Firefox Snap Testing 2021-2022

And the main bug report to track is #1794064.


Since a recent update to the firefox snap I noticed the window tittle doesn’t use the Ubuntu font anymore. I see the same problem both in the stable and in the beta channels. Can anyone reproduce?

Edit: important detail I missed, this is under Ubuntu 22.10.


Can you share the output of snap connections firefox ?

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Here it is:

snap connections firefox
Interfaz Enchufe Ranura Notas
audio-playback firefox:audio-playback :audio-playback -
audio-record firefox:audio-record :audio-record -
avahi-observe firefox:avahi-observe :avahi-observe -
browser-support firefox:browser-sandbox :browser-support -
camera firefox:camera :camera -
content[gnome-3-38-2004] firefox:gnome-3-38-2004 gnome-3-38-2004:gnome-3-38-2004 -
content[gtk-3-themes] firefox:gtk-3-themes gtk-common-themes:gtk-3-themes -
content[icon-themes] firefox:icon-themes gtk-common-themes:icon-themes -
content[sound-themes] firefox:sound-themes gtk-common-themes:sound-themes -
cups-control firefox:cups-control - -
dbus - firefox:dbus-daemon -
desktop firefox:desktop :desktop -
desktop-legacy firefox:desktop-legacy :desktop-legacy -
gsettings firefox:gsettings :gsettings -
hardware-observe firefox:hardware-observe :hardware-observe -
home firefox:home :home -
joystick firefox:joystick :joystick -
mount-control firefox:host-hunspell :mount-control -
mpris - firefox:mpris -
network firefox:network :network -
network-bind firefox:network-bind :network-bind -
network-observe firefox:network-observe :network-observe manual
opengl firefox:opengl :opengl -
personal-files firefox:dot-mozilla-firefox :personal-files -
removable-media firefox:removable-media :removable-media -
screen-inhibit-control firefox:screen-inhibit-control :screen-inhibit-control -
system-files firefox:etc-firefox-policies :system-files -
system-packages-doc firefox:system-packages-doc :system-packages-doc -
u2f-devices firefox:u2f-devices :u2f-devices -
unity7 firefox:unity7 :unity7 -
upower-observe firefox:upower-observe :upower-observe -
wayland firefox:wayland :wayland -
x11 firefox:x11 :x11 -

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Some more info.

The .tar of firefox works fine, so it seems to be an issue with the snap.

Also, not only the font in the interface is weird, also in some webpages. For example, see the screenshot with a search with firefox installed via snap and the .tar.

Snap on the left, tar on the right.

I reported the bug here:
Please, let me know if this is not the right place.

I found this bug report

There is a new kernel package (actually in kinetic-proposed) which also fixes this issue. So it was not a problem with Firefox (Snap) directly.


This is sorta edge case, but I’m having trouble updating or installing a parallel-installed Firefox Nightly.

$ sudo snap install --edge --unaliased firefox_edge
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Run hook connect-plug-host-hunspell of snap "firefox_edge" (run hook "connect-plug-host-hunspell": 
cannot update snap namespace: cannot inspect "/var/snap/firefox": lstat /var/snap/firefox: permission denied
snap-update-ns failed with code 1

Not sure if this is a Firefox thing, or a Snap thing.

are you running 22.10 ? there is a known kernel bug with namespaces …


Indeed it is. Sorry for the confusion, I didn’t see any other snap having problems.
It is solved as of today with the last update of the kernel on Ubuntu 22.10.

Aah that’s why! Any idea what caused it? I was on 5.19 on 20.04, and it was perfectly fine there.

see @Gre0’s post above …

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On my Ubuntu 22.10 firefox seems not updated

corrado@corrado-n4-kk-beta:~$ snap info firefox
name:      firefox
summary:   Mozilla Firefox web browser
publisher: Mozilla✓
license:   unset
description: |
  Firefox is a powerful, extensible web browser with support for modern web
  application technologies.
  - firefox
  - firefox.geckodriver
snap-id:      3wdHCAVyZEmYsCMFDE9qt92UV8rC8Wdk
tracking:     latest/stable/ubuntu-22.10
refresh-date: 16 days ago, at 10:17 CEST
  latest/stable:    105.0.3-1    2022-10-07 (1943) 248MB -
  latest/candidate: 106.0-1      2022-10-14 (1969) 250MB -
  latest/beta:      106.0b9-1    2022-10-14 (1968) 188MB -
  latest/edge:      107.0a1      2022-10-13 (1959) 192MB -
  esr/stable:       102.3.0esr-1 2022-09-20 (1839) 183MB -
  esr/candidate:    102.4.0esr-1 2022-10-14 (1967) 183MB -
  esr/beta:         ↑                                    
  esr/edge:         102.2.0esr-2 2022-09-02 (1793) 182MB -
installed:          105.0.1-1               (1883) 248MB -
corrado@corrado-n4-kk-beta:~$ sudo snap refresh firefox
snap "firefox" has no updates available

Thanks! It appears to be fixed now as I’m able to update and install a parallel Firefox.

This was caused by the latest/stable/ubuntu-22.10 channel being open but not up-to-date. It has now been closed, so you should be automatically switched to latest/stable at the next refresh. Can you confirm?

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corrado@corrado-n4-kk-beta:~$ sudo snap refresh
[sudo] password for corrado:
firefox 105.0.3-1 from Mozilla✓ refreshed

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On kinetic with latest stable snap, firefox crashes when trying to share a single window via pipewire (on wayland) in a google meet meeting. Sharing an entire monitor works, just not a single window. This used to work (for sure in jammy, possibly in earlier kinetic snapshots) but not sure when it broke.

Do you mind filing a bug?

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which was apparently already reported as