In this topic, Meeting minutes for UbuCon Asia 2022 Local(Korean) team and Global team will be published after periodic meetings.
Local team meeting | July 23 1:00 PM ~ 3:30 PM UTC+9
Present: Youngbin Han @sukso96100, Joowon Jung @edenjint3927, Jongmin Kim @jmkim, Giyeon Bang, Minseong Cho, Gyuseok Jung, Junhyeon Bae, Sangkon Han
Meeting recording
Korean team Bi-weekly meeting time
Bi-weekly meeting will be on Saturday 2PM~4PM
Next meeting will be on Aug 6
Confirmed Venue details
4 rooms
- International Conference Room(3F, 392 Seats): Main hall, Mostly Lecture sessions and Lighting talks
- Mid-sized Conference Room 1(3F, 63 Seats): Will be used for Sponsor booth area
- Mid-sized Conference Room 2(3F, 23 Seats): Will be used for BoFs and small breakout sessions
- Large Conference Room(4F, 100 Seats): Will be used for Workshops and few Lecturs
- Lobby and Front desk: For registration and Interpreter reciver pickups and attendee lounge
Who will join Global team meetings?
Youngbin Han, Giyeon Bang, Jongmin Kim
Timeslot drafts for 2 days event.
1 Keynote (45min + 15min break time)
10 Lectures(Talks) (45min + 15min break time)
2 Extended/Deep-dive Lectures(Talks) (75min + 15min break time)
5 Workshops (90min)
8 BoFs (45min + 15min break time)
6 Lighting talks (5min)
1 Opening speech (30min)
1 Closing speech (30min)
Total 34 slots
Budget plan items that needs quotations
- T-shirts and swags
- Travel support budget(overseaes departures) / Budget for domestic departures are fine
- X-Banners and Hanging banners budget
- Audio setup
- Tax accountant - For managing Ubuntu Korea accounting and paying tax
- Live streaming setup
- Legal staff fees - For writting sponsorship contracts
- Simultaneous interpreter fees
Legal issues
Ubuntu Korea has a business registration since ealier this year (business registration for small nonprofits)
and pays VAT and Corporation Tax, Ubuntu Korea can also issue Tax invoice But doesn’t have legal personality.
Can Ubuntu Korea make direct sponsorship contracts with sponsors?
- Local sponsors: Should be ok, There are some cases that communities with similar registration received sponsorship for their events. But need double check.
- Overseas sponsors(e.g. Canonical): Not sure, Need to check with lawer or legal staffs
Timeline re-arrangement.
Didn’t have much time to discuss. Youngbin will bring draft of re-arranged timelines
In-person tickets will be paid tickets due to interpreter budget and other budet factors
- Early-bird 15,000 KRW
- List prict 20,000 KRW
- Donation tickets 50,000 KRW or 100,000 KRW
Event platform for ticketing
Due to payment method issues, We will use 2 seperate system.
Korean-to-Korean paypal is blocked due to legal issues and Korean event platforms has no support for foreign payments.
- Korean: or Event-Us
- Foreigners: Ti-To(with Paypal), Eventyay(quite buggy last year)
Handling payments for travel sponsorship
- There are 2 ways, No 1. Is less burden. But with No 2. we can book rooms earlier for cheaper prices.
- Ask beneficiary to book transport tickets and accomodation and reimbursement later. Only make booking from organizer side If beneficiary ask for help.
- Book transport tickets and accomodations from organizing team. Ask beneficiary to book by themselves only if required amount exceeds budget.
Action items
- Jongmin to check quotation for travel sponsorship budget
- Junhyeon to look for Tax account and Legal staffs and ask for quotations
- Giyeon to research on budget for banners and audio setup
- Youngbin to research on budget for T-shirts and swags
- Junhyeon and Jongmin to work together on budget quotation for Simultaneous interpreter fees, interpreter booth and interpretation receivers.
- Youngbin and Minseong to research on budget for Live streaming setup
- Jongmin to share potential sponsor list
- Jongmin to reach out potential sponsors
Next meeting
Aug 6 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Local team meeting | Aug 6 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @edenjint3927
- @jmkim
- Minseong Cho
- Junhyeon Bae
- Sangkon Han
Check action items from last meetings
Check quotations for accomodations, flights, visa and other travel related stuffs - @jmkim
- Contact with travel agency: They said they need fixed number of people who departs from overseas, Therefore, Can’t make quotation for that currently.
