Meeting Chair
Meeting Participants
@sukso96100 @younggunner14 @fenris @aryulianto Yush(Local team)
Meeting Agenda
Action items from last meetings follow up
- Contact Joyce Young - Follow up once got response: Fenris, Ary
- Email sent, waiting for response
- Ary to follow up with on-boarding Bayu to global team
- Talked with Bayu, He’s preparing answers for the questions
- Local team to share Venue confirm progress and room details with some photos
- Local team shared some photos and videos of each places of the venue
- Youngbin, Aryan: Publish rest of 2024 video once available.
- • Lightning talks on Day 1 & 2
- • BOSS Linux and collaboration with Ubuntu
- • Strengthening India’a FOSS Community
- Local team to fill in budget sheet based on quotes from vendors
- Budgeting is almost done. But only within the local team’s spreadsheet for now. Will be shared once finalized.
- Global team to get estimated numbers for travel grant budget (for overseas) / Done
- Youngbin to check Indico payment plugin request / Not yet
- Local team to find some local registration platform / Almost done
- Youngbin to post on discourse regarding fossasia booth - to check if any folks willing to join
- Ubuntu + Snapcrafters booth submitted. Waiting for organizer’s review result
- Local team to fill in budget sheet based on quotes from vendors - after this meeting
- Filling in travel grant budget done by global team
Sponsorship (Fundraising)
- Local team is working with sponsorship prospectus with the same pricing but some different designs to target local sponsors.
Website - needs some update
Local team is considering 2 options
- CFP Schedule
- March 1st - Start CFP
- April 1st - Deadline
- April 15th - Extended Deadline
- April 30th - Start sending out result
- May 14th - Deadline for sending out result
- Any new local team member joining the content team - needs to be reported before CFP starts.
New role
- Meeting participants discussed regarding new role that covers managing volunteers before and also durig the event + registration desk(front desk) management as well as some on-site safety and attendee assistance. Participants have discussed a bit about the name for the new role.
FOSSASIA Summit 2025
- Youngbin - Submitted workshop and booth. Still waiting for result
- Aaditya - waiting for talk submission result.
Action items
- Ary, Fenris: Share follow-ups regarding: Bringing Bayu to global team, Updates regarding Sivali and Joyce
- Local team to share floor map of the venue
- Local team to fill in budget sheet
- Local team to share updates regarding registration platform next meeting (Khalti)
- Sponsorship team to continue reaching out potential sponsors
- Content team to setup CFP schedule on Indico
- Steering team to discuss about new role for handling volunteer + front desk + on-site safety
- Local team to share sponsorship prospectus once done.
- Next meeting: 2025-01-26T12:00:00Z