Weekly status for the week of 31st July to 6th August.
This past week LXD focused on improvements.
LXD highlights
- Various documentation and testing improvements.
- Allow the RaftSpare node to be the leader if the previous leader is removed from a 2-node-cluster.
- In lxddoc, sort the config options aphabetically within a config group.
Bug fixes
- Fix regressions caused by recent changes in the RBAC handling.
All changes
The items listed below is all of the work which happened over the past week and which will be included in the next release.
- Change RaftSpare node to RaftVoter
- Introduce Authorizer interface
- doc: Update IPAM cli output to use documentation-specific IP addresses
- SECURITY.md: update the security policy
- Switch to Diataxis navigation
- lxddoc: fix quotes issues
- lxd/networks: Don’t filter config on project owned networks
- Remove detection of LXC versions that are EOL
- github: Enable PKI and concurrent tests
- doc: move configuration options one level up
- Improve bound checking
- RBAC fixes
- Adds a “how to” for routed nic devices on VMs
- test/container_syscall_interception: supported releases have seccomp_notify support
- doc: add an index.html redirect for topical navigation
- Use smaller ISO files in tests
- lxddoc: Within a config group, alphabetically sort the config options
- github: keep GITHUB_ACTIONS in the test env to skip cleanup
- Update .deepsource.toml
- static-analysis: Fix shellcheck 0.9.x complaints
- Reduce noise in CI/test logs when DEBUG is set
LXD Charm
- Nothing to report this week.
Distribution work
This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXD as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.
- Nothing to report this week.
- Nothing to report this week.