Will all the Q&A from the linuxcontainers.org lxd forum be ported here (I hope)

Thought I’d ask…

Will all the Q&A from the linuxcontainers.org lxd forum be ported here?

As to myself I hope so since the “old” forum had a wealth of searchable LXD Tips, Questions & Answers etc and was often a great “search” resource.

Thanks for any info regarding this.



There are no plans to migrate the content of the https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/c/lxd/5 to this new forum.

However the old content is not planned to be removed, just sunset.

See https://discuss.linuxcontainers.org/t/lxd-is-no-longer-part-of-the-linux-containers-project/17593

The LXD section on the LinuxContainers community forum will slowly be sunset in favor of the Ubuntu Discourse forum run by Canonical

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Thanks for the clarification Tom.

The term “sunset” could be misinterpreted to mean “shut off access” so I just wanted to make sure.

No, it just means new topics wont be allowed in that category.

Glad to hear the data will be retained. Removing the LXC forum data would be a massive loss to the community.

I regularly come across old threads that help me solve problems.