Where is the installer slideshow stored for 24.04?

I think this is probably one for the devs. I need to find where the files for the installer slideshow is stored (what is shown when you install Ubuntu). I need to add info on there for my image. This was easy on the 22.04, but now all have changed for 24.04.1 LTS.
Also if you could tell how it is changed too, that would be appeciated. I have a nice image ready made through autoinstall. This is the last bit.
I hope you can help me.

You would best be served by looking at GitHub - canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision: Ubuntu Desktop Provision and exploring there. Anything for the slideshow can be overridden using the documentation in the README.

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Thank you. I looked at it, but it doesn’t say how I get the slides to work. I tried copying them in the early-commands section which is supposed to be before the installation starts, but didn’t work.
All that is said is " To customize the slides that are shown while the installation is underway you just need to add a slides directory in /usr/share/desktop-provision/slides" which isn’t that much to go on.

Just want to mention. My environment is university and not OEM. I have all kinds of university services to take in consideration when deploying an Ubuntu computer. I see my options are either in early-commands or in late-commands when fixing the autoinstall-things (for scripts and such). I dont see how where whitelabel.yaml fit in to my needs.
Maybe your main target is only OEM (like Dell, HP and Lenovo and such) for desktop provisioning. That would be sad though. Many more needs it.

I would appreciate a bit more info than what is on that page.

I solved it myself.
I got it to work when putting the commands in a bashscript under section early-commands. I added the new slides on the image. Don’t know if this was the best solution, but it works.

- bash /cdrom/nocloud/scripts/pre-install-setslides.sh

See script below.

sudo mkdir /usr/share/desktop-provision
sudo cp -r /cdrom/packages/slides/ /usr/share/desktop-provision/

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Could you please mark your post as the solution so others searching for this can find it.


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Sorry for not including how to get the slides.

You need to download the slides from here ubuntu-desktop-provision/apps/ubuntu_bootstrap/assets/slides at main · canonical/ubuntu-desktop-provision · GitHub and create same file/folder structure in your /cdrom/packages/slides/

The coding in the html files aren’t your standard kind so please be aware of that.

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