Adwaita with Unity 8 colours

Im on 18.04 with the latest gnome

Now that communitheme wont make it in 18.04 can this project be considered for bionic? Who decides this? Does he know about this project? Who needs to be contacted? Ambiance cant really be a serious alternative.


18.04 is Bionic Beaver! They are targeting the next release FWIU, 18.10

He was talking about Adwaita with Unity 8 colors, not Communitheme. However I think the problem is basically the same

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OIC Thanks! I should unsubscribe from these, too confusing with all the theme discussions.

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For those that haven’t seen the post in the other thread:

Ambiance will be default in Ubuntu 18.04 with the Communitheme available as a snap for those who can’t stand Ambiance ( the reason being that didrocks doesn’t think it makes sense to go Ambiance → Adwaita with Ubuntu colours → Communitheme for 17.10 → 18.04 → 18.10 plus it’s too much to support and Ambiance has got, and is getting, a lot of bugfixes so it certainly remains a well-maintained theme. If you hate it, install another theme and recommend other people do as well, some people don’t hate Ambiance as much as you, just as some people hate Adwaita more than you :stuck_out_tongue: ), from what I understand, the Communitheme will be made default (or at least be in universe) early in Ubuntu 18.10’s development?


Design is subjective, UX is not. Ambiance does not work well with GNOME and has been designed for GNOME 2/Unity which makes it … feel weird and incredibly outdated. Bug fixes don’t help IMHO since the theme itself is the problem, not the bugs around it. Since people don’t use nor know about GTK themes in general, I honestly can’t recommend Ubuntu to anyone at this point anymore - they all get turned off by the design, and I mean that like in an instant. They like Fedora and Elementary however, so I guess I’ve found a solution until 20.04 that’s actually competitive (They need Anbox, Nvidia drivers etc. which all only work correctly on LTS. LTS is also being promoted a lot, which is why I see no one using a non-LTS release). Otherwise, if they want to recommend Ubuntu to others, they’ll need to say something like “yeah, just download the first ISO, flash it w/ etcher, install it, enter those commands in the “Terminal” or install those packages from the GNOME Software Center” - and that’s whats gonna stop them from recommending it. But well, let’s keep on working on Communitheme - I like the way it’s going :wink:

How many people have you recommended Ubuntu 17.10 to who have refused to install it primarily because Ambiance is horrible on GNOME 3 and has anyone else found/not found that with people they’ve recommended Ubuntu 17.10 to? Also you said only LTS is promoted and has important things working on it, so why were you suggesting they install 17.10 anyway?

Yes we should have a good and usable experience out-of-the-box. It is a bit of a mouthful to say ‘install then go to Software, search for Communitheme, hit Install, log out (top-right button > name > Log Out), click your name, hit the cog in the bottom right, hit Ubuntu with Communitheme, log in’, and this is assuming he snap happens (I hope it does!)

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It would be nice to download the theme in the 3 color variants on or to advertise in the blogs for downloads.

I’m sure it’ll be on @d0od’s ‘things to do after installing Ubuntu 18.04’ post but I guess you mean the official blogs too…

Also I’m not sure how they’re going to make the snap, making a snap for an entire desktop session hasn’t been attempted before :joy::joy:

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@ads20000 4 People, all CS students. Use a Mac now.
I think the snap is awesome, no doubts about that, but it’s still the “first experience” that’s going to stay. No one is gonna explicitly search for the snap and we also can’t promote it all the time …

Hate? Seriously? I give up… Have fun with Ambiance and the imagination a new user who wants a system for surfing the internet and using office would really like the looks of ubuntu. Ignoring users with no technical skills is just ignorant. Snaps, ppas, themes on gnome-look are things an average user won’t care about or take his time for. An OS should look good and work good from the start! Out of the box! There are enough companies who failed big time because they have not understand that there product has to be good from the start. The worst thing that could happen to a company is when it loses the connection to its target group. And this is how it looks at the moment.
And by the way i do not understand why you posted that post here. We already answered to didrock and know about the decision.

EDIT: To make it clear for a last time:

Look at this two cars:
Some would say the right one looks better. Other would say the left one looks better. There would be even people who would say both cars look horrible. When you look at both cars you would find one thing both have in common: they are modern. They fit to the time. They look like new cars.

And now take a look at this car:
Most would say it looks ugly AND old. And a few (maybe you) would say it looks good. But what is the difference between this car and the other two? It does not fit in our time. It looks dated. It looks OLD! Maybe it was beautiful for most people when it came out. Maybe people who bought it in the 80s still like the look of it because they feel connected to it. But the average car-buyer today would not want to drive this car. Because of the look it even looks unsafe.

And yes… Ubuntu with Ambiance is the third car! Imagine Elon Musk would try to sell a Tesla with that look.


@nusi Perfect analogy :+1: :wink:


This is why I think the default experience matters, but switching away from Ambiance for 18.04 doesn’t work out, as Didier has argued. But you were arguing that the theme should completely change every 2 years (you speaking about how Windows seems to do that) (though I think you’d be wrong, the Windows 10 design language isn’t far off Windows 8’s design language which is rather old - though maybe Ambiance → Communitheme would be considered a similar move to Windows 8 → 10).

I really don’t think Ambiance looks all that bad. The last car in the above example is more like the Windows 98 gray stuff (that we sometimes see in snaps and Wine apps whilst work on them is ongoing). Maybe 7 years is too long for a theme though, maybe not, a lot of people genuinely still like the look of Windows 7 (which used Aero from Vista (2006)), I think, and Windows 10’s design is like Windows 8’s design, and Windows 8 came out in 2012. Admittedly, I’ve had a look at some screenshots, and Ambiance does go further back than Unity, it seems to have been introduced in 10.04. It’s a long time ago, it’s ageing, but I don’t think it’s quite like the old car you showed, they key part being age ing, not age d.

Because not everyone here will necessarily have read that post since it was on a different thread.


I’ve been wanting this theme for some time, Adwaita with orange colors, thank you!
But I tried to install the .deb on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and didn’t work. I only comes with a Light blue variation. :confused:

Try to compile it from source. I never got to finish the packaging system now that it’s still Ambiance in 18.04

Thank you, never did something like that, but I’ll try. :slight_smile:

Let me know if you need any help, I put the instructions in the README of the repository :wink:

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I think the theme is working, but I need to edit the files to get the variant I want. I would like to have the dark with orange, but I don’t think that I edited the files right.

“To enable one of them, remove the // in front of each variant at the bottom of Adwaita-Ubuntu/gtk-3.0/_colors.scss and the # at the bottom of Adwaita-Ubuntu/gtk-2.0/gtkrc. Make sure you only have all but one variant commented out!”

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This looks right to me! What’s the output after running the compilation using

meson build --prefix=/usr
sudo ninja -C build install

(make sure you’ve got the sassc package installed)?