Ubuntu High Availability - Corosync, Pacemaker & Shared Disk Environments

Ubuntu High Availability

Shared SCSI Disk only Environments - Microsoft Azure

This tutorial shows how to deploy a HA Cluster in an environment that supports SCSI shared disks. This is a generic and portable example (working for Real and Virtual machines) as it does not rely in implementation-specific fencing agents (BMC, iLOs, etc): it relies only on SCSI shared disk fencing AND watchdog reset.


  1. I have made this document with Microsoft Azure Cloud environment in my head and that’s why the beginning of this document shows how to get a SHARED SCSI DISK in an Azure environment. Clustering examples given bellow will work with any environment, physical or virtual.

  2. If you want to skip the cloud provider configuration, just search for BEGIN keyword and you will be taken to the cluster and OS specifics.

Microsoft Azure: Shared SCSI Disk Feature

As all High Availability Clusters, this one also needs some way to guarantee consistence among different cluster resources. Clusters usually do that by having fencing mechanisms: A way to guarantee the other nodes are not accessing the resources before services running on them, and managed by the cluster, are taken over.

If following this mini tutorial for a Microsoft Azure Environment setup, make sure to have in mind that this example needs Microsoft Azure Shared Disk feature:

And the Linux Kernel Module called “softdog”:

  • /lib/modules/xxxxxx-azure/kernel/drivers/watchdog/softdog.ko

Azure clubionicshared01 disk json file “shared-disk.yaml”:

    "$schema": "https://schema.management.azure.com/schemas/2015-01-01/deploymentTemplate.json#",
    "contentVersion": "",
    "parameters": {
        "diskName": {
            "type": "string",
            "defaultValue": "clubionicshared01"
        "diskSizeGb": {
            "type": "int",
            "defaultValue": 1024
        "maxShares": {
            "type": "int",
            "defaultValue": 4
    "resources": [
            "apiVersion": "2019-07-01",
            "type": "Microsoft.Compute/disks",
            "name": "[parameters('diskName')]",
            "location": "westcentralus",
            "sku": {
                "name": "Premium_LRS"
            "properties": {
                "creationData": {
                    "createOption": "Empty"
                "diskSizeGB": "[parameters('diskSizeGb')]",
                "maxShares": "[parameters('maxShares')]"
            "tags": {}

Command to create the resource in a resource-group called “clubionic”:

$ az group deployment create --resource-group clubionic \
    --template-file ./shared-disk.json

Environment Creation Basics

Initial idea is to create the network interfaces:

  • clubionic{01,02,03}{public,private}
  • clubionic{01,02,03}-public
  • associate XXX-public interfaces to clubionic{01,02,03}public

And then create then create the clubionicshared01 disk (using provided yaml file example). After those are created, next step is to create the 3 needed virtual machines with the proper resources, like showed above, so we can move on in with the cluster configuration.

You will create a resource-group called “clubionic” with the following resources at first:

clubionicplacement      	Proximity placement group
clubionicnet            	Virtual Network
clubionic01             	Virtual machine
clubionic01-ip          	Public IP address
clubionic01private      	Network interface
clubionic01public       	Network interface (clubionic01-ip associated)
clubionic01_OsDisk...   	OS Disk (automatic creation)
clubionic02             	Virtual machine
clubionic02-ip          	Public IP address
clubionic02private      	Network interface
clubionic02public       	Network interface (clubionic02-ip associated)
clubionic02_OsDisk...   	OS Disk (automatic creation)
clubionic03             	Virtual machine
clubionic03-ip          	Public IP address
clubionic03private      	Network interface
clubionic03public       	Network interface (clubionic03-ip associated)
clubionic03_OsDisk...   	OS Disk (automatic creation)
clubionicshared01       	Shared Disk (created using cmdline and json file)
rafaeldtinocodiag       	Storage account (needed for console access)

Customizing Deployed VM with cloud-init

I have created a small cloud-init file that can be used in “advanced” tab during VM creation screens (you can copy and paste it there):

package_upgrade: true
  - man
  - manpages
  - hello
  - locales
  - less
  - vim
  - jq
  - uuid
  - bash-completion
  - sudo
  - rsync
  - bridge-utils
  - net-tools
  - vlan
  - ncurses-term
  - iputils-arping
  - iputils-ping
  - iputils-tracepath
  - traceroute
  - mtr-tiny
  - tcpdump
  - dnsutils
  - ssh-import-id
  - openssh-server
  - openssh-client
  - software-properties-common
  - build-essential
  - devscripts
  - ubuntu-dev-tools
  - linux-headers-generic
  - gdb
  - strace
  - ltrace
  - lsof
  - sg3-utils
  - path: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
    content: |
      Port 22
      AddressFamily any
      SyslogFacility AUTH
      LogLevel INFO
      PermitRootLogin yes
      PubkeyAuthentication yes
      PasswordAuthentication yes
      ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
      GSSAPIAuthentication no
      HostbasedAuthentication no
      PermitEmptyPasswords no
      UsePAM yes
      IgnoreUserKnownHosts yes
      IgnoreRhosts yes
      X11Forwarding yes
      X11DisplayOffset 10
      X11UseLocalhost yes
      PermitTTY yes
      PrintMotd no
      TCPKeepAlive yes
      ClientAliveInterval 5
      PermitTunnel yes
      Banner none
      Subsystem     sftp /usr/lib/openssh/sftp-server
  - path: /etc/ssh/ssh_config
    content: |
      Host *
        ForwardAgent no
        ForwardX11 no
        PasswordAuthentication yes
        CheckHostIP no
        AddressFamily any
        SendEnv LANG LC_* EDITOR PAGER
        StrictHostKeyChecking no
        HashKnownHosts yes
  - path: /etc/sudoers
    content: |
        Defaults env_keep += "LANG LANGUAGE LINGUAS LC_* _XKB_CHARSET"
        Defaults env_keep += "HOME EDITOR SYSTEMD_EDITOR PAGER"
        Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin"
        Defaults logfile=/var/log/sudo.log,loglinelen=0
        Defaults !syslog, !pam_session
        root ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
        %wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
        %sudo ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
        rafaeldtinoco ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL
  - systemctl stop snapd.service
  - systemctl stop unattended-upgrades
  - systemctl stop systemd-remount-fs
  - system reset-failed
  - passwd -d root
  - passwd -d rafaeldtinoco
  - echo "debconf debconf/priority select low" | sudo debconf-set-selections
  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive dpkg-reconfigure debconf
  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get update -y
  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get dist-upgrade -y
  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get autoremove -y
  - DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get autoclean -y
  - systemctl disable systemd-remount-fs
  - systemctl disable unattended-upgrades
  - systemctl disable apt-daily-upgrade.timer
  - systemctl disable apt-daily.timer
  - systemctl disable accounts-daemon.service
  - systemctl disable motd-news.timer
  - systemctl disable irqbalance.service
  - systemctl disable rsync.service
  - systemctl disable ebtables.service
  - systemctl disable pollinate.service
  - systemctl disable ufw.service
  - systemctl disable apparmor.service
  - systemctl disable apport-autoreport.path
  - systemctl disable apport-forward.socket
  - systemctl disable iscsi.service
  - systemctl disable open-iscsi.service
  - systemctl disable iscsid.socket
  - systemctl disable multipathd.socket
  - systemctl disable multipath-tools.service
  - systemctl disable multipathd.service
  - systemctl disable lvm2-monitor.service
  - systemctl disable lvm2-lvmpolld.socket
  - systemctl disable lvm2-lvmetad.socket
  preserve_sources_list: false
    - arches: [default]
      uri: http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
  sources_list: |
    deb $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse
    deb $MIRROR $RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse
    deb $MIRROR $RELEASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
    deb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse
    deb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse
    deb-src $MIRROR $RELEASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
  conf: |
    Dpkg::Options {
      source: |
        # deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $RELEASE main restricted universe multiverse
        # deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $RELEASE-updates main restricted universe multiverse
        # deb http://ddebs.ubuntu.com $RELEASE-proposed main restricted universe multiverse
      keyid: C8CAB6595FDFF622

