AMC command reference: node

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The node command manage LXD nodes of the deployment that run instances with Anbox Cloud and are managed by the Anbox Management Service (AMS). See Clustering for more information.

amc node <subcommand>


The following subcommands are available:


Add a node to AMS. You can also use the alias new.

amc node add <node_name> <node_ip_address> [options]

There are a few prerequisites for the adding a node:

  • The new node must have an accessible IP address.
  • LXD must be installed on the node before adding it but not initialised because AMS takes care of the initialisation and configuration of the node.

The following options are available:

Option Input type Description
-h, --help Displays help information for the command
--network String Name of the network device to create on the LXD cluster. The default value is amsbr0
--network-bridge-mtu Integer Maximum Transmission Unit of the network bridge that is configured for LXD
--network-subnet String Network subnet for the network device on the node (default ‘’)
--storage-device String Storage device that the LXD node should use
--storage-pool String Existing LXD storage pool to use
--tags String Comma-separated list of tags to set for the node
--trust-password String Trust password for the remote LXD node
--unmanaged Indicates that the node is already clustered


List available nodes. You can also use ls as an alias.

amc node list [options]

The following options are available:

Options Description
-f, --filter Filters the output based on specified conditions
--format Controls output formatting. The output format can be table, json or csv and the default value is table
-h, --help Displays help information for the command

Usage for --filter:

    amc node list --filter attribute=value

where attribute can be one of the following:

Name Argument type
master Boolean (true/false)
status string (online, offline etc.)


Removes a node from the Anbox Cloud cluster thereby making it unable to host instances.

You cannot delete a node with running instances unless you use the --force flag.

amc node remove <node_name> [options]

The following options are available:

Options Description
-f, --force Forcibly removes the node
-h, --help Displays help information for the command
--keep-in-cluster Removes the LXD node from the AMS database but keeps it as part of the cluster
-y, --yes Run non interactively by assuming ‘yes’ for all prompts


Set specific configuration for a node. See AMS configuration for a list of available configuration items.

amc node set <node_name> <config_item_name> <config_item_value> [options] --timeout=10m

where -t or –timeout is a string value to indicate the maximum wait time for the operation to complete. The default value is 5m.


Display information about a node.

amc node show <node_name> [options]

The following options are available:

Option Description
--allocations Shows resource allocations
-f, --format Controls output formatting with values json or yaml. The default value is yaml.
-h, --help Displays help information for the command