Ubuntu 24.04 is not stable

Hey everyone,
I was using Ubuntu 23.10 for the last 6 months and it was rock solid. I was using X.org + Nvidia 545 drivers directly installed from Additional drivers (also ubuntu-drivers list was showing nvidia-driver-545)

Yesterday I upgraded my notebook to Ubuntu 24.04, and since then I have tons of issues popping up from everywhere.

  1. Additional drivers and ubuntu-drivers list only shows Nvidia drivers up until version 535, no 545. I was hoping to get 550 when I upgrade to 24.04. I installed nvidia-driver-550 with apt install nvidia-driver-550 but I wonder how this is different from ubuntu-drivers.

  2. All Gnome apps default to Light mode even I choose dark mode in Appearence, and changed gtk-application-prefer-dark-theme=0 to 1 in ~/.config/gtk-4.0/settings.ini - but no difference, all defaults to Light mode.

  3. On gdm I choose “Ubuntu on X.org” and after restart it defaults to Wayland without showing cog in the right bottom side of gdm screen. I restart again then I see the cog, I change to X.org and it works, but after restart it’s the same story.

  4. New Camera app cannot find my camera, although the Cheese app was working so good.

  5. Nvidia stops working randomly after restart, it’s so random that I can’t find pattern.

The list goes on unfortunately. I wonder if all these happens because of 1 root cause (which I don’t know what).

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This site is not for technical support.

Furthermore, there’s a reason why upgrades to 24.04 are disabled at this time, because stuff like this is bound to happen. Either way, don’t post on this site asking for help with it because we have other sites to find help.

There are several ways to find help quickly. Among them are:

Since this is a support request and they are not allowed here, I am closing this topic.