design patterns for exposing controls on demand, such as selection mode, action bars, and popovers.

So, now the river flow of the Ubuntu developers is in the same direction that GNOME and then build a global menu in the Ubuntu desktop that is constructed with the GNOME technologies is like swimming against the river flow. I hope this is more clear now.

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Thanks for the explanation. Its good to hear from someone, who actually can create a useful feature.

I can hear them selling that idea to those, who use this file manager.

Talking about swimming against the river flow, it is more like the Ubuntu developers are swimming against it, rather than the users. I don’t think Apple would drop Mac OS’s “top menu bar” in near or far future.

The GNOME HIG is what is swimming against the river flow in Linux, because the GNOME HIG is what break the whole Linux applications ecosystem, while this also can not be used to represent the GNOME own applications (for example: GIMP). Let me said that because is funny. Gtk (The GIMP toolkit) was created by GNOME, but we can not apply the HIG of GNOME to GIMP. This is for me like the equivalent of trample to myself.

So, to me follow the GNOME HIG seem to be a not good idea, specially if you are creating a general applications that will try to run in much platforms as possible.


Well, GIMP is serious software, which is used everywhere, in Windows and in OSX. Nautilus is not and I don’t want to use it, maybe Nemo, the fork. I don’t want to use Gnome too, so would be moving out of Ubuntu, when Unity would stop working. That’s after nearly 15 years – stopping swimming against the flow. :slight_smile: Move to Arch, most probably. And, to Windows 10. I can install practically any DE on Arch. And, no one is going to push their settings on you – more like the Linux way.

I really dislike current Gnome, so I switched to Ubuntu Mate, the Mutiny layout makes me feel at home, I hope you enjoy it too.

I’ve tried other new distros like Manjaro, Clear Linux, and had been a Red Hat and Debian user since long time ago, I still feel Ubuntu is the best one for me.

I hope one day I could contribute to/write code for Ubuntu Mate, make it last forever, so that I won’t have to feel painful about losing something like Unity, suffer from Gnome.

Wish the Dash in Mutiny layout can be resized. I hate it being full screen, especially since the headers look so small in comparison, and that the spacing between icons are big.

Wish it looks more like Plasma.