Important - this is just an example to show a bit of cloud-init capabilities. Feel free to change this at your will.

Check if the SCSI reservation feature works

After provisioning machines clubionic01, clubionic02, clubionic03 (Standard D2s v3 with 2 vCPUs and 8 GiB memory) with Linux Ubuntu Bionic (18.04), using the same resource-group (clubionic), located in West Central US - at the time of this write this was the only location supporting the shared SCSI disk feature - AND having the same proximity placement group (clubionicplacement), you will be able to access all the virtual machines through their public IPs… and make sure the shared disk works as a fencing mechanism by testing SCSI persistent reservations using the “sg3-utils” tools.

Run these commands in at least 1 node after the shared disk attached to it:


  • Read current reservations

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist -r  /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
      PR generation=0x0, there is NO reservation held
  • Register new reservation key 0x123abc

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist --out --register \
      --param-sark=123abc /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
  • Reserve the DEVICE with write exclusive permission

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist --out --reserve \
      --param-rk=123abc --prout-type=5 /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
  • Check the reservation just made

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist -r /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
      PR generation=0x3, Reservation follows:
        scope: LU_SCOPE,  type: Write Exclusive, registrants only
  • Release the reservation

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist --out --release \
      --param-rk=123abc --prout-type=5 /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
  • Unregister previously registered reservation key

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist --out --register \
      --param-rk=123abc /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
  • Make sure reservation is gone

    rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo sg_persist -r /dev/sdc
      Msft      Virtual Disk      1.0
      Peripheral device type: disk
      PR generation=0x4, there is NO reservation held


Cluster Network

Now it is time to configure the cluster network. In the beginning of this recipe you saw there were 2 subnet created in the virtual network assigned to this environment:

clubionicnet            Virtual network
    - private 
    - public  

Since there might be a limit of 2 extra virtual network adapters attached to your VMs, we are doing the minimum required amount of networks for the HA cluster to operate in good conditions.

  • Public Network
    This is the network where the HA cluster virtual IPs will be placed on. This
    means that every cluster node will have 1 IP from this subnet assigned to
    itself and possibly a floating IP, depending on where the service is running
    (the resource is active).

  • Private Network
    is “internal-to-cluster” interface where all the cluster nodes will
    continuously exchange messages regarding the cluster state. This network is
    important as corosync relies on it to know if the cluster nodes are online or

    It is also possible to create a 2nd virtual adapter to each of the nodes for a
    2nd ring in the cluster messaging layer. Depending on how you configure 2nd
    ring it may either reduce delays in message delivering OR duplicating all
    cluster messages to maximize availability.


  • Provision the 3 VMs with 2 network interfaces each (public & private)

  • Make sure that, when started, all 3 of them have an external IP (to access)

  • A 4th machine is possible (just to access the env, depending on topology)

  • Make sure both, public and private networks are configured as:

 - public   =
 - private  =

 - public   =
 - private  =

 - public   =
 - private  =

Important - And that all interfaces are have to be configured as static despite being provided by the cloud environment through DHCP. The lease renew attempts of a DHCP client might interfere in the cluster communication and cause false positives for resource failures.

Ubuntu Networking
(ifupdown VS netplan.io + systemd-networkd)

Ubuntu Bionic Cloud Images, deployed by Microsoft Azure in our VMs, come, by default, installed with netplan.io network tool installed, using systemd-networkd as its backend network provider.

This means that all the network interfaces are being configured and managed by
systemd. Unfortunately, because of bug LP: #1815101, currently being worked on, any HA environment that needs to have virtual aliases configured should rely in the previous ifupdown network management method.

This happens because systemd-networkd AND netplan.io have to be fixed in
order to correctly restart interfaces containing virtual aliases being controlled by HA software.

Instructions on how to remove netplan.io AND install ifupdown + resolvconf packages:

$ sudo apt-get remove --purge netplan.io
$ sudo apt-get install ifupdown bridge-utils vlan resolvconf
$ sudo apt-get install cloud-init

$ sudo rm /etc/netplan/50-cloud-init.yaml
$ sudo vi /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-custom-networking.cfg
$ sudo cat /etc/cloud/cloud.cfg.d/99-custom-networking.cfg
network: {config: disabled}

Configure the interfaces using ifupdown:

$ cat /etc/network/interfaces

auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# public

auto eth0
iface eth0 inet static

# private

auto eth1
iface eth1 inet static

Adjust /etc/hosts:

$ cat /etc/hosts localhost

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

Disable systemd-networkd:

$ sudo systemctl disable systemd-networkd.service \
  systemd-networkd.socket systemd-networkd-wait-online.service \

$ sudo update-initramfs -k all -u

Make sure grub configuration is right:

$ cat /etc/default/grub

GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="console=tty1 console=ttyS0 earlyprintk=ttyS0 rootdelay=300 elevator=noop apparmor=0"
GRUB_SERIAL_COMMAND="serial --speed=9600 --unit=0 --word=8 --parity=no --stop=1"

$ sudo update-grub

Make sure clock is synchronized:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo timedatectl set-ntp true

and reboot (stop and start the instance so grub command line is changed).

$ ifconfig -a
eth0: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::20d:3aff:fef8:6551  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:0d:3a:f8:65:51  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 483  bytes 51186 (51.1 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 415  bytes 65333 (65.3 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

eth1: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST>  mtu 1500
        inet  netmask  broadcast
        inet6 fe80::20d:3aff:fef8:3d01  prefixlen 64  scopeid 0x20<link>
        ether 00:0d:3a:f8:3d:01  txqueuelen 1000  (Ethernet)
        RX packets 0  bytes 0 (0.0 B)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 11  bytes 866 (866.0 B)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

lo: flags=73<UP,LOOPBACK,RUNNING>  mtu 65536
        inet  netmask
        inet6 ::1  prefixlen 128  scopeid 0x10<host>
        loop  txqueuelen 1000  (Local Loopback)
        RX packets 84  bytes 6204 (6.2 KB)
        RX errors 0  dropped 0  overruns 0  frame 0
        TX packets 84  bytes 6204 (6.2 KB)
        TX errors 0  dropped 0 overruns 0  carrier 0  collisions 0

Important - cluster nodes must have ifupdown installed and systemd-networkd + netplan.io disabled. Interfaces managed by the resource manager (to be seen ahead in this doc) won’t be configured through ifupdown nor systemd-networkd.

Configure the Messaging Layer

First make sure the file /etc/hosts is the same in all cluster nodes. Make sure you have something similar to:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ cat /etc/hosts localhost clubionic01

::1 ip6-localhost ip6-loopback
fe00::0 ip6-localnet
ff00::0 ip6-mcastprefix
ff02::1 ip6-allnodes
ff02::2 ip6-allrouters
ff02::3 ip6-allhosts

# cluster clubionic       # floating IP (application) bionic01        # node01 public IP bionic02        # node02 public IP bionic03        # node03 public IP clubionic01      # node01 ring0 private IP clubionic02      # node02 ring0 private IP clubionic03      # node03 ring0 private IP

And that all names are accessible from all nodes:

$ ping clubionic01

Important Fixes

  1. Before moving on make sure you have installed the following package versions:
  • pacemaker      1.1.18-0ubuntu1.2
  • fence-agents  4.0.25-2ubuntu1.1

Install corosync, the messaging layer, in all the 3 nodes:

$ sudo apt-get install corosync corosync-doc

and, with packages properly installed, create the corosync.conf file:

$ sudo cat /etc/corosync/corosync.conf
totem {
        version: 2
        secauth: off
        cluster_name: clubionic
        transport: udpu

nodelist {
        node {
                # ring1_addr:
                name: clubionic01
                nodeid: 1
        node {
                # ring1_addr:
                name: clubionic02
                nodeid: 2
        node {
                # ring1_addr:
                name: clubionic03
                nodeid: 3

quorum {
        provider: corosync_votequorum
        two_node: 0

qb {
        ipc_type: native

logging {

        fileline: on
        to_stderr: on
        to_logfile: yes
        logfile: /var/log/corosync/corosync.log
        to_syslog: no
        debug: off


Before restarting corosync service with this new configuration, we have to create a corosync key file and share among all the cluster nodes:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo corosync-keygen

Corosync Cluster Engine Authentication key generator.
Gathering 1024 bits for key from /dev/random.
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy.
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy (bits = 920).
Press keys on your keyboard to generate entropy (bits = 1000).
Writing corosync key to /etc/corosync/authkey.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo scp /etc/corosync/authkey \

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo scp /etc/corosync/authkey \

NOW we are ready to make corosync service started by default:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl enable --now corosync
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl restart corosync

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl enable --now corosync
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl restart corosync

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl enable --now corosync
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl restart corosync

Attention - Some administrators prefer NOT to have cluster services started automatically. This is usually a good idea if you consider that in case of a failure, and a node is taken outside the cluster, it is a good idea to investigate what happened and that putting that node back on the cluster won’t cause any harm to other nodes and remaining started applications.

Finally, it is time to check if the messaging layer of our new cluster is good. Don’t worry too much about restarting nodes as the resource-manager (pacemaker) is not installed yet and quorum won’t be enforced.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo corosync-quorumtool -si

Quorum information
Date:             Mon Feb 24 01:54:10 2020
Quorum provider:  corosync_votequorum
Nodes:            3
Node ID:          1
Ring ID:          1/16
Quorate:          Yes

Votequorum information
Expected votes:   3
Highest expected: 3
Total votes:      3
Quorum:           2
Flags:            Quorate

Membership information
    Nodeid      Votes Name
         1          1 (local)
         2          1
         3          1

Install the resource manager

With the messaging layer in place, itt is time for the resource-manager to be installed and configured. Let’s install the pacemaker packages and create our initial cluster.

Install pacemaker in all the 3 nodes:

$ sudo apt-get install pacemaker pacemaker-cli-utils \
    resource-agents fence-agents crmsh

Enable pacemaker - the cluster resource-manager - and activate it:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl enable --now pacemaker

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl enable --now pacemaker

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl enable --now pacemaker

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: NONE
Last updated: Mon Feb 24 01:56:11 2020
Last change: Mon Feb 24 01:40:53 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
0 resources configured

Node clubionic01: UNCLEAN (offline)
Node clubionic02: UNCLEAN (offline)
Node clubionic03: UNCLEAN (offline)

No active resources

As you can see we have to wait until the resource manager uses the messaging transport layer and defines all nodes status. Give it a few seconds to settle and you will have:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Feb 24 01:57:22 2020
Last change: Mon Feb 24 01:40:54 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic02

3 nodes configured
0 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

No active resources

Configure resource manager for the first time

Perfect! It is time to do a few “basic” setup for pacemaker. Here, in this doc, I’m using “crmsh” tool to configure the cluster. For Ubuntu Bionic this is the preferred way of configuring pacemaker.

At anytime you can execute crm and navigate a pseudo filesystem of interfaces, each of them containing multiple commands.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm

crm(live)# ls

cibstatus        help             site
cd               cluster          quit
end              script           verify
exit             ra               maintenance
bye              ?                ls
node             configure        back
report           cib              resource
up               status           corosync
options          history

crm(live)# cd configure

crm(live)configure# ls
..               get_property     cibstatus
primitive        set              validate_all
help             rsc_template     ptest
back             cd               default-timeouts
erase            validate-all     rsctest
rename           op_defaults      modgroup
xml              quit             upgrade
group            graph            load
master           location         template
save             collocation      rm
bye              clone            ?
ls               node             default_timeouts
exit             acl_target       colocation
fencing_topology assist           alert
ra               schema           user
simulate         rsc_ticket       end
role             rsc_defaults     monitor
cib              property         resource
edit             show             up
refresh          order            filter
get-property     tag              ms
verify           commit           history

And you can even edit the CIB file for the cluster:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure edit
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm
crm(live)# cd configure
crm(live)configure# edit
crm(live)configure# commit
INFO: apparently there is nothing to commit
INFO: try changing something first

Let’s check the current cluster configuration:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure show
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \

Two important things before we attempt to configure any resource:

  1. we are missing a “watchdog” device
  2. there is no “fencing” configured for the cluster.

Important - Explaining what the watchdog mechanism is or how fencing works is beyond the scope of this document. Do have in mind that an high availability cluster has to be configured correctly in order to be supported AND having the correct amount of votes in a cluster split scenario AND a way to fence the remaining nodes is imperative.

Nevertheless - For this example it is mandatory that pacemaker knows how to decide which side of the cluster is the one that should be still enabled WHEN there is a problem in one of the participating nodes. In our example we will use 3 nodes so each remaining 2 nodes can form a new cluster when fencing 1 possible fenced node.

Some basic information regarding HA clusters

Usually fencing comes in the form of power fencing: The quorate side of the cluster is able to get a positive response from the fencing mechanism of the problematic side through an external communication path (remaining cluster nodes can still reach the ILO/BMC network).

