Ubuntu Frame configuration options

This document provides a reference for the configuration options for Ubuntu Frame.


Snap configuration options

There are three snap configuration options:

  • daemon=[true|false] enables the daemon (defaults to true on Ubuntu Core and false on classic systems)
  • launcher=[true|false] enables a side bar application switcher if your solution calls for that
  • config=<contents for frame.config>
  • display=<contents for frame.display>


This controls the ubuntu-frame.daemon process. If daemon=true then the daemon runs and takes control of the display on your computer, otherwise the daemon is disabled.

On a default installation daemon is only set to true on Ubuntu Core systems. But can be set to true either manually or from a gadget snap.

You can see the value of this using the following command:

$ snap get ubuntu-frame daemon

Or set it using

$ snap set ubuntu-frame daemon=true


Architecture support:

This feature is only available on Intel, AMD and ARM64 systems

Version 187:

This feature is only available from Frame version 187 onward

This controls whether a side bar application switcher (ā€œLauncherā€ from Unity Desktop design) is displayed. If your solution requires multiple applications that the user needs to be able to switch between, this will enable that - displaying a side bar with clickable application icons.

# Until https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/14331 gets released
$ snap refresh snapd --channel edge/ubuntu-core-desktop

# Give Frame access to application metadata and icons
$ snap connect ubuntu-frame:desktop-launch

# Enable the launcher
$ snap set ubuntu-frame launcher=true

Make sure that the applications you want to run are annotated with metadata and icons appropriately, see Snapcraftā€™s ā€œDesktop files for menu integrationā€ documentation to get your app icons to display.


This provides a way to modify the Frame configuration file. Every time the option is set the provided config is merged with the default config and written to the file. The default file looks like this:

$ cat /var/snap/ubuntu-frame/current/frame.config 
# USE 'snap set ubuntu-frame config=...' INSTEAD

# ** Options supplied through config (begin) **
# (none)
# ** Options supplied through config (end) **

# Required to run as daemon

# Virtual terminal to use for display (0 to use current)

# Mouse pointer to use (auto|null|software)

# As frame HAS to run mesa-kms we can safely override the probe for KMS everywhere

By default config is unset, but you can, for instance, change the ā€œwallpaperā€ color as follows:

$ snap set ubuntu-frame config="

Another option that is useful for some applications (such as games) is to enable the Wayland extensions for cursor confinement as follows:

$ snap set ubuntu-frame config="

Each ā€œsetā€ command overwrites the previous content, so if youā€™re combining config options, put them all into the same ā€œsetā€ command:

$ snap set ubuntu-frame config="

A full list of the current configuration options supported by ubuntu-frame can be obtained by --help:

$ ubuntu-frame --help
usage: /snap/ubuntu-frame/3926/usr/local/bin/frame [options]

Command-line options (e.g. "--wayland-host=wayland-0").

Environment variables capitalise long form with prefix "MIR_SERVER_" and "_" in place of "-".
(E.g. "MIR_SERVER_WAYLAND_HOST=wayland-0")

Config file entries are long form (e.g. "wayland-host=wayland-0").
The config file (frame.config) is located via the XDG Base Directory Specification.
($XDG_CONFIG_HOME or $HOME/.config followed by $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS)

