Unable to install inkscape cannot perform following tasks:


I tried to download Inkscape through Ubuntu Software, Ubuntu 21.04, but before it could finish it returned this error: unable to install inkscape cannot perform following tasks:

As can everyone see, there aren’t any visible tasks… It’s blank and wasted my data plan trying to download that… (I don’t have unlimited internet…)

snapd shows the tasks it performed in snap changes, you should be able to get a list of tasks with that command, each with a change ID in front.

To get details of a specific change you can also do:

snap change <change ID>

$ snap changes

ID   Status  Spawn                     Ready                   Summary
1    Done    8 days ago, at 12:58 CAT  yesterday at 13:25 CAT  Initialize system state
2    Done    yesterday at 13:23 CAT    yesterday at 13:27 CAT  Initialize device
5    Error   yesterday at 17:37 CAT    yesterday at 18:40 CAT  Auto-refresh snap "gtk-common-themes"
6    Error   yesterday at 18:42 CAT    yesterday at 19:20 CAT  Auto-refresh snap "gtk-common-themes"
7    Done    today at 09:20 CAT        today at 09:21 CAT      Auto-refresh snap "gtk-common-themes"
8    Error   today at 12:07 CAT        today at 12:11 CAT      Install "inkscape" snap from "latest/stable" channel

$ snap change 8

Status  Spawn               Ready               Summary
Done    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Ensure prerequisites for "inkscape" are available
Error   today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Download snap "inkscape" (8746) from channel "latest/stable"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Fetch and check assertions for snap "inkscape" (8746)
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Mount snap "inkscape" (8746)
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Copy snap "inkscape" data
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Setup snap "inkscape" (8746) security profiles
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Make snap "inkscape" (8746) available to the system
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap "inkscape"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Set automatic aliases for snap "inkscape"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Setup snap "inkscape" aliases
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run install hook of "inkscape" snap if present
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Start snap "inkscape" (8746) services
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run configure hook of "inkscape" snap if present
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run health check of "inkscape" snap
Done    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Ensure prerequisites for "gnome-3-28-1804" are available
Error   today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Download snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145) from channel "stable"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Fetch and check assertions for snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145)
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Mount snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145)
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Copy snap "gnome-3-28-1804" data
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Setup snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145) security profiles
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Make snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145) available to the system
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Automatically connect eligible plugs and slots of snap "gnome-3-28-1804"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Set automatic aliases for snap "gnome-3-28-1804"
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Setup snap "gnome-3-28-1804" aliases
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run install hook of "gnome-3-28-1804" snap if present
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Start snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145) services
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run configure hook of "gnome-3-28-1804" snap if present
Hold    today at 12:07 CAT  today at 12:11 CAT  Run health check of "gnome-3-28-1804" snap

Download snap "inkscape" (8746) from channel "latest/stable"

2021-04-28T12:11:23+02:00 ERROR unexpected EOF

Download snap "gnome-3-28-1804" (145) from channel "stable"

2021-04-28T12:11:26+02:00 ERROR unexpected EOF

That looks like the download of those two snaps failed.

alan@robot:~$ ls -l /var/lib/snapd/snaps/inkscape_8746.snap 
-rw------- 1 root root 145485824 Apr 25 13:08 /var/lib/snapd/snaps/inkscape_8746.snap
alan@robot:~$ sudo sha1sum /var/lib/snapd/snaps/inkscape_8746.snap
8b798af8ac016e869c6035602e950a1c535564f3  /var/lib/snapd/snaps/inkscape_8746.snap
alan@robot:~$ ls -l /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_145.snap 
-rw------- 1 root root 170778624 Oct 12  2020 /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_145.snap
alan@robot:~$ sudo sha1sum /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_145.snap
63e1940da8f03619ca4d80e80a3170d6267b105c  /var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-3-28-1804_145.snap

Do the files exist, and have similar checksums?

$ sudo snap install krita
[sudo] password for [user]: 
error: cannot perform the following tasks:
- Download snap "krita" (63) from channel "stable" (unexpected EOF)
- Download snap "kde-frameworks-5-core18" (32) from channel "stable" (unexpected EOF)

That’s really a bad joke, my data plan isn’t unlimited…

this honestly looks like some kind of network cut to me …

I’m facing constant USB Dongle alternation from 4G to 3G. Reported that on launchpad, but even if it’s network cut, shouldn’t daemon reestablish the download when network is available once again?

one would expect so, but i guess that’s rather a question to the snapd team in https://forum.snapcraft.io … i know that snapd already throttles the download speed if network-manager reports a connection as “metered” (i.e. 3G/4G) perhaps it cant cope as well as it should with the additional switching between 3/4G in that mode …