- Booking flights through Korean travel agency is much more expansive then overseaes participants book themselves. Because the agency book flights through other broker companies.
- Hotels (4 stars): About 100,000 KRW for 1 night expected.
- Visa: Most Travel agency only deals with visa if customer also book hotels and flights through them. It would be better to reach out visa agency for issuing visa for speakers and organizers.
- @jmkim also shared some info on K-MICE program. A sponsorship program by Korea Tourism Organization and Seoul Tourism Organizatoin (Korean government organization) for international conference to be hold in Korea.
Legal & Tax accounting - Junhyeon Bae
- Reached out for tax account and lawyer to ask about event tax accounting and sponsorship contract. Didn’t got some answers or rough quotations yet.
- Found lawyer who can work on writting sponsorship contract with overseas sponsors, Currently reaching out.
Banner quotations
- Giyeon Bang not participated meeting this time, Will check with him later.
Swag quotations - @sukso96100
- T-shirts: About 6,500 KRW for a t-shirt.
- Hood zip-ups: About 15,000~40,000 KRW. Vary by quality. - This will be provided to participants who bought donation ticket or speakers, organizers.
- Stickers: 100mm*100mm with 8 cutouts * 1000 sheets = 63,580 KRW -> Can giveaway to all participants.
Live streaming and video recording setup quotations - @sukso96100, Minseong Cho
@sukso96100’s quotations: About 5,000,000 for 2 days
- Including Live-streaming equipments for Intl room and recording for other rooms, Microphones and Service fee.
- Minseong Cho’s quotations: About 6,000,000 ~ 7,000,000 KRW
- Including Live-streaming equipments for Intl room and recording for other rooms, Microphones and Service fee. - Also including setup for Audio system at venue(Audio mixer, microphone, etc) and video call streaming setup
- The audio system setup is duplicate with what Giyeon is researching. Will need to talk with him for alignments.
Simultaneous Interpretations and equipments - @jmkim, Junhyeon Bae
- Junhyeon reached out DevOps Korea who has similar expereince. Didn’t got any response yet, Will share details once he got response.
- @jmkim - Simultaneous Interpretations + equipments + VAT = Approx 6,050,000 KRW
Suggestions on budget plan
- Seperate budget for travel into 2 piceses: Hotels budget and Flights/Train budget
- Some people may only need one of hotels or flights/train.
- The budget is limited, It will be difficult to provide sponsorship for all organizers, speakers and volunteers. By spliting into 2 parts, We can at least provide hotel options
- Application form for travel sponsorship.
- Because not everybody would need sponsorship from us, Some people might get travel sponsorship from other programs (E.g. From their schools, work or other organizations)
- We receive application on travel sponsorship and decide which person we will provide sponsorship first.
- Dedicate internet setup budget.
- Nuritkum Square (The venue) only provides 100M network. Should be find for web searching and ticketing. But might not be suitable for live streaming.
Schedules and Timelines
- Deadline for opening CFP: Aug 29
- Receive proposals for 4 weeks
- Can be extended 2 more weeks if we could not got enough proposals
- CFP can be opened once proposal form, guidelines and marketing materials are ready.
- Short talk sessions? (20-25min?): Sure, why not?
- Offline marketing (Putting posters on universities, companies) might be also effective promotion campaign.
- Need some promo materials for CFP, Tickets and more that can be inserted on email or website.
- Promotion LinkedIn: People frequently use LinkedIn as their resume, they can put UbuCon atttendance on their profile.
- Domestic:, Overseas: with paypal
- payouts after the events while payout after ticket purchase with few days of delay.
Finances and sponsorship
- Sponsorship amount muse be deposited until late October (Not much time left!)
- Budget plan and sponsorship program must be finalized until late this month.
Actions items
- Check whether Ubuntu Korea can make direct sponsorship contract with overseas sponsors (by next week) Junhyeon Bae
- Check quotations for lawyer and tax accountant (by next meeting) - Junhyeon Bae
- Write draft for CFP submission info, CFP writting guidelines and Proposal review guidelines by next meeting - Sangkon Han
- Write draft for Travel sponsorship application form - Sangkon Han, @jmkim
- Research on Hood zip-ups and other swag quotations - @sukso96100, Minseong Cho
- Create LinkedIn page for UbuCon Asia - @jmkim
- Check hotel cancelation policy for various cancelation reason: Test positive for COVID-19, Flight delayed, etc. - @jmkim
- Sign-up and research on platform @sukso96100
- Write sponsorship program draft @sukso96100
- Publish CFP information on website once CFP info provided - @edenjint3927
Next meeting
Aug 20 2 PM UTC+9
Global team meeting | Aug 6 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @jmkim - South Korea (Individual)
- Giyeon Bang - C++ Korea Moderator, Participating UbuCon Asia team this year, Working as part-time instructor at middle-high school
- @robbinespu - Malaysia, Software Engineer, Second time to join UbuCon Asia team
- Masafumi Ohta - Raspberry Pi Japan Leader, Runs his own company? Interested on public sector and public cloud. Started teaching at University 2 years ago.
- Ravi - from Nepal
- Burgess Chang
- Hong Phuc Dang (FOSSASIA)
- Introduce yourself
- How we work
- Bi-weekly meeting - saturday 1 PM UTC / 10 PM UTC +9
- Meeting note - Write on google docs during meeting, Publish on Ubuntu Discourse after meeting.
- Reports on UbuCon Asia 2022 outlines, Venue informations and timelines
- Venue - NIPA (Nuritkum Square, Seoul, South Korea)
- No camera/video provide for livestream
- Korean team made a budget item for livestream provider (company)
- Shared timetable draft
- VISA: Masafumi said korean team should also look on COVID-19 requirements for entering Korea.
- Venue - NIPA (Nuritkum Square, Seoul, South Korea)
- Team sign ups - assigned global team members to each teams with specific roles
- Discuss about event preparation timelines
- Open CFP Until Aug 29, Accept proposals for 4 weeks -> CFP should open earlier then this. no later than 15 Aug
- Timetable feedbacks
- Budgets
Action items
- Content team: draft CFS, can use last year content, guideline how to write proposal, guideline for reviewing proposal - aim to release the CFS no later than 15 Aug
- Sponsorship team: finalize budget plan and update sponsorship prospectus (in Korean), contacts of sponsors
- Marketing team: artworks, digital banners, email templates, social media plan
- Travel team: publish info. abt travel to Korea (visa, covid restriction, tourist information, n so on)
- General team: publish meeting notes, meeting recording, prepare meeting agenda
Next meeting
Aug 20 1 PM UTC+0
Local team meeting | Aug 20 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @edenjint3927
- @jmkim
- Minseong Cho
- Junhyeon Bae
- Sangkon Han
Check action items from last meetings
Legal & sponsorship contract
- We have confirmed that Ubuntu Korea can enter into sponsorship contract with sponsors.
- But, since the budget scale is very huge and it’s not something Ubuntu Korea can handle by themselves. We’ll use local fiscal host(or event agency) instead.
Check quotations for accomodations, flights, visa and other travel
- @jmkim checked hotel’s refund policy in case of COVID-19 test positive. policy is same, can be 100% refunded 3days before check-in. no refund after less then 3days left.
- @sukso96100 published travel requirements page on website.
- @sukso96100 did some few research on visa. C-3-9 or C-3-1 visa is sufficient for most people who need visa. C-3-1 requires invitation letter(gurantees are also required sometime) - now needs some research on visa letter
- @jmkim has been working on ideas for travel sponsorship form
CFP information and review guidelines.
- Sangkon Han published CFP information and guidelines. now working on guidelines for reviewing proposals.
- @edenjint3927 published CFP info on website
Conference dinner research
- @jmkim contacted hotel that we’ve been reaching out for conference dinner. They provides 300, 80 people room but the 300 people already booked for wedding. Will check their buffet (150 people) and its quotation instead.
- @sukso96100 also complete with authoring sponsorship prospectus and program
- @jmkim made list of potential sponsors
- @jmkim created linkedin page
Ti-to platform
- @sukso96100 signed up the platform with Ubuntu Korea’s email and paypal. the fee is 3%. And amount deposited as people purchases tickets. Expected to be deposited in 7~10 days since it sends money to paypal first.
Call for sponsors
- Increased pricing for Diamond, Gold and Silver package
- Sponsorship prospectus can be finalized once we go details on sponsor booth
- Call for sponsors must open no later then Aug 28
- Feedbacks on @jmkim 's sponsor list - we can also contact public cloud providers in korea (KT cloud, Naver Cloud, NHN Cloud and more) for sponsorship.
Finalize budget plan
- Failed to finalize until today.
- Need updates on:
- Sponsor booth: Due to changes on booth plan
- Wired network installation
- Audio equipments - no need to bring rent speakers, Will use Intl room’s integrated speakers. Still need to bring microphone and audio mixer.
