UbuCon Asia 2024 Team meeting 2024-04-28 12:00 UTC

Meeting participants:
@sukso96100 @aryan @rjhsiao @fenris @asmitbm @deepeshaburse @srijancodes

Meeting Chair:


Action item follow up from last meeting

  • @sukso96100 to review KonfHub /done
  • @sukso96100 to reach out companies met in fossasia for sponsor /done
  • @aryan to contact FOSSUnited for sponsorship reminder /done
  • @sukso96100 to contact Philipp for sponsorship gathering /done
  • @rjhsiao to contact Philipp to ask for keynote speaker /done
  • Everyone to work with CFP promo /done
  • @sukso96100 to work with travel grant spreadsheet /done
  • Continue discussion on more global committee members /in progress
  • @devanshucodes to work with @srijancodes on filtering volunteers / mostly done
  • @srijancodes to contact community partners to join our channel, promote posts and provide logos /done
  • @asmitbm to create a CfP reminder post to be posted on the 20th /done
  • @deepeshaburse to post the reminders on UbuCon Asia social media channels /done
  • April 28 11:30 UTC /done
  • @rjhsiao to publish meeting note on discourse /done


  • Sponsorship List
  • Confirmed: Canonical, Onlyoffice, FOSSUnited


  • Budget & Sponsor

  • Expected income

  • Payable plans

    1. Travel grant

    2. Deadline

    * Speakers: April 30
    * Other participants: May 30
    1. Committee
    1. Flight

    2. Accommodation


  • When to open? - Right after closing the CFP

Call for proposal

Travel grant & Visa

  • Check response on CFP and registration

Promotion activities

More Global Committee members

  • @sukso96100 think we don’t have enough folks who would work with gathering intl sponsors. Me and @fenris have been tried to gather but not really successful so far (luckily we have Canonical and Onlyoffice who sponsor us every year. But we need more sponsors like this).
  • Since me and fenris are both quite busy with work. I would like to suggest bring 1 or 2 more folk who would dedicate on gathering sponsors(which would be getting sponsor leads online or on-site, handle sponsorship process, and communicate with potential or confirmed sponsors) I thinking to post a topic on discourse.ubuntu.com for that. What do you think?
  • Reach out previous members first - if not works, then post on discourse.

Action items

  • Fill in payable plans - get quotes, fill in actual spending numbers. - @aryan
  • Global committee members to submit CFP, grants if needed soon.
  • Content team: Start review proposals today. Deadline is May 15
  • Global team members: to reach out some new members we can bring to the team - from previous members first.
  • Anyone joining COSCUP: Contact @rjhsiao and join booth activities :slight_smile:
  • @sukso96100 to reach out Philipp for help with sponsorship gathering - again
  • post meeting note on discourse - @fenris
  • Post CfP closure and registration opening - @deepeshaburse & @asmitbm
  • Help in getting sponsors - @devanshucodes
  • Volunteer reach out completion - @aryan , @devanshucodes , @srijancodes

Any Other Business/Matter (AOB)

  • Any due/target date for our website to complete, is it after we finalize agenda/cfp?
    • Remove some placeholders - youngbin to work on next week
  • Contingency/Backup plan for covering our event
    • Ask for advice from Community team or other community members
    • Government funding? - Tourism government? MICE related funding?
    • Check if Additional 2K USD possible from Canonical
    • Sponsorship from Ubuntu KR - can be confirmed after Aug 10
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