About the Introductions category

Hi, I am Alzadd from Philippines I majored in Mathematics and HR Management. I’d love to get along and connect with other people here. Hopefully I can get accepted as Junior HR Generalist position at Canonical.

Hello everyone,

I’m Janani from India. I’m a candidate for Kernel Maintenance Engineer - Ubuntu Linux at canonical. I am a software developer and an open source enthusiast. I have worked on many flavours of Linux OS like Ubuntu , Debian and BOSS(which is GNU Linux developed natively). I am very comfortable with using the CLI and open source tools.

I have been a member of OS team in my previous job. I have contributed in areas of Kernel patching , configuration, customisation and testing . I have worked on hardening the OS using Grsecurity. Debugging kernels and fixing runtime and compile time errors is a task which I do most often. I am good at writing shell and python scripts. I have good knowledge in containerising applications using Docker.

Hi all, I have been a Ubuntu user since, gosh, forever. I worked on some cool projects including deploying MAAS and customizing it a billion different ways. Anyway just thought I’d come on here and take a look around.

Super cool Ria, it sounds like you’ve gathered quite some expertise with MAAS. What was your favorite project?

Definitely the MAAS project for automated physical server deployment. It was quite involved as you can imagine. This was in a bank and you do need to fit everything around a maze of security but I did enjoy writing scripts and code to get things working.

Other than that in a previous role I also enjoyed architecting and building out content management systems using Wordpress and Drupal when I worked in that industry (engineering for high traffic public facing websites). It was heart stopping at times pushing something live and watching your app start to serve high volumes of traffic and wondering if things will break. We did news coverage for big events including US elections which are huge web traffic days.

On a side note, I also see you’re in Germany. I visited there earlier this year for the first time (Frankfurt, Nuremburg, Munich and Friedrichshafen) and also started learning German. I will go back next year with my family. I enjoyed it.

Oh banking, the requirements are a lot higher there, quite a feat. Have you considered contributing to MAAS? We have some opportunities here: https://maas.io/docs/how-to-give-and-receive-help

I’m glad you enjoyed Germany. You did the right thing to tour a few cities. I’m up in Hamburg, you should see it when you visit next time!

Feel free to DM me if you have questions.

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Thank you. I’ll certainly look into that for MAAS. Hamburg and Berlin are also on my list to visit.

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Hello Everyone! My name is Ana. I’m applying for the Project Manager - Ubuntu Embedded Systems position and it’s exciting to see a different type of hiring process! I’m happy to introduce myself.

I am a dedicated professional with a strong passion for technology, innovation, and sustainability. My diverse background includes experience in agriculture, data analysis, and collaboration with various types of clients. I thrive in dynamic environments, creative problem-solving, and have a knack for learning and adapting to new challenges. With a multicultural background I bring a unique perspective to the table. My goal is to contribute to a more sustainable world through my work.

It is so very nice to meet you all :slight_smile:

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Hi everyone!

My name is Inês Ventura and I am from Portugal.
I am applying for Curriculum Manager position and am excited to meet all of you!

I come from a Sales & Digital Marketing background and am currently working as a Sales Enablement Lead.

I’m used to building curriculums for different topics and areas and I have also built this for customer service programs before.

I am a huge nerd and I am currently learning Korean.

I love animals and have a very cute puppy named Zorro!

Thank you for reading this and I hope we get to know each other better in the future!

Hello World! I am Peppe, I am writing to express my keen interest in one of the Product Marketing positions at Canonical. As a dynamic tech expert with a passion for cutting-edge technologies and product management, I am excited about the opportunity to join your team and contribute to Canonical’s mission of driving innovation through open source. I have been using linux for the past years, in the context of ultra-fast data processing for imaging technology in particle physics.
Feel free to reach out to get to know more about me and my background! Looking forward to connecting with you :slight_smile:

Good day everyone! I am Ojarikre and very excited to be here. I received an email feedback for application to a job - Python Software Engineer - Ubuntu Hardware Certification Team position at Canonical.

My background is 11years in mechanical engineering, but in the last three years I have been starting with Python programming and Java. I have installed and used Ubuntu Linux OS a few times and have basic use of the command lines.

I am freelancing and learning from projects and have just starting contributing in a machine learning project in GitHub and I am presently learning IT. I love contributing to open source software and would like to grow meticulously into advanced software engineering with this community.

Thank you so much!

Hello everyone … I create blended learning, I’ve worked in vocational training and consulting a long time ago and traveled a lot with work, and recently spent more time in front of screens. Happy to discover and contribute to this platform as I pursue the Curriculum Manager position… and now I am eager to understand how does this Learning Community functions.

Nice to meet you. My name is Kurimochi, and I am Japanese. I am very excited to join this community.
I have been a user of ubuntu since 20.04 LTS and have been using it for various fields such as OS development and server construction. I can do the basics on the command line.
I look forward to growing in the IT field through the community.

This text is translated by Deepl translation, so there is a possibility of error.

Hello everyone,

My name is Deborah and this is my first access to Ubuntu Discourse.

I am a candidate for the Social Media Marketing Specialist role at Canonical and I am eager to learn more about the company and the team.

I hope to learn more about the company culture and the team dynamics.

Any words of advice or wisdom would be greatly appreciated.


Hey, all, great to be here.

I’m new to the Ubuntu community, specifically came here because of the new Microcloud presentation from the UK that was mentioned on Slashdot.

I’ve been trying to set it up but having minor issues, but I don’t seem to have enough credibility yet to allow me to post. Hopefully I’ll gain enough trust soon to be able to participate fully…

Hi everyone! I’m Emily, a transgender Linux nerd. I just fixed up my launchpad account with updated information and now I got myself a fancy Discourse account as well! Haven’t touched Ubuntu in ages on the desktop side, although my server currently runs Ubuntu Server 22.04 LTS. I’m not quite sure how I’m going to contribute honestly. I used to help quite a bit in the Fedora community with operations there, maybe there’s something similar here? I’m also slowly but surely learning how to code, and I’d love to learn how to package as well! I’m excited to get started, getting to know everyone and contributing!


Hi @lp2skyline, so glad to have you in the community! What part of operations are you interested in? A number of our services are run by Canonical, but we do have a few projects run by community members that may have operational needs, including our flavors.

On packaging, you are in luck, we’ve had a bunch of folks working on updating the Ubuntu Packaging Guide. The current draft is here. What would be super helpful is if you could read through that guide and let us know about areas that are unclear or assume too much knowledge. Feel free to create a post in the community category on this discourse and I’ll get the right folks reading it.

What type of coding are you getting into?

@dnebing Looks like your post made it through! How are things going with microcloud? Would love to hear how you are using it and what you think.

Hello there! I’m new to the community and look forward to contributing however I can, with whatever skills that I have that may be useful to the community. :smiley:

I love a good puzzle and also enjoy the mundane, a natural nerd, in his natural habitat. I’ve been out of college for quite sometime, and like to learn new things everyday. I’m what you’d call a life long learner with an obession with Linux and programming.

Thanks for reading!
Mike (aka Michael)

Good to see you @michael-carbone! Tell us more about what you’ve been up to before, and where you field of interest is! Is it more on development, technical writing, or design? Any specific technologies you feel very comfortable with?