For our case, we are going to use shared SCSI disk and its SCSI3 feature called SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATIONS as the fencing mechanism: Every time the messaging ring faces a disruption, the quorate side (in this 3-node example: the side that still has 2 nodes communicating through the private ring network) will make sure to fence the other node.

Other node will be fenced using SCSI PERSISTENT RESERVATION (a remaining node in this recently formed 2 node cluster will remove the reservation key used by the node to be fenced). This will make the fenced node unable to do any I/O to the shared disk AND that is why your application HAS to have all its data in the shared disk).

Other fencing mechanisms support “reboot/reset” action whenever the quorate cluster wants to fence a node. Let’s start calling things by name:

  • pacemaker has a service called stonith (shot the other node in the head) and that’s how it executes fencing actions: by having fencing agents (fence_scsi in our case) configured in the resource manager AND having arguments given to these agents that will execute programmed actions to shoot the other node in the head.

Since fence_scsi agent does not have a reboot/reset action, it is good to have a watchdog device capable of realizing that the node cannot read and/or write to a shared disk and kill itself whenever that happens.

With fence_scsi + a watchdog device we have a complete solution for HA: a fencing mechanism that will block the fenced node to read or write from the application disk (saving a filesystem from being corrupted) AND a watchdog device that will, as soon as it realizes the node has been fenced, reset the node.

Watchdog Device

There are multiple HW watchdog devices around but if you don’t have one in your HW (and/or virtual machine) you can always count with the in-kernel software watchdog device: the softdog.

$ apt-get install watchdog

For the questions when installing the “watchdog” package, make sure to set:

Watchdog module to preload: softdog

and all the others to default. Install the “watchdog” package in all 3 nodes.

Of course watchdog daemon (and kernel module) won’t do anything to pacemaker by themselves. We have to tell watchdog that we would like it to check for the fence_scsi shared disks access from time to time.

The way we do this is:

$ apt-file search fence_scsi_check
fence-agents: /usr/share/cluster/fence_scsi_check

$ sudo mkdir /etc/watchdog.d/
$ sudo cp /usr/share/cluster/fence_scsi_check /etc/watchdog.d/
$ systemctl restart watchdog

$ ps -ef | grep watch
root        41     2  0 00:10 ?        00:00:00 [watchdogd]
root      8612     1  0 02:21 ?        00:00:00 /usr/sbin/watchdog

Also do that for all the 3 nodes.

After configuring watchdog, lets keep it disabled and stopped until we are satisfied with our cluster configuration. This will prevent our cluster nodes to be fenced by accident during resources configuration.

$ systemctl disable watchdog
Synchronizing state of watchdog.service with SysV service script with /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install.
Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install disable watchdog

$ systemctl stop watchdog

Basic cluster configuration items

Our cluster has **fence_scsi" resource to fence a node AND watchdog devices (/dev/watchdog) created by the kernel module “softdog” and managed by the watchdog daemon, which executes our fence_scsi_check script.

Our cluster will have a fence_scsi resource to fence a node and a watchdog device to shutdown/reset the node in case we are the ones being fenced.

Let’s tell this to the cluster:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure
crm(live)configure# property stonith-enabled=on
crm(live)configure# property stonith-action=off
crm(live)configure# property no-quorum-policy=stop
crm(live)configure# property have-watchdog=true
crm(live)configure# commit
crm(live)configure# end
crm(live)# end
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure show
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=true \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \

By telling pacemaker we have a watchdog device, and what is our fencing policy, we also have to configure a fence resource that will be running at the cluster.

  1. Make sure no reservations are in place for the shared disk you will use

  2. Make sure all the applications that will be managed by pacemaker agents
    do have their data in the shared disk to be used

  3. Make sure the shared disk has the same name in all cluster nodes. In this
    example all nodes have “/dev/sda” as the disk name. That is not a good
    practice as the disks might get another device name in other boots. It
    is better to use “/dev/disk/by-path” device paths, for example. I kept
    /dev/sda in this document for the sake of

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo sg_persist --in --read-keys --device=/dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x0, there are NO registered reservation keys

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo sg_persist -r /dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x0, there is NO reservation held

Configure fence_clubionic fence_scsi agent:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure primitive fence_clubionic \
    stonith:fence_scsi params \
    pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" \
    devices="/dev/disk/by-path/acpi-VMBUS:01-scsi-0:0:0:0" \
    meta provides=unfencing

After creating the fencing agent, make sure it is running:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Feb 24 04:06:15 2020
Last change: Mon Feb 24 04:06:11 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
1 resource configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic01

and that the reservations were put in place:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo sg_persist --in --read-keys --device=/dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x3, 3 registered reservation keys follow:

Having 3 keys registered show that all the 3 nodes have registered their keys while, when checking which host holds the reservation, you have to see a single node key:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo sg_persist -r /dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x3, Reservation follows:
    scope: LU_SCOPE,  type: Write Exclusive, registrants only

Testing fencing before moving on

It is very important we are able to fence nodes. In our case, as we are also using a watchdog device, we want to make sure that our fenced node will reboot in access to the share scsi disk is lost.

In order to obtain that, we can do a simple test:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 16:43:01 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 16:38:55 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
1 resource configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic01

You can see that fence_clubionic resource is running at clubionic01. With that information, network communication of that particular node can be stopped in order to test fencing and watchdog suicide. Before moving on, check:

  1. fence_clubionic service has to be started in another node
  2. clubionic01 (where fence_clubionic is running) will reboot

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo iptables -A INPUT -i eth2 -j DROP

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon  -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 16:45:31 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 16:38:55 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
1 resource configured

Online: [ clubionic02 clubionic03 ]
OFFLINE: [ clubionic01 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02

Okay (1) worked. fence_clubionic resource migrated to clubionic02 node AND the reservation key from clubionic01 node was removed from the shared storage:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo sg_persist --in --read-keys --device=/dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x4, 2 registered reservation keys follow:

After up to 60sec (default timeout for the softdog driver + watchdog daemon):

[ 596.943649] reboot: Restarting system

clubionic01 node is rebooted by the watchdog daemon: remember the file /etc/watchdog.d/fence_scsi_check ? that file was responsible for making watchdog daemon to reboot the node when access to the shared scsi disk was lost.

After the reboot succeeds:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo sg_persist --in --read-keys --device=/dev/sda
  LIO-ORG   cluster.bionic.   4.0
  Peripheral device type: disk
  PR generation=0x5, 3 registered reservation keys follow:
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 16:49:44 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 16:38:55 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
1 resource configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02

Its all back to normal, but fence_clubionic agent stays where it was:
clubionic02 node. This cluster behavior is usually to avoid the "ping-pong"
effect for intermittent failures.

