Who should update some missing information in wiki page?

Hello !

I just found tried building the ubuntu kernel according to the instructions on the wiki (Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel - Ubuntu Wiki).

Unfortunatly, I got a wget error during the build process. However the fix was easy enough (https://askubuntu.com/questions/1195953/compiling-kernel-fails-during-dkms-build-downloading-zfs-with-error-404-not). I missed a dependency and just needed to :slight_smile:
sudo apt-get install gawk

Who should update the package list on the information in the Ubuntu BuildYourOwnKernel wiki page ? I don’t have the permissions to edit the page.


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@rdjondo-cav I’ve updated the wiki page now. You can join the Ubuntu Wiki Editors team to get the required permissions for editing the wiki pages.