UbuCon Asia - Call for Global Committee members

Hello folks,

To organize the UbuCon Asia event every year better and more smoothly with less burden for current event organizing team, We would like to gather more members for Global committee.

What is Global committee (or Global team) of UbuCon Asia team?

We have largely 2 teams when it comes to organizing UbuCon Asia every year. One is Local team consisted with members from event hosting location who won the call for bids. The other is global team consisted with people of Ubuntu community from diverse countries and regions.

What they usually do is:

  • Choosing location for hosting the event (Call for bids, Evaluate bids from local teams, Choose city for hosting the event with vote)
  • Raising event fund by gathering sponsors across the world (Usually be reaching global companies and returning sponsors. Reaching out local business are done by local team)
  • Provide guidance to local team about how the event and its details should be implemented. - Reviews proposals from people who want to speak at the event (usually collaborate with local team on this).
  • Plan and run promotion (or marketing) campaign to bring global audiences to the event.

Members of Global committee are also expected to contribute event organizing for multiple years. Unlike Local teams are usually active for a year or few month more.

Why looking for new global committee member

While we had more folks(about 8~10) in the global committee in previous years, as the time goes number of members left the team or become inactive due to their own matter. And we have only about 4 active people in global committee this year.

While current remaining members are of course doing their best to get the event prepared. Unfortunately, Most of Global committee members this year are very busy with their other matters. Some are busy with work or family matters and for me, I’m swamped with DebConf24 Visa paperworks. As those current situation made us difficult to put more focus on preparing UbuCon Asia, We decided to gather more global committee members by publishing an announcement on discourse.

What roles are available and how can i join?

We have Steering(Coordination), Sponsorship & Finances, Content, Marketing, Video, Web, Travel support, Logistics & Facility roles. Most committee members currently handles 2 or 3 roles per each person at the same time. You may have a look at Teams & Roles - UbuCon Asia Documentations for descriptions for each roles.

What we currently need some hands from more people would be Sponsorship & Finances role and Marketing role.

While other parts of UbuCon Asia are getting improved over many years, Sponsorship(Fundraising) and Makreting were somthing difficult to improve. So far, we were not able to raise enough event fund by gathering sponsors resulting in cutting off budget. And also were not able to bring many global audiences to on-site other then just 10~15 speakers. One of our goal is to also bring many number of global attendees who are not speakers or committee members on site. And this is something global committee members need to put many efforts.

If you would be interested to join our global committee, and solve these problems together and improve those area of UbuCon Asia. - Please contact us by email contact at ubucon.asia or you may also drop me a message on discourse, telegram(@sukso96100) or matrix(@sukso96100:matrix.org). You may also simply leave reply to this discourse topic.

How we work usually

We usually communicate on matrix to discuss event organizing by each roles. And have bi-weekly meeting (video call) to share progress of each teams and make some necessary decisions. Bi-weekly meeting are scheduled for Sunday 12:00 UTC.