- Swags: Hoodies, Necklace wallet
- Promo printouts
- Conference phones for BoF room
- Interpreter and its equipments
Call for proposals promotion
Online promotion channels
- Facebook page, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Social media of our community partners: Ubuntu Korea, It has nothing to do with coding, Korea WSL Usergroup, openSUSE Korea, LibreOffice Korea, Wise Azure Life
- Large open tech communities: Life coding, Korea Linux Usergroup
- Overseas Ubuntu LoCos: Malaysia, Myanmar, Taiwan, Japan, China, Hong Kong and more
- Event info websites
- Ubuntu Discourse - events category
- Ubuntu Blog - Should ask Liam from Canonical for other canonical folks for help
- Mailing list - loco-contacts and others
Offline promotions - Via lighting talk at other events
- Promotion printout
- Contact universities to publish it on their board
- @edenjint3927 to design promo printout
- Junhyeon Bae will also try to send printout to
Travel sponsorship
What need to be included in the application form.
- participation type: Organizer, Vounteer, Speaker, other participants
- Travel journey information: Flight or train information and expected expanses
- Hotels or other accomodation: Use hotel provided by organizing team or other accomodations
- Level of sponsorship need: Unabled to attend without sponsorship / Can use applicant’s money to attend / Can get sponsorship from other organization / etc
- participants without contribution on volunteer or session: Will require description on contribution on Ubuntu or Ubuntu community
New Sponsor booth plan
After visiting venue once again, We found another area to install booth on lobby. instead of installing booth on midsize conference room 1. it will be installed on Area A,B,C that can be found from the image above. up40 14 tables (1.5m width) can be placed.
The midsize conference room 1 will be used as rest area instead.
Action items
- @jmkim to work on travel sponsorship application form
- @jmkim to work on promo printout quotation and summarized event brochure
@jmkim to research on place for conference dinner
- buffet of the hotel we’ve been contacting.
- Other nearby buffet
- Also make sure to check if buffet or restaurant can handle vegan and halal food.
- Junhyeon Bae to bring booth quotation
- Junhyeon Bae to contact community partners for power strips.
- Sangkon Han to work on proposal review guidelines
- Minseong Cho to work on swag quotations. (Hoodies, necklace wallet and more)
- @sukso96100 to contact Giyeon for venue revisit to check default audio equipment
Next meeting
To finalize or sponsorship prospectus and open call for sponsorship. Meeting will be on Aug 28 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9 this time.
Global team meeting | Aug 20 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @jmkim
- @robbinespu
- Ravi Bhattarai
- @masafumiohta
Action items from last meeting
- Content team: draft CFP, can use last year content, guideline how to write proposal, guideline for reviewing proposal - aim to release the CFS no later than 15 Aug
- CFP released on Aug 17. Will close until Sep 14
- Sponsorship team: finalize budget plan and update sponsorship prospectus (in Korean), contacts of sponsors
- Plans changed for the sponsor booth. The sponsor booth will be installed in the lobby (total 14 tables can be placed) - Budget plan needs to be changed because of this. Will try to bring new quotations asap.
- Marketing team: artworks, digital banners, email templates, social media plan
- Travel team: publish info. abt travel to Korea (visa, covid restriction, tourist information, n so on)
- Information publish: some information pages uploaded by Youngbin on UbuCon Asia 2022 website
- Travel support bursary
- Draft can be done in a week (Jongmin)
- Visa support by group trip agency: available after the participants(who needs Visa support) are ready
- We can provide invitation letter
- Rule: Get the visa by participants themselves first (with our invitation letter). If failed, the travel team can support them (by a trip agency, etc.)
- Tourist information
- Draft can be done in a week (Jongmin)
- Group trip - need to check day trip budget for day 3
- General team: publish meeting notes, meeting recording, prepare meeting agenda - Done
Updates from meeting participants
- Working with websites.
- researching on visa letters
- Visit venue to check booth install area and audio equipment
- Authored sponsorship brochure
- Shared CFP on Japanese community
- Share CFP on Taiwan, Chinese communities
- Renew the quotations for accommodations and interpretation
- Checked the COVID-19 related policy for accomodations
- Researching the bursary request form
Ravi Bhattarai
- Shared CFP
CFP promotion
- Where do we promote?
- Social medias: FB, Twitter, LinkedIn
- Community partners
- Other Ubuntu LoCos
- Event calendar websites
- Ubuntu Blog
- Ubuntu Discourse
- Mailing List
- Universities
- @sukso96100, Ravi, @masafumiohta has some connections
Travel sponsorship
- Hotels 4 nights, Expenses for Flights (round trip) up to about 1000 USD (1,300,000 KRW) - reimbursement.
- Necessary items
- Priority estimation
- (example: used by DebConf 22)
- Expenses estimation
- Flight inbound (to Seoul)
- Flight outbound (from Seoul)
- Accommodation name
- Give an option to choose our group accommodation
- Requested expense
- Form to write about the necessity in UbuCon
- for normal participants
- contribution history of Ubuntu related activities (textarea)
- participating history of Ubuntu related activities (textarea)
- other activities (textarea)
- for speakers, organizers and volunteers
- “level of need” would be enough?
- for normal participants
- Priority estimation
Feedbacks: Korean team will need to continuously track immigration and quarantine policy. Issuing a visa might take a long time depending on the applicant’s nationality. Visa with invitation can make this faster. - @masafumiohta
Action items
- CFP - Spread it on your local communities - all
- Contact universities for CFP promos - @sukso96100 @jmkim @masafumiohta, Ravi
- Travel form: @jmkim to create draft, @masafumiohta to review
- @sukso96100to do more research on visa - Visa letter, requirement and required time to get visa per each applicant nationality
- General team: publish meeting notes, meeting recording, prepare meeting agenda
Next meeting
To finalize or sponsorship prospectus and open call for sponsorship. Meeting will be on Aug 28 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0 this time.
Local team meeting | Aug 27 4:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @edenjint3927
- Minseong Cho
- Junhyeon Bae
- Sangkon Han
- Gyuseok Jung
- Giyeon Bang
Action items from last meeting
Travel sponsorship application form
Since @jmkim is quite busy with other tasks, and he is also sick from COVID-19, @sukso96100 wrote the form instead. The form includes following entries.
- Email, Legal names, participation types
- Contribution on UbuCon Asia(for speakers and organizers), Contribution for Ubuntu and Ubuntu Community(for other participants)
- Round trip ticket details
- transportation type (flights, train, ferry, express bus)
- Travel schedule (when to arrive and leave Seoul)
- Estimated expenses
- Level of need for round trip ticket sponsorship
- Accomodation details
- Hotels by organizing team
- Check-in/out schedule
- Level of need for accomodation sponsorship
- Accomodation booked by applicant first, reimbursed after the event
- Check-in/out schedule
- Estimated expenses
- Level of need for accomodation sponsorship
- Hotels by organizing team
Conference Dinner
@jmkim researched on conference dinner venue and budget and shared before the meeting. We discussed which one to choose, But was unable to choose one.
- We wanted a place that can handle about 100 people and near from the venue. So that organizers, speakers, sponsors and attendees can easily join and socialize together.
- Near from the venue: Can only handle upto 60~70 people. Rooms for 100+ people are already booked by other team
- A bit far from venue: Can handle more then 100+ people. But budget really hikes! We need to pay 2x~3x more and also need to rent 3 buses.
- As we need to fix our budget plan and open call for sponsors on monday anyway. We put budget for dinner based on estimation for “A bit far from venue” - which is about 11,920 USD
Day trip
@jmkim contacted travel agency for quotation. - no response yet, expected to got response next wednsday.
Budge for simultaneous interpretation
Since we got quotations from both Junhyeon Bae and @jmkim. We compared estimated expenses. @jmkim’s quotation was a lot cheaper, So we decided interpretation company where @jmkim contacted before.
Summarized event brochure
@jmkim is still working on it.
New Sponsor booth details and quotations.
Junhyeon Bae brought new sponsor booth details, but could not got the exact quotations yet. The booth company installation that Junhyeon Bae contacted said it’s difficult for them to bring quotation for only 3 booths. Junhyeon now plan to reach out other companies for quotations.
These are booth design for Diamond and Gold so far.
For silver sponsors, we plan to setup booth with roll-up(or big-pole) banners as back with 1.5m wide table on the venue.
Poster printout quotations
If we use the company called “Red Printing” and print out 100 papers, It requires 22,110 KRW (approx 17 USD)
Feedbacks and concerns on travel sponsorship
- What should we do if the selected applicant doesn’t have enough money to book flights and the ticket price is more then 1000 USD?
- We choose to ask applicants to ask buy ticket with their money first then provide reimbursement, Because if we book ticket from our side through travel agency, from tickets for visiting Korea is expensive because they use overseas travel agencies to book tickets and that doubles or triples the fees.
- One idea: If the applicant has some money to pay for remaining amount with 1000 USD deducted, We may ask applicant to pay for remaining amount to our fiscal host and ask fiscal host to book tickets.
Website updates
- On the travel sponsorship page - We should also add information on Ubuntu donation funding and other fund information. Because we can’t provide sponsorship for all participants
- We also plan to accept individual donation with github sponsors not just with donation tickets. This information will be added on individual patron page.
- For normal attendees - Necklace wallet with nametag, Neck warmer - need quotation
- For organizer, speakers, and patrons - Necklace wallet with nametag, and hoodies. - We got quotation for hoodies thankd to Minseong Cho
Wired network installation.
The venue only provides 100mpbs network. which is not really suitable for live streaming and video calls for BoF sessions. Minseong Cho brought some quotation for network installation.
The Business network installation requires quite high fee, since we need installation for only 2 rooms (Intl room and BoF room) we choose home or small business network installation with 1Gbps. and the estimated budget for that is about 150,000 KRW
Action items
- Junhyeon to bring exact booth quotation asap.
- @jmkim to bring day trip quotation
- @jmkim @sukso96100 to bring conference dinner quotation
- Minseong to contact Stomp! a live streaming provider wheather they can also provide network installation
- @sukso96100 to bring quotation for some swags
- @sukso96100 to contact GNOME.Asia 2013 team and UbuCon EU team for Conference Dinner and Day trip reference.
- @sukso96100 and Giyeon to revisit the venue, get exact size for large banner and contact banner provider for quotations.
- Junhyeon to contact our fiscal host to ask what kind of information should we got from sponsors to proceed with sponsorship contract and payment
- Junhyeon to contact community partners for power strip rental
- Junhyeon to contact fiscal host to ask about booking flights
- @sukso96100 to make list of Universities and organization to send printout posters
- All - review travel sponsorship form by Monday.
Next meeting
Next meeting will be on Sep 10 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Global team meeting | Aug 27 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- @robbinespu
- Giyeon Bang
- Ravi Bhattarai
- @rs2009
- @fenris
- @jipangmenjerit
- @masafumiohta
Action items from last meeting
- All - Spread CFP on local community - in progress
@sukso96100, @jmkim, @masafumiohta, Ravi, @robbinespu - Contact universitires for CFP promos
- @sukso96100 didn’t contacted yet due to other tasks.
- Ravi: sent invitation to four college representatives and one university
- @robbinespu: Blasting email, reaching some FOSS and security community on others platform and face-to-face invitation from JomWeb Johor Meetup Vol-1.
- @masafumiohta encouraged some university students he know to submit some proposals.
- Travel sponsorship form: @sukso96100 created one.
@sukso96100 Visa letter research - Contacted Korean embassy in India, Indonesia, Nepal and Japan.
- India - Asked us for place of issue on passport - so could not make progress
- Indonesia - Invitation letter with invitee information and purpose are enough. Squared stampe of organization(without legal personality) on letter also works. printed copy also works.
- Nepal - Invitation letter requires organizing team to gurantee that invitee will visit and go back home on time. Squared stamp of Ubuntu Koera not works. Representative’s autograph works but needs notorization.
- Japan: Similar to Indonesia. But they require “original” invitation. Not sure if this means that we need to send paper to Japan physically, will need to contact them again later.
Travel sponsorship: Program and application form feedbacks
@masafumiohta’s feedback: There are KRW entry alongside USD entry for entering estimated amount. This need some description since people might confused which one should they enter.
- @sukso96100 answered They are already some description, But it might be not clear enough.
@masafumiohta suggests to put
(For Korean)
,(For Foreigner)
on the entry title to reduce confusion. @sukso96100 accepts the feedbacks.
@fenris raises some concerns about the flight sponsorship.
- Some of the choosen speaker/paper will have issue to upfront the amount of ~1000USD: This might impact the schedule/event
- @sukso96100’s idea: If the applicant has some money to pay for remaining amount with 1000 USD deducted, We may ask applicant to pay for remaining amount to our fiscal host and ask fiscal host to book tickets.
- We don’t need make decision right now, but this needs some further discussion
Sponsorship program
The sponsorship program and its prospectus is almost ready. Call for sponsors will open monday.
Conference dinner
- We wanted a place that can handle about 100 people and near from the venue. So that organizers, speakers, sponsors and attendees can easily join and socialize together.
- Near from the venue: Can only handle upto 60~70 people. Rooms for 100+ people are already booked by other team
- A bit far from venue: Can handle more then 100+ people. But budget really hikes! We need to pay 2x~3x more and also need to rent 3 buses.
- As we need to fix our budget plan and open call for sponsors on monday anyway. We put budget for dinner based on estimation for “A bit far from venue” - which is about 11,920 USD
- @masafumiohta says: Many of such Dinner events are separated - Speaker and Attendees but I guess it is not good to be separated to network each other, but budgets kill us - it makes us annoyed.
- Will discuss with @jmkim later on details and budget
Online speakers and participants
@masafumiohta say we need guidelines for online speakers. such as session video recording guidelines, scheudle, etc.
- @sukso96100 shared last year’s guidelines. @masafumiohta to write improved version.
- For online participants
- They will be able to participate Talks sessions and BoF - Workshop won’t be able to participate online. Perhaps provideing workshop material on website might be possible.
- Talks will be streamed on YouTube and Jitsi video call room will be provided for BoF
- Online participation will be free and no registratoin required.
Action items
- All: Promote CFP!
- @masafumiohta to write draft on online speaker guidelines
- @sukso96100 and Giyeon to finalize budget plan
Next meeting
Sep 10 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Local team meeting | Sep 10 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
Not much people present since it’s Mid-autumn (or Chuseok) in Korea
- @sukso96100
- @edenjint3927
- Minseong Cho
- Sangkon Han
Action items from last meeting
- Sponsor booth quotation / Junhyeon not present on meeting today.
- Conference Dinner quotation / @jmkim not present on meeting today.
- Network installation quotation / Minseong Cho
- External network line can be plugged in on IDF room. This allows us to setup high speed network on venue using without installing additional network equipment. We just pay for network fee and network line installation/uninstallation fee between IDF room and ISP. - So not much changes on network quotations.
- We can use home network plan for intl room since we use only network for streaming there, But BoF would need business plan since many people can use the network on same time.
- Neck warmer, Necklate wallet / @sukso96100
- Necklate wallet: Total 1,600,000 KRW for 360 pcs
- Neck warmer: Total 400,000 KRW for 220 pcs
- Contact GNOME.Asia 2013 team for reference / @sukso96100
- Reference was not much helpful - Should wait for @jmkim’s report, That would be better
- Contact UbuCon EU team for group tour reference / @sukso96100 - forgot to contact
- Banner quotation updates / No updates yet
- Re visit venue to check audio equipments / Canceled due to @sukso96100 test COVID-19 positive and typhoon issues.
- Power strips supply / Junhyeon not present on meeting today.
- Speaker flights booking inquery to fiscal host / Junhyeon not present on meeting today.
- Review travel sponsorship form / Done
- Make list of Universitires where we will send posters / Canceled, Replace with reaching out for promotion request
CFP status and promotion
- 27 proposals submitted so far
- Unfortunately, 20+ proposals are spam or simply not suitable for our event.
- For example: Topics like “What’s Security?”, “What’s Social Engineering?”, “Become a digital nomad without losing your job!” -> Way too broad, or not suitable for our event.
- We don’t have enough workshop proposals - Talk can be covered by organizers anyway, But since workshop requires a lot of preparation. It will be difficult to make a backup.
- Most proposals are English - We also need Korean proposals. Since it’s a event in Korea
- We expect most people will submit proposal on last day, But for in case, We’ll need to contact some people we know and ask for proposals.
- If we don’t have enough proposals on last day, We will extend CFP period for 2 weeks. (Will be decided at night of last day)
Sponsor gathering status
- Contacted 26 companies so far.
- 2 companies rejected
- 2 companies accepted(Both silver sponsor), Will sign on contract next week.
- 22 companies no response yet.
- @sukso96100 shares sponsor proposition email template for other organizers convenience when contacting companies to ask for sponsorships.
Next meeting
Sep 13 08:00 PM ~ 10:00 PM to check CFP status and talk about other agendas not discussed today.
Global team meeting | Sep 10 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording:
Not much people present since it’s Mid-autumn in many Asian regions
- @sukso96100
- Vincent Wong
- @masafumiohta
Check action items from last meeting
@masafumiohta to write draft on online speaker guidelines
- Done.
