MicroStack Documentation

MicroStack is a modern cloud solution that uses snaps, Juju, and Kubernetes to deploy and manage OpenStack.

Snaps are used to deploy and perform major cluster operations where Juju charmed operators are leveraged internally to manage individual cloud services. Traditional charms oversee the cloud data plane and Kubernetes charms govern the cloud control plane.

Deploying and managing an OpenStack cloud is generally considered to be a challenging endeavour. MicroStack reduces the complexity traditionally imposed upon cloud administrators by automating cloud operations where possible and reaping the benefits of Kubernetes-based API services.

MicroStack is designed from the ground up to accommodate users of varying skill levels. It is appropriate for public, regional, and private clouds, and can satisfy a wide range of use cases: from small single-node development environments through to large multi-node enterprise-grade solutions.

In this documentation

Guides that cover three install modes
How-to guides
Procedural guides covering key operations and common tasks
Supportive technical material for the project
Information of a more theoretical nature

Project and community

MicroStack is an Open Source project that welcomes usage discussion, project feedback, and especially contributions!

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have questions about integrating MicroStack into your own cloud project.


Level Path Navlink
0 Home
0 tutorials Tutorials
1 single-node Single-node quickstart
1 single-node-guided Single-node guided
1 multi-node Multi-node
1 multi-node-maas Multi-node with MAAS
0 concepts Concepts
1 motives Technical motives
1 arch Architecture
1 manifest Deployment manifest
1 endpoint-encryption Service endpoint encryption
1 traffic-isolation-maas Network traffic isolation with MAAS
0 howto How-to guides
1 inspect Inspecting the cluster
1 scaling-up Scaling up the cluster
1 scaling-down Scaling down the cluster
1 removing-primary Removing the primary node
1 cli Using the OpenStack CLI
1 dashboard Accessing the OpenStack dashboard
1 object-storage Object Storage
1 proxied-environment Manage a proxied environment
1 reconfiguring-the-k8s-api-endpoint-in-juju Reconfiguring the K8S API endpoint
1 live-migration Live migration
1 managing-manifest Managing deployment manifests
1 tls-external-ca Implement TLS using a third-party CA
1 juju-workloads Manage workloads with Juju
1 manage-external-juju-controllers Manage external Juju controllers
1 using-an-existing-juju-controller Use an existing Juju controller
1 bootstrap-lxd-based-juju-controller Bootstrap LXD based Juju controller
1 backup-maas-deployment Backup and restore access to a MAAS deployment
1 features Optional Features
2 caas CaaS
2 dns DNS
2 images Images Sync
2 ldap LDAP
2 load-balancer Load Balancer
2 observability Observability
2 orchestration Orchestration
2 resource-optimization Resource Optimization
2 secrets Secrets
2 telemetry Telemetry
2 tls-ca TLS CA
2 ubuntu-pro Ubuntu Pro
2 validation Validation
2 vault Vault
0 reference Reference
1 enterprise-reqs Enterprise requirements
1 interactive-prompts Interactive configuration prompts
1 manifest-reference Manifest file reference
1 network-debugging Network debugging
1 projects-and-charms Underlying projects and charms
1 proxy-access Proxy ACL access
1 security Security
software-contrib Software contributions
doc-contrib Documentation contributions


Mapping table
Path Location
openinfra-vancouver-2023 single-node