Note: The CaaS feature is still considered experimental and is only available when installing the openstack snap from the beta or edge channel.
This feature deploys Magnum, the OpenStack CaaS service.
Enabling CaaS
To enable CaaS, run the following command:
sunbeam enable caas
Use the OpenStack CLI to manage container infrastructures. See the upstream Magnum documentation for details.
Note: The Secrets and Orchestration features are dependencies of the CaaS feature. Make sure to enable them.
When using the CaaS feature in conjunction with the Load Balancer feature, you are subject to the same limitations as the latter feature. In particular, the OVN provider only supports the SOURCE_IP_PORT
load balancing algorithm.
Configuring CaaS
To configure the cloud for CaaS usage, run the following command:
sunbeam configure caas
Disabling CaaS
To disable CaaS, run the following command:
sunbeam disable caas
Create a cluster template using the following command:
openstack coe cluster template \
create k8s-cluster-template-ovn \
--image fedora-coreos-38 \
--keypair sunbeam \
--external-network external-network \
--flavor m1.small \
--docker-volume-size 15 \
--master-lb-enabled \
--labels octavia_provider=ovn \
--labels octavia_lb_algorithm=SOURCE_IP_PORT \
--network-driver flannel \
--coe kubernetes
Sample output:
Request to create cluster template k8s-cluster-template-ovn accepted
| Field | Value |
| insecure_registry | - |
| labels | {'octavia_provider': 'ovn', 'octavia_lb_algorithm': 'SOURCE_IP_PORT'} |
| updated_at | - |
| floating_ip_enabled | True |
| fixed_subnet | - |
| master_flavor_id | - |
| uuid | 4d675c2b-c4e6-4877-a949-987195125fbc |
| no_proxy | - |
| https_proxy | - |
| tls_disabled | False |
| keypair_id | sunbeam |
| public | False |
| http_proxy | - |
| docker_volume_size | 15 |
| server_type | vm |
| external_network_id | external-network |
| cluster_distro | fedora-coreos |
| image_id | fedora-coreos-38 |
| volume_driver | - |
| registry_enabled | False |
| docker_storage_driver | overlay2 |
| apiserver_port | - |
| name | k8s-cluster-template-ovn |
| created_at | 2023-10-16T09:45:24.751362+00:00 |
| network_driver | flannel |
| fixed_network | - |
| coe | kubernetes |
| flavor_id | m1.small |
| master_lb_enabled | True |
| dns_nameserver | |
| hidden | False |
| tags | - |
Create a Kubernetes cluster using the following command:
openstack coe cluster create --cluster-template k8s-cluster-template-ovn --node-count 1 --timeout 60 sunbeam-k8s-ovn
Sample output:
Request to create cluster 27eba31c-66a5-4efe-8373-49dd186567e6 accepted
Check cluster list status using the following command:
openstack coe cluster list
| uuid | name | keypair | node_count | master_count | status | health_status |
| 27eba31c-66a5-4efe-8373-49dd186567e6 | sunbeam-k8s-ovn | sunbeam | 1 | 1 | CREATE_COMPLETE | HEALTHY |
Note: You may need to wait a few minutes before the cluster is ready.
Check cluster status using the following command:
openstack coe cluster show sunbeam-k8s-ovn
| Field | Value |
| status | CREATE_COMPLETE |
| health_status | HEALTHY |
| cluster_template_id | 4d675c2b-c4e6-4877-a949-987195125fbc |
| node_addresses | [''] |
| uuid | 27eba31c-66a5-4efe-8373-49dd186567e6 |
| stack_id | a4221337-395e-4328-a878-de3f08a29bb2 |
| status_reason | None |
| created_at | 2023-10-16T11:11:37+00:00 |
| updated_at | 2023-10-16T11:18:24+00:00 |
| coe_version | v1.18.16 |
| labels | {'octavia_provider': 'ovn', 'octavia_lb_algorithm': 'SOURCE_IP_PORT'} |
| labels_overridden | {} |
| labels_skipped | {} |
| labels_added | {} |
| fixed_network | None |
| fixed_subnet | None |
| floating_ip_enabled | True |
| faults | |
| keypair | sunbeam |
| api_address | |
| master_addresses | [''] |
| master_lb_enabled | True |
| create_timeout | 60 |
| node_count | 1 |
| discovery_url | |
| docker_volume_size | 15 |
| master_count | 1 |
| container_version | 1.12.6 |
| name | sunbeam-k8s-ovn |
| master_flavor_id | None |
| flavor_id | m1.small |
| health_status_reason | {'sunbeam-k8s-ovn-fvwzbaayuols-master-0.Ready': 'True', 'sunbeam-k8s-ovn-fvwzbaayuols-node-0.Ready': 'True', 'api': 'ok'} |
| project_id | cf669675a9784b84805a5aa42afb21fe |
Access your Kubernetes cluster using the following commands:
mkdir config-dir
openstack coe cluster config sunbeam-k8s-ovn --dir config-dir/
export KUBECONFIG=/home/ubuntu/config-dir/config
kubectl get pods -A
kube-system coredns-56448757b9-km7qj 1/1 Running 0 4m43s
kube-system coredns-56448757b9-w46cq 1/1 Running 0 4m43s
kube-system dashboard-metrics-scraper-67f57ff746-6phd6 1/1 Running 0 4m40s
kube-system k8s-keystone-auth-4sqx8 1/1 Running 0 4m39s
kube-system kube-dns-autoscaler-6d5b5dc777-wbt4w 1/1 Running 0 4m42s
kube-system kube-flannel-ds-c8dqt 1/1 Running 0 2m44s
kube-system kube-flannel-ds-t5kc8 1/1 Running 0 4m42s
kube-system kubernetes-dashboard-7b88d986b4-2qgm5 1/1 Running 0 4m40s
kube-system magnum-metrics-server-6c4c77844b-p2ws4 1/1 Running 0 4m34s
kube-system npd-h7xsg 1/1 Running 0 2m23s
kube-system openstack-cloud-controller-manager-j8l4l 1/1 Running 0 4m43s