Call for participation: an ubuntu default theme lead by the community?

Or are you (just a guess) talking about how often we pull changes from sams repo?

This package is older than in the Communitheme repository.
Even in snap icons arenā€™t updated. :neutral_face:

Is there any plans in the near futur for building a dark theme ?
Does a dark theme will be available one day or another alongside the default communitheme?


Nothing is planned for a full dark theme, current target is the light variant, with support for application that uses the dark one by default. However if anyone is interested in helping us here is more than welcome.

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I think we should ā€œOnlyā€ need to copy the theme, rename it to ā€œNAME-darkā€, set ā€œ$variantā€ to ā€œdarkā€ in gtk.scss and provide that folder, too. Maybe @didrocks can help us with that?

Edit: the dark theme is almost as finished as the light theme so why not? :slight_smile:
There ā€œwereā€ ambiance + radiance all the time together =)
Edit2: any rename ā€œCommunithemeā€ to ā€œCommunitheme-darkā€ in the meson files =)


I donā€™t think we should copy the files, merging and so on will double the work, which isnā€™t sustainable long term. Also, remember that GTK2 as well needs then to have a dark theme :wink:
Remember as well that there is no UI in GNOME by default to support theme, and this is deliberate. Us, adding the extra switch, will include again more maintainance cost, deriving from upstreamā€¦

So, whoever wants to support another variant should aim at minimum maintainance cost IMHO and ways to ensure that every ā€œflavorsā€ always kept in sync.

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Nono =D there is no extra switch needed. I renamed the theme name in the meson files and reran ninja again and the outcome is that I have 1 communitheme and 1 communitheme dark theme now :slight_smile:

Thatā€™s basically the only problem I see.


Well, you are using GNOME Tweaks, which isnā€™t an application we ship by default.


True! Yet adwaita handles it the same way: there is adwaita and adwaita-dark installed by default. :slight_smile:


indeed, I think if we ahve a GTK2 theme for dark, and we do a second build with that option, itā€™s doable. However, weā€™ll be clear that there is will be no UI to switch (at least, for now)


I try to see how adaita does it =) I doubt they copy their files manually xD


Donā€™t worry about that, Iā€™m happy to work on the build system for it.

Just concentrate on GTK2 (light/dark) before we go that road :slight_smile:


Soon weā€™ll have a competitor of macOS Mojave :smiley:
Iā€™m ready to help with a GTK2 dark theme.


Great, we are waiting for your PR!

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PR here is Public Relations or Pull Request?

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Pull request xD :smiley:

or both :stuck_out_tongue:
(adding more characters for discourse to be happy)


Started to play with dark gtk-2.0 theme :

Audacious :

vlc (qt) using gtk2 :
Screenshot from 2018-06-28 23-23-14

Still a lot to do but itā€™s a start :smile:


Looks good, though I have no real comparison! Could you keep the ubuntu colors we use? (blue)

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Here you go: