Ubuntu 24.04 Testing Week

But there are no updates atm, dependencies are not ok.

It’s an upstream GNOME issue, but it’d really be great if this would be backported to this LTS if/when it’s merged. No drag/drop for the Archive Manager in Wayland is just a pain.

I enabled proposed in a partition where I have 24.04, after upgrade it no longer starts.

like for the latest release, I couldn’t use the “Try” option in my language.
I saw by then that it was a bug, but apparently not a blocker.
Not enabling people to try Ubuntu in their language is no problem? How accessible is this?

Additionally for Raspberry Pi 5
Edubuntu 24.04 has a much-request Rapberry Pi 5 image that is available for testing as well!

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You’re never supposed to enable the proposed repository and wholesale upgrade. That’s a surefire way to break the entire system. The proposed repository is not meant to be upgraded from.

The process is that you can add that repository, upgrade a specific package you’re trying to test via sudo apt install {package} , disable the proposed repository, and test.


When we are testing Ubuntu, we have very
detailed and specific instructions on what and
how to perform the testing.
Test Cases

I often try the ISO, having various ISOs installed in different partitions I wanted to take a risk by enabling the proposed.
trying the latest ISOs I saw that the ‘Applications’ installation screen ‘What app would you…’ in the extended selection says: … browser and games. But games are no longer installed!
Should I open a bug?


Which is fine if that’s what you really want to do and can deal with any adverse results.

Enabling -proposed during the development cycle won’t really give you an installation that Ubuntu’s
developers will want testing.

You obviously know this but for less experienced testers I feel I need to make this point.


I installed the Ubuntu Desktop PPA as from Desktop Team Integration Squad Updates – Monday 11th March 2024 and system does not starts. I have all the log and the crash file, can they be useful? as?

Technically PPAs (and snaps) were not part of an Ubuntu installation but their use by various Ubuntu teams now makes that somewhat unclear, e.g. firefox, libreoffice, chromium-browser, etc.

Of the updates you refer to @jbicha says:

but he doesn’t say by who or where any adverse reports should be made.

Maybe contact Ubuntu Desktop in Launchpad for clarification?

Two quick questions about filing bugs in the right places:

  1. I ran into installer issues when installing with ZFS and opened launchpad bugs against subiquity for that. Should I also open an issue on the dektop-provision Github?
  2. I see a regression when booting the live session/installer on my Intel MacBookPro - the trackpad doesn’t work. In 22.04 it works just fine. Where should I file the bug for that?

Thanks everyone! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Installation is working great for me. I have tested a desktop autoinstall configuration with encryption and the system seems stable. No issues with installation.

  version: 1
    - keyboard
    - network
  locale: en_GB.UTF-8
    layout: gb
    flavor: hwe
    hostname: unassigned-hostname
    username: local_admin
    realname: local_admin
    password: example_password
    install-server: true
    authorized-keys: []
    allow-pw: true
      reorder_uefi: false
      name: hybrid
      encrypted: yes
    - curl
    timezone: Europe/London
    - rsync -vr /cdrom/custom/scripts /target/tmp/
    - curtin in-target -- /tmp/scripts/my_script.sh

I did however encounter a bug with the first-time setup prompt after logging in. If I choose to ‘send system info to Canonical’ I get an error message every time.

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Looks like an outage on the other end in the Canonical infrastructure.


Hello you all,

where can I report the issue about the impossibility to try Ubuntu in another language than English?

I installed it in a VM (Libvirt KVM) yesterday OK. The installer issue seems to have been fixed. You only have the option of the full install though.

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This is correct. There is no minimal install option for Ubuntu Studio at this time. I’m in talks with the desktop team to make it so that install option selection can be skipped altogether. In the future we hope to create a minimal install option, but we just ran out of time before Feature Freeze this release.


Hello again,

where do I report the bug about the installer and the languages?
best regards


However, the languages issue is 1) work-in-progress, and 2) already a known and filed bug, so if you file a bug for the reason you stated, it’ll be marked as a duplicate.

What’s the criteria for the package versions included?

I just took a look and it appears that the OpenCV library version included (after apt update) is 4.6.0, which is 2.5 years old. After that there have been 4.7, 4.8 and 4.9 (OK this one is too recent). I got a bit disappointed. Is there some issue or compatibility problem?