Ubuntu at DevConf.US - Yinzerception

Are you ready for next week? Because I know @aaronprisk and I are!

Your two favourite western Pennsylvanians are going to DevConf.US in Boston next week to staff the Ubuntu Community booth. If you’re at the event, be sure to stop by to get some Ubuntu-branded merch — I have like 300 release mascot stickers and over thousand CoF & flavour stickers — or play with the tech demo that we’ll have going at the time. If you’re interested in helping with booth, please let us know. More volunteers the better!

I’ll also be giving two talks related to the Ubuntu High-Performance Computing community while we’re at DevConf.US:

  1. Your own personal supercomputer within 15 minutes or less
  2. Gotta go fast: how we started the Ubuntu High-Performance Computing team

Stop on by if these talks sound interesting to you. I’ll also be at the Ubuntu Community booth spreading the HPC/AI/scientific computing/etc love. Hope to see you there!

And yes, the Sonic reference in the second talk title is intentional :hedgehog: