UbuCon @ SCaLE 22x

Why agonize over scaling your distributed cloud or fighting with GPU drivers on older hardware when you could instead SCALE your brain power at a North American UbuCon on March 7th??

@aaronprisk, @nhaines, @rg4w, and I are excited to announce that UbuCon is returning for another year to the Southern California Linux Expo (SCaLE). Join the Ubuntu Community on March 7th for UbuCon @ SCaLE 22x. We have a full day of talks and workshops scheduled covering the many different areas where Ubuntu can be found. Whether you’re into Data Science/AI, High-Performance Computing, running your own home lab, or managing a large scale (:wink:) fleet of Ubuntu installations, we have something for you! And that’s not all! There will also be an Ubuntu Community booth throughout the weekend. We’ll have all sorts of cool tech demos and people there!

Interested in attending and/or volunteering? Great! You can check out the website Aaron and I (mostly Aaron; I fixed the footer) put together for the both the schedule and how to register for SCaLE 22x:

If you have any questions, feel free to send me a direct message here or an email at nuccitheboss@ubuntu.com. Hope to see you there :sunglasses: