The Start Here page has nothing on it about how to open a new topic. I don’t even have a New Topic button.
The Start Here page is the first step.
You need to pick an appropriate link on that page.
Great ideas!
Created a new topic instead of closing this one: If you cannot post, see this topic!
That one is now a child of the Start Here page. It’s closed, so folks cannot post comments on it.
That topic leads here for folks who really need to post a comment asking for help.
What catches my attention is that I don’t see anyone, not even new users, complaining about Discourse on Fedora or openSUSE.
[andrew-1dtv] here. Had to start a new account as could not post for 15 hours. [So helpful for those of us with Ubuntu forum for a decade who are migrating. ]
Here is my other gripe. 15 hours. When I am trying to get something fixed fairly urgently.
Could you not have a migrate option when you are shutting down the system we have been using for many many years?!?
What does this mean? Did you get an error? I see no blocks on your account.
There are other avenues for support if it’s that urgent. I would argue that the Matrix Chat is better suited for urgent matters. (Note: if you have an urgent matter, no matter how bad it is, being demanding is never the answer.)
On the account I started with, yesterday, I had a certain number of posts, which meant I was barred from posting for 15 hours.
Thanks. What is Matrix Chat?
Not seeing the ‘demanding’ bit here. I see my request for a more sympathetic system for those who have been involved in Ubuntu support for a long time as pretty low key.
Chat. Instant messaging, similar to IRC chat. The link I posted takes you to the official Ubuntu Support channel.
It doesn’t matter if you’ve been long-time or low-time, as far as the system is concerned, you’re brand-new. Nothing carries-over from the Ubuntu Forums, full-stop.
Please login as the other account, and show us the error. This is not something I’m aware that we have configured. I am trying to help here.
5 posts were split to a new topic: Matrix Chat
Just tried. Got the same message:
An error occurred: We appreciate your enthusiasm, keep it up! That said, for the safety of our community, you’ve reached the maximum number of replies a new user can create on their first day. Please wait 12 hours and you’ll be able to create more replies.
@popey @triplemaya I think it might have something to do with rate limiting for new users.
Yes, that is exactly what it is.
And for someone who has been involved with Ubuntu since the very early days, I find that that extra frustrating!
2024-12-15 -2025-01-14:
- We had over 1,100 new account signups. This is almost 3x the numbers of one year ago.
- 324 new accounts reached Trust Level 1 (can post). This is also about 3x one year ago.
- 281 first time posts by those new users who reaches TL1, also about 3x one year ago.
- 11 showed up here.
So about 1% of new folks are encountering enough difficulty figuring out how to post their questions to mention it.
3/4 of new accounts didn’t post anything a year ago. And the same trend hold true today. Despite making new-account posting much easier.
Well, not everyone can be as inept as me despite years of experience. But then not everyone is at the fading end of life either!
Hi there. I am not able to post to this forum. Read time is stuck at < 1 min. Anything I can do? Thank you.
P.S.: my profile at UbuntuForums: Ubuntu Forums
Welcome to Ubuntu Discourse
Your profile now shows 11 minutes. I bet if you read another thread or two, you will then be able to post a new topic in the Support and Help category.