Hi everyone, below you will find the updates from the Desktop team from the last week. If you’re interested in discussing a topic please start a thread in the Desktop area of Discourse.
Packaged gstreamer 1.22 for Ubuntu 23.04 and Debian Experimental. The Debian uploads are temporarily blocked because I uploaded the -good package to the NEW queue for the new qt6 support. There’s a good chance we can get gstreamer 1.22.0 in to Debian before the next freeze deadline.
The -bad set is blocked in Ubuntu while I figure out the i386 dependencies.
Packaged the new version of editorconfig-core for Debian and Ubuntu 23.04. This includes a security fix identified by the Ubuntu Security Team during the MIR review
Forwarded some Debian patches for editorconfig-core upstream where they were quickly applied.
Created Debian/Ubuntu package for xdg-terminal-exec. Will upload soon.
Sponsored trompeloeil-cpp, the final dependency needed for corectrl
Got text-engine into Debian after finally getting more details why the ftpmasters insisted that debian/ be specifically cited in debian/copyright. This package is required to update gnome-shell-extension-manager to a newer version.
The Unicode 15 emoji font update was finally accepted as a proposed update for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
sponsored update-notifier fix for a new issue due to invalid translations
reviewed and accepted the new cups-filter-split source packages in Lunar
emailed ubuntu-release to get feedback on replacing the telegram-desktop deb by a snap installer in stable series. The client needs to keep up with the service which is not the case of the deb.
Can use --list to list available GPUs, and --gpu <id> to select a GPU to run Steam with. This just sets the DRI_PRIME env variable and other NVIDIA variables if an NVIDIA card.
cups-filters: Zdenek Dohnal from Red Hat removed some unnecessary dependencies (Avahi, GLib, zlib, Freetype) from libcupsfilters which got overlooked during the separation. Thanks a lot!
PAPPL: Posted the MIR for the Printer Application library. The package synced already from Debian.
OpenPrinting: Improved GitHub web UI by adding templates for issue submissions to the CUPS and cups-filters repositories. This adds a selection page when the “New Issue” button gets clicked, not only allowing to select the template (“Bug report”, “Feature Request”) but also providing a button for a private security bug report. Shortly after Zdenek Dohnal already refined the one of CUPS and added a REPORTING_ISSUES.md file. We will soon add this on the remaining repositories of OpenPrinting.
Linux App Summit 2023 in Brno: Started planning my contributions. For now I will submit a talk to report about the state of the art of the printing part of the GNOME Control Center and about the addition of Common Print Dialog Backends (CPDB) support to the print dialogs (GTK, Qt, browsers, …), around 30 min talk and 15 min AMA/Q&A and I will also submit an OpenPrinting BoF. I talked already with Zdenek Dohnal (Red Hat printing maintainer) and Marek Kasik (GNOME/GTK printing maintainer, also Red Hat), both living in the Brno area and they will both attend LAS and be present in my 2 sessions, to participate in the discussion and answer questions. I will soon submit the session proposals.
Google Summer of Code 2023: Continued assigning GitHub issues and other work items to contributor candidates and mentored them on working on the issues.