Weekly news #351

Weekly status for the week of 17th June to 22th June.


In the past week, LXD received several bugfixes. In addition, support for trust passwords has been removed and will take effect in the release 6.1.

Remove password authentication - from Incus

LXD will no longer support authentication using a trust password. The support is retained in the CLI to ensure backwards compatibility with older LXD servers. From LXD 6.1, trust tokens can be used instead.

Documentation: Remote API authentication - Add client certificates using tokens


  • Fixed a race condition when unmapping PowerFlex volumes. Previously, subsequent volume mounts might pick up the path from the old, still existing volume before it was removed from the system, causing lxc import to fail.

  • When information about an image was retrieved, the image_type field within a source was not populated because it was only used when downloading an image. To make it consistent with the API definition, the image_type field is now always populated.

  • Previously, the creation of the directory storage pool would fail if a source directory contained a lost+found subdirectory. Now, the lost+found directory is allowed to exist if the source directory is the root of the mounted filesystem.

All changes

The items listed below is all of the work which happened over the past week and which will be included in the next release.



LXD Charm

  • Nothing to report this week

Distribution work

This section is used to track the work done in downstream Linux distributions to ship the latest LXD as well as work to get various software to work properly inside containers.


  • Nothing to report this week.

LXD snap