Ubuntu Desktop Team Indaba - August 26, 2022 17:00 UTC

What is the Ubuntu Desktop Team Indaba? Indaba is a South African term for “a conference or consultation between people”. This will be a live stream event, featuring members of the Ubuntu Desktop Team and members of the community. To get a feel for what to expect, you can review the previous months’ Indabas.

To keep up a consistent cadence of these Indabas, we’ve decided to have them the last Friday of the month, every month. The details are:

When: 2022-08-26T17:00:00Z
Where: UbuntuOnAir - YouTube
Where: UbuntuOnAir - Twitch

  • Heather Ellsworth
  • Ryan Gorley (Freehive)

Since we’ve just released a beautiful new 22.04.1 video, made by Ryan Gorley at Freehive, we’d like to show you a behind-the-scenes look at how he made it! We’ll look at methods and tools he used, and talk about what cool projects Freehive is working on. So come join the fun and take this opportunity to ask questions around the content creation process or anything Ubuntu!

We stream to both YouTube and twitch and we see the live chat in both for you to join the discussion and ask any questions of us. You are also welcome to ask your questions on this thread in advance and we’ll do our best to answer them on air :slightly_smiling_face:


This is actually now 2022-08-26T15:00:00Z2022-08-26T16:00:00Z

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