Unity 7 Theme Ideas and Concepts

Gnome Sushi. But it doesn’t look like this atm, don’t forget it’s only a mock-up.

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Hello everyone!
I modified the Yaru theme for Unity. Follow the link:



Nice! The light theme with dark title bar is a good choice imo. Does it go well Nemo? I see that some theme (Arc for example) make the sidebar look a little clutter (too little vertical spacing between items)

Hi all, I’ve almost finished the build for Unubuntu. I’ll be using GDM3 rather than lightdm. Just wanted to know if anyone agrees.

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It’s a good option. Are there any limitation to use lightdm? Or is it an arbitrary choice? In my previous experiences, the main difference is just visual. Additionally, the gdm in Ubuntu 20.04 is far better is comparison to the older versions.

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Personally prefer LightDM, especially Slick Greeter


Lightdm is much better in my opinion. Anyway, when it will be released?.


Another vote for lightdm.

I have got the ISO ready :slight_smile: Will be sharing it. About GDM3, lightdm wasn’t functioning properly

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And the website is in the works

Oh roger that. Aww… I’m exited :star_struck:

@mbut I’m ready with the beta release of Ubuntu Unity Remix 20.04 (Ubuntu+Unity7). You can download it from -
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/SVhh2YYZ#_I7l2cP0KNhHopP86ppoYgWj7Qo-aE7UR58clU-pus4
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BlAYzrVo5zcqx5HWlwNIKGJrOetHR1kP

The website will be coming up soon. Please feel free to join our Telegram Channel here: t.me/ubuntuunityannouncements.

That link doesn’t seem to work…

@jaime-cruz There was some server issue. This can now be downloaded from:

MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/SVhh2YYZ#_I7l2cP0KNhHopP86ppoYgWj7Qo-aE7UR58clU-pus4
Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1BlAYzrVo5zcqx5HWlwNIKGJrOetHR1kP

@jaime-cruz @mbut First release of Ubuntu Unity Remix 20.04 is ready! It can be downloaded from:

Google Drive: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1tjJ3jVSNZlT1_g4hnQJZg_jbbkUKtt2n/view?usp=sharing
MEGA: https://mega.nz/file/SEBHHY7S#6f827bKYQcIxLHbdnAwHCQp3dz4-3IwTyLA5Xs2l-wQ

Please join us on Telegram at: https://t.me/ubuntuunityannouncements
Website would be coming up soon.

Release Notes

  • It has been upgraded with the latest versions of Firefox, LibreOffice and the latest Kernel package in the repos.
  • Has the unofficial PPAs removed.
  • Bug fixes.
  • There has been a major change to GDM3, so lightdm has been removed completely. However, you can install it if you want to.

Thank you for all your support!


Looking excellent.

Looks like the Yaru theme is missing some key icons Unity uses on its top panel widget (network, wifi etc) and is defaulting to the ugly defaults. Is there any way to get around this? The older ubuntu stock icons had some good ones. Maybe locate these and try to upstream into Yaru?

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:+1: I was focusing on getting the old experience back, so didn’t include the new stuff. Your feedback noted for the next build :slight_smile: The current build is using Ambiance, not Yaru, but you can install it. I’ll add it in the next build.

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Thank you @rs2009 for your commitment. I really like unity! Please add the new theme before advertising this remix. If we get this thing right we could really resurrect Unity and hopefully attract new developers. We need them to give this project a stable future!

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Sure @neffscape, I have it as a top priority in my to-do list

@rs2009 I just tested your iso on my laptop (it works almost flawlessy… I will report a couple of minor bugs just to polish the final release). I also tried the Yarunity theme from Gnome-look.org. It’s almost perfect: we only need some tweaks for the indicator icons in the top panel. I wish we could use Humanity indicators in Yarunity theme. Is anyone able to change that?