UbuntuOnAir Week of September 6

Hello! Here is the weekly announcement and topic for this week’s streams - please post any questions before hand or comments for follow up in your replies!

Two streams this week - we’re introducing a new community streamer from the Ubuntu MATE team, and we have the regular Community Office Hours on Thursday! As always, if you’re interested in creating content/hosting a stream, let us know on the Call for Content Discourse post!

Tuesday, 7 September
Setting up a PHP and Angular dev environment in Ubuntu | YannickOnAir: Our newest community host starts with the first part of a two-part series, and this week is all about setting up your dev environment. Part Two, on 21 September, will be using your new dev environment to create a simple web app. The stream starts at 12:30 Pacific/3:30 Eastern/7:30 PM UTC, and Yannick’s streams will take place every other week. Join the stream on our Twitch channel or on YouTube

Thursday, 9 September
Indaba Interviews! | Community Office Hours: This week, Monica and Rhys are chatting with Heather Ellsworth from the Desktop Team and host of the monthly Indabas! We’ll talk about her long-standing involvement in open source, what she’s doing to strengthen the relationship between Canonical and the Ubuntu community, and maybe - maybe - get a ukelele song or two! The stream starts at 9 AM Pacific/noon Eastern/4 PM UTC on our Twitch channel or on YouTube