user options:
  --arw-file                            Make socket filename globally rw 
                                        (equivalent to chmod a=rw)
  --platform-display-libs arg           Libraries to use for platform output 
                                        support (default: autodetect)
  --platform-rendering-libs arg         Libraries to use for platform rendering
                                        support (default: autodetect)
  --platform-input-lib arg              Library to use for platform input 
                                        support (default: input-stub.so)
  --platform-path arg (=/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/mir/server-platform)
                                        Directory to look for platform 
                                        libraries (default: /usr/lib/aarch64-li
  -i [ --enable-input ] arg (=1)        Enable input.
  --compositor-report arg (=off)        Compositor reporting [{log,lttng,off}]
  --display-report arg (=off)           How to handle the Display report. 
  --input-report arg (=off)             How to handle to Input report. 
  --seat-report arg (=off)              How to handle to Seat report. 
  --scene-report arg (=off)             How to handle the scene report. 
  --shared-library-prober-report arg (=log)
                                        How to handle the SharedLibraryProber 
                                        report. [{log,lttng,off}]
  --shell-report arg (=off)             How to handle the Shell report. 
  --composite-delay arg (=0)            Compositor frame delay in milliseconds 
                                        (how long to wait for new frames from 
                                        clients before compositing). Higher 
                                        values result in lower latency but risk
                                        causing frame skipping. Default: A 
                                        negative value means decide 
  --enable-touchspots                   Display visualization of touchspots 
                                        (e.g. for screencasting).
  --cursor arg (=auto)                  Cursor (mouse pointer) to use 
  --enable-key-repeat arg (=1)          Enable server generated key repeat
  --idle-timeout arg (=0)               Time (in seconds) Mir will remain idle 
                                        before turning off the display, or 0 to
                                        keep display on forever.
  --on-fatal-error-except               On "fatal error" conditions [e.g. 
                                        drivers behaving in unexpected ways] 
                                        throw an exception (instead of a core 
  --debug                               Enable extra development debugging. 
                                        This is only interesting for people 
                                        doing Mir server or client development.
  --console-provider arg (=auto)        Console device handling
                                        How Mir handles console-related tasks 
                                        (device handling, VT switching, etc)
                                        logind: use logind
                                        vt: use the Linux VT subsystem. 
                                        Requires root.
                                        none: support no console-related tasks.
                                        Useful for nested platforms which do 
                                        not need raw device access and which 
                                        don't have a VT concept
                                        auto: detect the appropriate provider.
  --vt arg (=0)                         [requires --console-provider=vt] VT to 
                                        run on or 0 to use current.
  --bypass arg (=0)                     [platform-specific] utilize the bypass 
                                        optimization for fullscreen surfaces.
  --driver-quirks arg                   [platform-specific] Driver quirks to 
                                        apply (may be specified multiple times;
                                        multiple quirks are combined)
  --x11-output arg (=1280x1024)         [mir-on-X specific] Colon separated 
                                        list of WIDTHxHEIGHT sizes for "output"
                                        windows. ^SCALE may also be appended to
                                        any output
  --x11-window-title arg (=Mir on X)    [mir-on-X specific] Title for the 
                                        banner of the generated X11 window
  --env-hacks arg                       Colon separated list of environment 
                                        variable settings
  --wayland-extensions arg              Colon-separated list of Wayland 
                                        extensions to enable. If used, default 
                                        extensions will NOT be enabled unless 
                                        specified. Default extensions:
                                        Additional supported extensions:
  --add-wayland-extensions arg          Wayland extensions to enable in 
                                        addition to default extensions. Use 
                                        `all` to enable all supported 
  --drop-wayland-extensions arg         Wayland extensions to disable.
  --display-layout arg (=default)       Display configuration layout from 
                                        (Found in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME or 
                                        $HOME/.config, followed by 
  --wallpaper-top arg (=0x7f7f7f)       Colour of wallpaper RGB
  --wallpaper-bottom arg (=0x1f1f1f)    Colour of wallpaper RGB
  --diagnostic-background arg (=0x380c24)
                                        Colour of diagnostic screen background 
  --diagnostic-text arg (=0xffffff)     Colour of diagnostic screen text RGB
  --diagnostic-path arg                 Path (including filename) of diagnostic
  --authorise-without-apparmor arg (=0) Use /proc/<pid>/cmdline if AppArmor is 
  --window-management-trace             log trace message
  --keymap arg (=us)                    keymap <layout>[+<variant>[+<options>]]
                                        , e,g, "gb" or "cz+qwerty" or 
  -h [ --help ]                         this help text

You might notice that the options are described as ā€œcommand-line optionsā€, and they also can be supplied that way when running the snap from the command-line (and not as a daemon). That can be a convenient way of testing their effect. (See RUNNING_ON_YOUR_DESKTOP.md for an example).


If the display option is unset when Ubuntu Frame starts, it will populate the display snap configuration option according to the hardware on your device. Hereā€™s an example (which will probably not match your device precisely).