Configure Resources in Pacemaker

Now we are going to install a simple web server (lighttpd) service in all the nodes and have it managed by pacemaker. The idea is simple: to have a virtual IP migrating in between the nodes, serving a web server (lighttpd) service with files coming from the shared filesystem disk.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ apt-get install lighttpd
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl stop lighttpd.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl disable lighttpd.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ apt-get install lighttpd
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl stop lighttpd.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl disable lighttpd.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ apt-get install lighttpd
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl stop lighttpd.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl disable lighttpd.service

Having the hostname inside index.html file we will be able to tell us which node
is active when accessing the virtual IP, that will be migrating among all 3

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo rm /var/www/html/*.html
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ echo $HOSTNAME | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo rm /var/www/html/*.html
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ echo $HOSTNAME | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo rm /var/www/html/*.html
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ echo $HOSTNAME | sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html

And we will have a good way to tell from which source the lighttpd daemon is
getting its files from:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl localhost
clubionic01     -> local disk
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic02
clubionic02     -> local (to clubionic02) disk
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic03
clubionic03     -> local (to clubionic03) disk

###Configure the cluster as a HA Active/Passive Cluster

Next step is to configure the cluster as a HA Active-Passive only cluster. The
shared disk in this scenario would only work as:

  • a fencing mechanism
  • a shared disk that migrates together with other resources
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm configure sh
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" plug="" \
        devices="/dev/sda" meta provides=unfencing
primitive virtual_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth3 \
        op monitor interval=10s
primitive webserver systemd:lighttpd \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=30
group webserver_vip webserver virtual_ip
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \

As you can see I have created 2 resources and 1 group of resources. You can copy and paste the command from above crmsh example and do a commit at the end, it will create the resources for you.

After creating the resource, check if it is working:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 18:57:54 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 18:52:17 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
3 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: webserver_vip
     webserver  (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic01
     virtual_ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic01

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ ping -c 1 clubionic.public
PING clubionic.public ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from clubionic.public ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.025 ms

--- clubionic.public ping statistics ---
1 packets transmitted, 1 received, 0% packet loss, time 0ms
rtt min/avg/max/mdev = 0.025/0.025/0.025/0.000 ms

And testing if the resource is really active in clubionic01 host:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

Important - Note that, in this example, we are not using the shared disk for much: only to have a fencing mechanism. This is important, specially in virtual environments that does not give you a power fencing agent, OR this power fencing agent could introduce unneeded delays in all operations: then you should rely in SCSI fencing and watchdog monitoring to guarantee cluster consistence.

Final step in this HA active/passive cluster example is to also use the shared scsi disk as a HA active/passive resource in pacemaker. It means that the webserver we are clustering will serve files from the shared disk but there won’t be multiple nodes accessing this data simultaneously, just one.

This example can serve as a clustering example for other services such as: CIFS, SAMBA, NFS, MTAs and MDAs such as postfix/qmail, etc

Cluster Resource Manager Resource Types

Note - I’m using “systemd” resource agent standard because its not relying on older agents and you can check supported agents by executing:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_resource --list-standards
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_resource --list-agents=systemd

The agents list will be compatible with the software you have installed at the moment you execute that command in a node (as the systemd standard basically uses existing service units from systemd on the nodes).

Configuring LVM to Migrate in between nodes

Whenever migrating resources (services/agents) out of a node we first need to deactivate:

  • resource(s) and/or resource group
  • virtual IPs serving the resources
  • filesystems being accessed by resources
  • volume manager

in order. Later we need to activate, in another node:

  • volume manager
  • filesystems to be accessed by resources
  • virtual IPs serving the resources
  • resource(s) and/or resource group

For this scenario we are not using “lock managers” of any kind.

Let’s install LVM2 packages in all nodes:

$ apt-get install lvm2

And configure LVM2 to have a system id based in the uname cmd output:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo vi /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
        system_id_source = "uname"

Do that in all 3 nodes.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo lvm systemid
  system ID: clubionic01
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo lvm systemid
  system ID: clubionic02
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo lvm systemid
  system ID: clubionic03

Configure 1 partition for the shared disk:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo gdisk /dev/sda
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 1.0.3

Partition table scan:
  MBR: not present
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: not present

Creating new GPT entries.

Command (? for help): n
Partition number (1-128, default 1):
First sector (34-2047966, default = 2048) or {+-}size{KMGTP}:
Last sector (2048-2047966, default = 2047966) or {+-}size{KMGTP}:
Current type is 'Linux filesystem'
Hex code or GUID (L to show codes, Enter = 8300):
Changed type of partition to 'Linux filesystem'

Command (? for help): w

Final checks complete. About to write GPT data. THIS WILL OVERWRITE EXISTING

Do you want to proceed? (Y/N): y
OK; writing new GUID partition table (GPT) to /dev/sda.
The operation has completed successfully.

And create the physical and logical volumes using LVM2:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo pvcreate /dev/sda1

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo vgcreate clustervg /dev/sda1

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo vgs -o+systemid
  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree   System ID
  clustervg   1   0   0 wz--n- 988.00m 988.00m clubionic01

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo lvcreate -l100%FREE -n clustervol clustervg
  Logical volume "clustervol" created.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo mkfs.ext4 -LCLUSTERDATA /dev/clustervg/clustervol
mke2fs 1.44.1 (24-Mar-2018)
Creating filesystem with 252928 4k blocks and 63232 inodes
Filesystem UUID: d0c7ab5c-abf6-4ee0-aee1-ec1ce7917bea
Superblock backups stored on blocks:
        32768, 98304, 163840, 229376

Allocating group tables: done
Writing inode tables: done
Creating journal (4096 blocks): done
Writing superblocks and filesystem accounting information: done

Let's now create a directory to mount this volume in all 3 nodes. Remember, we
are not *yet* configuring a cluster filesystem. The disk should be mounted
in one node AT A TIME.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo mkdir /clusterdata

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo mkdir /clusterdata

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo mkdir /clusterdata

And, in this particular case, it should be tested in the node that you did all
the LVM2 commands and created the EXT4 filesystem:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo mount /dev/clustervg/clustervol /clusterdata

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ mount | grep cluster
/dev/mapper/clustervg-clustervol on /clusterdata type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=2048,data=ordered)

Now we can go ahead and disable the volume group:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo umount /clusterdata

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo vgchange -an clustervg

Destroying what we did and re-creating something else

It’s time to move on, remove the resources we have configured and configure something else. Resources within a resource group are started in the creation order so removing them and re-creating after the new disk/filesystem resource is a simpler configuration change.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop webserver_vip
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm configure delete webserver
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm configure delete virtual_ip
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm configure sh
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" \
        plug="" devices="/dev/sda" meta provides=unfencing
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \

Now we can create the resource responsible for taking care of the LVM volume group migration: ocf:heartbeat:LVM-activate.

crm(live)configure# primitive lvm2 ocf:heartbeat:LVM-activate vgname=clustervg \

crm(live)configure# commit

With only those 2 commands our cluster shall have one of the nodes accessing the volume group “clustervg” we have created. In my case it got enabled in the 2nd node of the cluster:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 20:59:44 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 20:58:33 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
2 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic01
 lvm2   (ocf::heartbeat:LVM-activate):  Started clubionic02

It can be checked by executing:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo vgs
  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  clustervg   1   1   0 wz--n- 988.00m    0

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo lvs
  LV         VG        Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
  clustervol clustervg -wi-a----- 988.00m

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo vgs -o+systemid
  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree System ID
  clustervg   1   1   0 wz--n- 988.00m    0  clubionic02

in the appropriate node. One can also check if mount works:

Let’s now re-create all the resources we had before - you can look at the
previous examples - in a group called webservergroup.

crm(live)configure# primitive webserver systemd:lighttpd \
                    op monitor interval=10 timeout=30

crm(live)configure# group webservergroup lvm2 virtual_ip webserver

crm(live)configure# commit

This will make all the resources to be enabled in the same node:

  • lvm2
  • virtual_ip
  • webserver

because they are part of a resource group and, implicitly, depend on each other.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 21:05:24 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 21:04:55 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
4 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: webservergroup
     lvm2       (ocf::heartbeat:LVM-activate):  Started clubionic02
     virtual_ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic02
     webserver  (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic02

All resources are on-line at the clubionic02 node.

