Ubuntu UK - Real Ale Train

Introducing our first in-person meeting in quite some time!

When: From 2024-05-11T18:00:00Z until 2024-05-11T21:30:00Z
Where: Alton Railway Station
What: :steam_locomotive::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car::railway_car: :beer: :wine_glass: :curry: :taco:

A somewhat traditional social gathering we havenโ€™t done for a few years. The Real Ale Train is an old steam train pulling carriages in which people socialise and consume beer and optionally food. The ale (and hot food) can be purchased and consumed onboard or pre-ordered in advance.

The train goes back and forth on the Watercress line - a registered charity raising money to keep the line running.


Hereโ€™s a picture from their website. Donโ€™t these people look happy!?

How to participate

  • Buy your ticket (ยฃ30) (optionally pre-buy beer and food at checkout)
  • Make your way there
  • Enjoy beer, food, and chatter with fellow UK nerds (and non-nerds)
  • Get home safely

Note: Laptops are not required to enjoy this event.


Cant wait to see folks in person again! Thanks


Hey folks, the event isnโ€™t that far away and just wondering whoโ€™s coming along? In the past weโ€™ve met up before hand for some food, ( you can get food on the train) but some folks want something more substantial and I was going to book a table depending on numbers at the local pub near the train station in Farnham.

Whoโ€™s bought their tickets? T-45 days :smiley:

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Hayley and myself will be there. Choo-choo

Got my ticket. For those who canโ€™t make it, weโ€™ll take photos, and maybe video.


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