A place to discuss the Ubuntu Desktop.
A post was split to a new topic: Minimising windows
A post was split to a new topic: Konica 266 Printer
A post was split to a new topic: Firefox Stopped Working
A post was split to a new topic: Desktop suggestions
How do i post a new topic here though?? I can’t find a start new topic button anywhere. Was about to ask something on https://discourse.ubuntu.com/c/desktop/8
Came here to say the same - there is no New Topic button?
Well, it is there for most of us. In the upper right corner. Maybe you need to have a minimum amount of posts to start a new topic?
2 posts were split to a new topic: The Torrent discussion topic
“discord-canary” should be moved from “Games” category in Ubuntu Software to “Social”.
A post was split to a new topic: Too many applications named “software”
3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Rename - “Software Updater” and “Software & Updates”
A post was split to a new topic: Bluetooth sound quality