$ snap get ubuntu-frame display
# keys here are layout labels (used for atomically switching between them).
# The yaml anchor 'the_default' is used to alias the 'default' label

    # a list of cards (currently matched by card-id)

    - card-id: 0
        # This output supports the following modes: 1920x1080@60.0
        # Uncomment the following to enforce the selected configuration.
        # Or amend as desired.
        state: enabled	# {enabled, disabled}, defaults to enabled
        mode: 1920x1080@60.0	# Defaults to preferred mode
        position: [0, 0]	# Defaults to [0, 0]
        orientation: normal	# {normal, left, right, inverted}, defaults to normal
        scale: 1
        group: 0	# Outputs with the same non-zero value are treated as a single display

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

    # a list of cards (currently matched by card-id)

    - card-id: 0
        # This output supports the following modes: 1920x1080@60.0
        # Uncomment the following to enforce the selected configuration.
        # Or amend as desired.
        state: enabled	# {enabled, disabled}, defaults to enabled
        mode: 1920x1080@60.0	# Defaults to preferred mode
        position: [0, 0]	# Defaults to [0, 0]
        orientation: normal	# {normal, left, right, inverted}, defaults to normal
        scale: 1
        group: 0	# Outputs with the same non-zero value are treated as a single display

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

        # (disconnected)

You can see that two layout entries are provided default and side_by_side. But you can edit these entries, or add your own.

If you need to reset this configuration (because your hardware changes, or you make a mistake) then simply unset it and restart Ubuntu Frame:

$ snap unset ubuntu-frame display
$ snap restart ubuntu-frame
$ snap get ubuntu-frame display


By default Ubuntu Frame uses the default layout described above. But you can change this to another layout in the display configuration using the display-layout configuration option. For example:

$ snap set ubuntu-frame display-layout=side_by_side
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running core 18 with DP to HDMI. I canā€™t get this command to rotate the screen. it did work using DP to TypeC, but then I didnā€™t get touch. anybody got any ideas?

I think this documentation has got slightly out of date. Thereā€™s some more recent discussion here:


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Thanks Alan,
Iā€™ve tried all the annotated displays (eDP-#, DisplayPort-# and now HDMI-A-#) and nothing seems to work. I havenā€™t done anything as complex as the article suggests (no side by side stuff) as I simply want to see the display react. Is there some trick to finding out these configuration settings? Display ā€˜outletā€™ names, modes, supported resolutions etc? Or is there some definitive documentation I canā€™t find?

Iā€™m trying to build a IoT appliance. This is using an HP G2, i3 6100, 8gb ram, 120 SSD. The unit only has a single display port output that Iā€™m connecting to a ā€˜modernā€™ 15.6" portable touchscreen (u-perfect) via DP to HDMI video cable and usb for touch. It is working the display renders great, I now have touch capabilities, but itā€™s the wrong way round. I need it portrait.

I used a bidirectional DP to TypeC cable first, that worked, I got the screen to rotate; but I couldnā€™t get touch to work. That was probably something to do with the USB aspect of this cable.

I have a few general observations, about my ā€˜projectā€™. The HP refuses to run with Core 20/22; I canā€™t understand why. So Iā€™ve had to use Core 18. And this unit (as old as it is), is still considerable faster than an RPI4b, is now cheaper and there are lotā€™s of them knocking about (unlike RPI4bā€™s). So it seems sensible to use a unit like this, than a SoC as a domestic IoT appliance.

Why canā€™t I run Core 22?? (Sorry I slipped this question in).

The project on the dining room table; much to my wifeā€™s chagrinā€¦IMG_0644

@thales-man, Iā€™ve put updating this article on the list for when Iā€™m back at work. In the meantime this will show the default settings for your system and identify your outputs:

snap unset ubuntu-frame display
snap restart ubuntu-frame
snap get ubuntu-frame display
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Thanks again Alan, Iā€™ll give it a whirl later. Colin :slight_smile:

I followed your instructions on the link you posted earlier, but just changed the orientation to the connected device which was in fact ā€˜HDMI-A-1ā€™. Not sure why it didnā€™t work for me before.
Next stopā€¦ Preparation of a dot net Web API snap.


Iā€™ve got Core 22 running too now. It was the TPM module (v1.2) on the device; Iā€™ve had to disable and hide it. Happy Days!