Configuring the filesystem resource agent

Perfect. Its time to configure the filesystem mount and umount now. Before moving on, make sure to have installed psmisc package in all nodes.

crm(live)configure# primitive ext4 ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem device=/dev/clustervg/clustervol directory=/clusterdata fstype=ext4

crm(live)configure# del webservergroup

crm(live)configure# group webservergroup lvm2 ext4 virtual_ip webserver

crm(live)configure# commit

Verify the webservergroup was correctly started:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic01 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Fri Mar  6 21:16:39 2020
Last change: Fri Mar  6 21:16:36 2020 by hacluster via crmd on clubionic03

3 nodes configured
5 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: webservergroup
     lvm2       (ocf::heartbeat:LVM-activate):  Started clubionic03
     ext4       (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic03
     virtual_ip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic03
     webserver  (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic03

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ mount | grep -i clu
/dev/mapper/clustervg-clustervol on /clusterdata type ext4 (rw,relatime,stripe=2048,data=ordered)

And this is what makes our new cluster environment perfect to host any HA application: a shared disk that will migrate in between nodes allowing maximum availability: as the physical and logical volumes migrate from one not to another, configured services also migrate.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm resource move webservergroup clubionic01
INFO: Move constraint created for webservergroup to clubionic01

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

But there is still one configuration left: our webservers aren’t configured in to point to data contained in the shared disk yet. We can start serving files/data from the volume that is currently being managed by the cluster.

In the node with the resource group “webservergroup” you can do:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo rsync -avz /var/www/ /clusterdata/www/
sending incremental file list
created directory /clusterdata/www

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo rm -rf /var/www
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ cd /clusterdata/www/html/
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:.../html$ echo clubionic | sudo tee index.html

and in all other nodes:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo rm -rf /var/www
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo rm -rf /var/www
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www

and test the fact that, now, data being distributed by the webserver lighttpd is
shared among the nodes in an active-passive way:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm resource move webservergroup clubionic02
INFO: Move constraint created for webservergroup to clubionic02

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm resource move webservergroup clubionic03
INFO: Move constraint created for webservergroup to clubionic03

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl clubionic.public

MID-TERM Summary:

, so… we’ve done already 3 important things with our scsi-shared-disk
fenced (+ watchdog’ed) cluster:

We have done so far:

  • Configured SCSI persistent-reservation based fencing (fence_scsi)
  • Configured watchdog daemon to fence a host without reservations
  • Configured a HA resource group that migrates disk, ip and service among nodes

Going Further: Distributed Lock Manager

It is time to go further and make all the nodes to access the same filesystem in simultaneously from the shared disk being managed by the cluster. This allows different applications - perhaps in different resource groups - to be enabled in different nodes simultaneously while accessing the
same disk.

Let’s install the distributed lock manager in all cluster nodes:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ apt-get install -y dlm-controld

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ apt-get install -y dlm-controld

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ apt-get install -y dlm-controld

Important - Before enabling dlm-controld service you should disable the watchdog daemon if you haven’t already. It may cause problems by rebooting your cluster nodes.

Check that dlm service has started successfully:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl status dlm
● dlm.service - dlm control daemon
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/dlm.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Fri 2020-03-06 20:25:05 UTC; 1 day 22h ago
     Docs: man:dlm_controld
 Main PID: 4029 (dlm_controld)
    Tasks: 2 (limit: 2338)
   CGroup: /system.slice/dlm.service
           └─4029 /usr/sbin/dlm_controld --foreground

and, if it didn’t, try removing the dlm module:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo modprobe -r dlm

and reloading it again:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo modprobe dlm

as this might happen because udev rules were not interpreted yet during package installation and devices /dev/misc/XXXX were not created. One way of guaranteeing dlm will always find correct devices is to add it to /etc/modules file:

  rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ cat /etc/modules
+ dlm

So it is loaded during boot time:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo update-initramfs -k all -u

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo reboot

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl --value is-active corosync.service

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl --value is-active pacemaker.service

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl --value is-active dlm.service

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl --value is-active watchdog.service

And, after making sure it works, disable dlm service:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl disable dlm

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ systemctl disable dlm

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ systemctl disable dlm

because dlm_controld daemon will be managed by the cluster resource manager (pacemaker). Remember - watchdog service will be enabled at the end, because it is watchdog daemon that reboots/resets the node after SCSI disk is fenced.

Configure Cluster LVM2 Locking and DLM

In order to install the cluster filesystem (GFS2) we will be able to remove
the configuration we did in the cluster again!

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf show
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive ext4 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" plug="" \
        devices="/dev/sda" meta provides=unfencing target-role=Started
primitive lvm2 LVM-activate \
        params vgname=clustervg vg_access_mode=system_id
primitive virtual_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth3 \
        op monitor interval=10s
primitive webserver systemd:lighttpd \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=30
group webservergroup lvm2 ext4 virtual_ip webserver \
        meta target-role=Started
location cli-prefer-webservergroup webservergroup role=Started inf: clubionic03
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \
        no-quorum-policy=stop \

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop webservergroup
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf delete webservergroup

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop webserver
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf delete webserver

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop virtual_ip
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf delete virtual_ip

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop lvm2
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf delete lvm2

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm resource stop ext4
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo crm conf delete ext4

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm conf sh
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" \
        plug="" devices="/dev/sda" meta provides=unfencing target-role=Started
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \
        no-quorum-policy=stop \

Re-creating the resources

Because now we want multiple cluster nodes to access simultaneously LVM volumes in an active/active way, we have to install clvm package. This package provides the clustering interface for LVM2, when used with corosync based (eg Pacemaker) cluster infrastructure. It allows logical volumes to be created on shared storage devices (eg Fibre Channel, or iSCSI).

