Weekly status #328

Weekly status for the weeks of 11th December to 31st December.


The highlight since the last update was the release of LXD 5.20. Please see the release notes for more information.

All of the LXD team were away for the Canonical holiday shutdown so the changes in this update all come from the week of the 11th to the 17th December.

LXD highlights


  • Adds support for the revive linter.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed handling nil stdout/stderr output writer(s) supplied to LXD client ExecInstance by discarding output.
  • Imported several storage related bug fixes from Incus.

All changes

The items listed below is all of the work which happened over the past week and which will be included in the next release.


LXD Charm

Distribution work

This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXD as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.


  • Nothing to report this week.


LXD snap

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