Desktop Team Updates - Monday 1st March 2021

firefox24 firefox

  • prepared 86.0 builds for all supported Ubuntu releases, they are now published

thunderbird24 thunderbird

  • 78.7.1 was published to focal-updates
  • prepared the 78.8.0 update for hirsute, and groovy and focal in a PPA

chromium22 chromium

  • published a build with a snapcraft fix (not yet released to stable at the time) needed for the snap-based core desktop prototype, in the candidate/configure-hook-nofonts channel
  • investigated why beta 89 autopkgtests are failing for bionic builds only, but I failed to reproduce the failures locally

libreoffice24-margin libreoffice

snapcraft24 snaps

  • updated 0ad to alpha 24
  • followed up on a snapcraft PR I submitted to check that the platform snap is connected in desktop extensions and bail out early if not, it has now landed