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ egrep "^\s+locking_type" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
        locking_type = 1

The type being:

  • 0 = no locking
  • 1 = local file-based locking
  • 2 = external shared lib locking_library
  • 3 = built-in clustered locking with clvmd
  • 4 = read-only locking (forbits metadata changes)
  • 5 = dummy locking

Lets change LVM locking type to clustered in all 3 nodes:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo lvmconf --enable-cluster
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ ...
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ ...
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ egrep "^\s+locking_type" /etc/lvm/lvm.conf
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ ...
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ ...
    locking_type = 3
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ systemctl disable lvm2-lvmetad.service
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ ...
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ ...

Finally, enable clustered LVM resource in the cluster:

  • clubionic01 storage resources
crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic01_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic01_lvm ocf:heartbeat:clvm op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# group clubionic01_storage clubionic01_dlm clubionic01_lvm

crm(live)configure# location l_clubionic01_storage clubionic01_storage \
    rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic01
  • clubionic02 storage resources
crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic02_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic02_lvm ocf:heartbeat:clvm op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# group clubionic02_storage clubionic02_dlm clubionic02_lvm

crm(live)configure# location l_clubionic02_storage clubionic02_storage \
    rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic02
  • clubionic03 storage resources
crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic03_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# primitive clubionic03_lvm ocf:heartbeat:clvm op \
    monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true

crm(live)configure# group clubionic03_storage clubionic03_dlm clubionic03_lvm

crm(live)configure# location l_clubionic03_storage clubionic03_storage \
    rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic03

crm(live)configure# commit

Important - I created the resource groups one by one and specified they could run in just one node each. This is basically to guarantee that all nodes will have the services clvmd and dlm_controld always running (or restarted in case of issues). Another possibility would be to have those 2 services started by systemd on each node but then the service restart would have to be done by systemd in case of software (of these daemons) problems.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Mar  9 02:18:51 2020
Last change: Mon Mar  9 02:17:58 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
7 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic01_storage
     clubionic01_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic01
     clubionic01_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: clubionic02_storage
     clubionic02_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic02
     clubionic02_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic03_storage
     clubionic03_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic03
     clubionic03_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic03

So… now we are ready to have a clustered filesystem running in this cluster!

Configure Clustered Filesystem

Before creating the “clustered” volume group in LVM, I’m going to remove the
previous volume group and volumes we had:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo vgchange -an clustervg

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo vgremove clustervg

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo pvremove /dev/sda1

And re-create them as “clustered”:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo pvcreate /dev/sda1

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo vgcreate -Ay -cy --shared clustervg /dev/sda1

From man page:


Create a shared VG using lvmlockd if LVM is compiled with lockd support. lvmlockd will select lock type san‐ lock or dlm depending on which lock manager is running. This allows multiple hosts to share a VG on shared devices. lvmlockd and a lock manager must be configured and running.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo vgs
  VG        #PV #LV #SN Attr   VSize   VFree
  clustervg   1   0   0 wz--nc 988.00m 988.00m

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo lvcreate -l 100%FREE -n clustervol clustervg


  1. In order for you to be able to create the physical volume, the volume
    group and the logical volume, the following services must be started:
  • dlm.service
  • lvm2-cluster-activation
  1. After you have created the logical volume, and the clustered filesystem, you will then, and only then, stop and disable those services so pacemaker, the resource agent, can manage the start/stop of the needed daemons (because in our example dlm, clvm AND gfs2 resources are managed by the cluster).

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ apt-get install gfs2-utils

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ apt-get install gfs2-utils

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ apt-get install gfs2-utils

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo mkfs.gfs2 -j3 -p lock_dlm \
    -t clubionic:clustervol /dev/clustervg/clustervol
  • 3 journals (1 per each node is minimum)

  • use lock_dlm as the locking protocol

  • -t clustername:lockspace

    The “lock table” pair used to uniquely identify this filesystem in a cluster. The cluster name segment (maxi‐ mum 32 characters) must match the name given to your cluster in its configuration; only members of this cluster are permitted to use this file system. The lockspace segment (maximum 30 characters) is a unique file system name used to distinguish this gfs2 file system. Valid clusternames and lockspaces may only contain alphanumeric characters, hyphens (-) and underscores (_).

Are you sure you want to proceed? [y/n]y
Discarding device contents (may take a while on large devices): Done
Adding journals: Done
Building resource groups: Done
Creating quota file: Done
Writing superblock and syncing: Done
Device:                    /dev/clustervg/clustervol
Block size:                4096
Device size:               0.96 GB (252928 blocks)
Filesystem size:           0.96 GB (252927 blocks)
Journals:                  3
Resource groups:           6
Locking protocol:          "lock_dlm"
Lock table:                "clubionic:clustervol"
UUID:                      dac96896-bd83-d9f4-c0cb-e118f5572e0e
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo mount /dev/clustervg/clustervol /clusterdata \
    sudo umount /clusterdata
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo mount /dev/clustervg/clustervol /clusterdata \
    sudo umount /clusterdata
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo mount /dev/clustervg/clustervol /clusterdata \
    sudo umount /clusterdata

Now, since we want to add a new resource in an already existing resource group, I’ll execute the command: “crm configure edit” and manually edit the cluster configuration file to this:

node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive clubionic01_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic01_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic01_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic02_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic02_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic02_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic03_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic03_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic03_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" plug="" \
        devices="/dev/sda" meta provides=unfencing target-role=Started
group clubionic01_storage clubionic01_dlm clubionic01_lvm clubionic01_gfs2
group clubionic02_storage clubionic02_dlm clubionic02_lvm clubionic02_gfs2
group clubionic03_storage clubionic03_dlm clubionic03_lvm clubionic03_gfs2
location l_clubionic01_storage clubionic01_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic01
location l_clubionic02_storage clubionic02_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic02
location l_clubionic03_storage clubionic03_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic03
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \
        no-quorum-policy=stop \
# vim: set filetype=pcmk:


  1. I have created the following resources:

    • clubionic01_gfs2
    • clubionic02_gfs2
    • clubionic03_gfs2

    and added them to each of their correspondent groups.

The final result is:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Mar  9 03:26:43 2020
Last change: Mon Mar  9 03:24:14 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
10 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic01_storage
     clubionic01_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic01
     clubionic01_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic01
     clubionic01_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: clubionic02_storage
     clubionic02_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic02
     clubionic02_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic02
     clubionic02_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic03_storage
     clubionic03_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic03
     clubionic03_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic03
     clubionic03_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic03

And each of the nodes having the proper GFS2 filesystem mounted:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ for node in clubionic01 clubionic02 \
    clubionic03; do ssh $node "df -kh | grep cluster"; done

/dev/mapper/clustervg-clustervol  988M  388M  601M  40% /clusterdata
/dev/mapper/clustervg-clustervol  988M  388M  601M  40% /clusterdata
/dev/mapper/clustervg-clustervol  988M  388M  601M  40% /clusterdata

Multiple Pacemaker Resources sharing same Filesystem

We can now go back to the previous - and original - idea of having lighttpd resources serving files from the same shared filesystem. Remember, in the previous way we had lighttpd serving files from the shared disk we had the cluster configured as an active/passive cluster.

Some Important Notes

  1. This is just an example and this setup isn’t specifically good for anything but to show pacemaker working in an environment like this. I’m enabling 3 instances of lighttpd using the “systemd” standard and it is very likely that it does not accept multiple instances in the same node. Having multiple instances on the same node would imply in having different
    configuration files and different .service unit files.

  2. This is the reason that I’m not allowing the instances to run in all nodes: Using the right agent you can make the instances, and their virtual IP, to migrate among all nodes if one of them fails.

  3. Instead of having 3 lighttpd instances here, you could have 1 lighttpd, 1 postfix and 1 mysql instance and all instances floating among all cluster nodes with no particular preference. All the 3 instances would be able to access the same clustered filesystem mounted at /clusterdata.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm config show | cat -
node 1: clubionic01
node 2: clubionic02
node 3: clubionic03
primitive clubionic01_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic01_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic01_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic02_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic02_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic02_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic03_dlm ocf:pacemaker:controld \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive clubionic03_gfs2 Filesystem \
        params device="/dev/clustervg/clustervol" directory="/clusterdata" \
        fstype=gfs2 options=noatime \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true
primitive clubionic03_lvm clvm \
        op monitor interval=10s on-fail=fence interleave=true ordered=true
primitive fence_clubionic stonith:fence_scsi \
        params pcmk_host_list="clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03" plug="" \
        devices="/dev/sda" \
        meta provides=unfencing target-role=Started
primitive instance01_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth3 \
        op monitor interval=10s
primitive instance01_web systemd:lighttpd \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=30
primitive instance02_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth3 \
        op monitor interval=10s
primitive instance02_web systemd:lighttpd \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=30
primitive instance03_ip IPaddr2 \
        params ip= nic=eth3 \
        op monitor interval=10s
primitive instance03_web systemd:lighttpd \
        op monitor interval=10 timeout=30
group clubionic01_storage clubionic01_dlm clubionic01_lvm clubionic01_gfs2
group clubionic02_storage clubionic02_dlm clubionic02_lvm clubionic02_gfs2
group clubionic03_storage clubionic03_dlm clubionic03_lvm clubionic03_gfs2
group instance01 instance01_web instance01_ip
group instance02 instance02_web instance02_ip
group instance03 instance03_web instance03_ip
location l_clubionic01_storage clubionic01_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic01
location l_clubionic02_storage clubionic02_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic02
location l_clubionic03_storage clubionic03_storage \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic03
location l_instance01 instance01 \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic01
location l_instance02 instance02 \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic02
location l_instance03 instance03 \
        rule -inf: #uname ne clubionic03
property cib-bootstrap-options: \
        have-watchdog=false \
        dc-version=1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9 \
        cluster-infrastructure=corosync \
        cluster-name=clubionic \
        stonith-enabled=on \
        stonith-action=off \
        no-quorum-policy=stop \
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ crm_mon -1
Stack: corosync
Current DC: clubionic02 (version 1.1.18-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
Last updated: Mon Mar  9 03:42:11 2020
Last change: Mon Mar  9 03:39:32 2020 by root via cibadmin on clubionic01

3 nodes configured
16 resources configured

Online: [ clubionic01 clubionic02 clubionic03 ]

Active resources:

 fence_clubionic        (stonith:fence_scsi):   Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic01_storage
     clubionic01_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic01
     clubionic01_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic01
     clubionic01_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: clubionic02_storage
     clubionic02_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic02
     clubionic02_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic02
     clubionic02_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: clubionic03_storage
     clubionic03_dlm    (ocf::pacemaker:controld):      Started clubionic03
     clubionic03_lvm    (ocf::heartbeat:clvm):  Started clubionic03
     clubionic03_gfs2   (ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):    Started clubionic03
 Resource Group: instance01
     instance01_web     (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic01
     instance01_ip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic01
 Resource Group: instance02
     instance02_web     (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic02
     instance02_ip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic02
 Resource Group: instance03
     instance03_web     (systemd:lighttpd):     Started clubionic03
     instance03_ip      (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started clubionic03

Like we did previously, let’s create a symbolic link of /clusterdata/www, of each node, into its correspondent /var/www directory.

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic02:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic03:~$ sudo ln -s /clusterdata/www /var/www

But now, as this is a clustered filesystem, we have to create the file just
once =) and it will be serviced by all lighttpd instances, running in all 3

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ echo "all instances show the same thing" | \
sudo tee /var/www/html/index.html
all instances show the same thing

Check it out:

rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl http://instance01/
all instances show the same thing
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl http://instance02/
all instances show the same thing
rafaeldtinoco@clubionic01:~$ curl http://instance03/
all instances show the same thing

Voilá =)

You now have a pretty cool cluster to play with! Congrats!

Author: Rafael David Tinoco rafaeldtinoco@ubuntu.com

Ubuntu Linux Core Engineer | Engineer at Canonical Server Team


Thanks for this guide, helped getting my cluster stable (was running DHCP) in Azure. One thing i cant figure out is how you do a floating IP in Azure, do you use Azure LB with floating IP to get this working?

We’re working on that feature currently. I’ll make the load balancing agents that are not available, yet, available in the LTS releases (most likely). I’m glad you liked this and sorry for missing this comment for so long.

Hi, I trying to configure the interfaces file.
through wanted to use both internal and external ip for eth 0. shall i use eth 0 for external and eth 0:0 for internal. and then follow your layout, please

Hello @maz2003, it should work, yes. Just bare in mind that having public and private networks in the same interface is not desirable… but it should work, yes. I would put the private subnetwork in eth0 and the public in eth0:0 (as the alias) " just in case ".

i’m sorry but i can’t find lvmconf package

Hi @rafaeldtinoco
lvmconf is not in 18.04 can we have some updated instructions using lvmlockd ?

Hi @ryanmesser,

lvmconf binary is provided by the lvm2 package in Bionic:

$ cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION
VERSION="18.04.5 LTS (Bionic Beaver)"
$ dpkg -S /sbin/lvmconf
lvm2: /sbin/lvmconf

So for this tutorial everything seems fine to me. We can definitely plan to write a new discourse post describing how to use lvmlockd and LVM-activate resource agents, but it is out of scope for this post.

Apologies, should of said 20.04. There is no clvm in 20.04.

I also noticed that GFS2 utils in 20.04 doesn’t work either, in that you can get the package but when trying to mount a GFS2 formatted disk that it says its unrecognised.

lvmconf is not in 18.04 can we have some updated instructions

Hi Rafael, can you please add a note that the linux-modules-extra package has to be installed as well? This is required at least on the Azure images for 18.04.
–Update-- also not in 20.04

we were trying to configure this with oracle cloud infrastructure and disks are shared among computes with paravirtualized options with read/write shared options now we can not configure stonith with fence_scsi. any idea of configuration changes for this in oracle cloud infrastructure for paravirtualized shared disks?

also lvm cluster option is deprecated it mentions to use --share options. but in my case blockvolumes are already shared among computes so what next ?

my OS is ubuntu 20.4