- Sessions in not English or Korean - Expect speaker to bring their own solution
- Speaker to bring Machine interpretation tools: such as or just bring slide deck in English and just give talk in their own language.
- @sukso96100 and Giyeon to finalize the Budget plan. - Done
- Promote CFP - all
CFP status
- About 27 proposal submitted. Will need to check and discuss later, But many of them are not suitable for our event
Sponsor gathering status
- Contacted 26 companies so far.
- 2 companies rejected
- 2 companies accepted(Both silver sponsor), Will sign on contract next week.
- 22 companies no response yet.
- @sukso96100 shares sponsor proposition email template for other organizers convenience when contacting companies to ask for sponsorships.
Action items
- Youngbin to provide email template for sponsorship proposal
- Youngbin to ping folks in telegram if not much proposal submitted to discuss about CFP extension
Next meeting
Setp 24 1PM UTC
Local team meeting | Sep 17 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- Giyeon Bang
- Junhyeon Bae
- Sangkon Han
Share updates
- published CFP extension notice
- Contacted some potential speakers. Also contacted some applicants to provide feedbacks on proposals.
Junhyeon Bae
- Confirmed that he can borrow power strips through community partners
- Contacting with Google Korea and AWS Korea marketing manager for sponsorships
- Contacted Microsoft Korea - They don’t have marketing manager at the moment.
Giyeon Bang
- Couldn’t visited venue due to typhoone and schedule conflicts. Got some photos from @sukso96100
- Plan to visit banner printing company and check available banner types
Sangkon Han
- Tracking submitted proposals
Banner quotation
- This will be submitted next week
- Need to check deadline for submitting banner design files.
Visiting venue for checking audio equipments
- Giyeon to check wheather audio equipment company should also visit the venue togather and requirements to proceed
- Things to check
- Available dates for organizers, venue admins and audio company
- Wheather audio company’s audio mixer output can be input for venue’s integrated speakers.
- equipment installation location.
- Check banner size for lobby
- Check velcro tape location for banner placement on lobby
Proposal backups ideas - for in case we don’t receive enough proposals
- L10n workshop
- Ubuntu Frame workshop - Plan to ask Gwangyeon for that
- GPG keysigning party
- sponsored slots
Sponsorship status
- No new updates
- Discussion in progress with Cloudmate and WhaTap
- Contact NHN Cloud for sponsorship
Action items
- Giyeon to contacter banner producer for banner quotation
- Giyeon to check available venue visit schedule
- Junhyeon to check sponsor booth quotation once again
- Junhyeon to check wheather our fiscal host can book flights for speakers
- Sangkon to contact people he know and ask for proposal
- Gathering sponsors: Try to reach out someone we know in the company ratehr then email contact. As email usually goes to spam.
Next meeting
Sep 24 2:00 PM
Local team meeting | Sep 24 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording:
- @sukso96100
- Giyeon Bang
- Junhyeon Bae
- Sangkon Han
- Minseong Cho
- Gyuseok Jung
- Giyeon Bang
Action items from last meeting
- Banner quotation: Submitted, Now waiting for respone - Giyeon
- Venue visit schedule: Oct 1, Need to contact audio company if they can also join’
- Booth quotation - Junhyeon could not checked yet since he was so busy with work.
- Booking flights with fiscal host - Junhyeon could not checked yet since he was so busy with work.
- Gatehring speakers, sponsors - In progress
Budget cutout
- Flight budget for speakers from overseas: 1,300,000 KRW * 10 person-> 1,000,000 * 10 person
- Conference dinner budget: 13,000,000 KRW for 100 people -> 5,000,000 KRW for 60 people
- Sprint event will be canceled, So budget for renting sprint venue will be: 1,300,000 KRW -> 0 KRW
About total 20,000,000 KRW cutout from total budget amount.
Lowering sponsorship fees
- Diamond, Gold, Silver: -2,000,000 KRW
- Bronze, Supporter, Dinner: -1,000,000 KRW
Providing participants list data to sponsors as sponsor offerings
- Need to check pricacy related laws first.
Korea Telecom short team contract issue
The KT branch we’ve contacted says they can’t handle this contract and told us to contact nearby KT plaza.
CFP, Sponsorship status
No new updates
Travel sponsorship application form
Update form to accept amount in local currency
Action items
- Giyeon to check wheather Stomp! can join venue visit schedule at Oct 1st 12PM
- Giyeon to share banner quotation updates.
- @sukso96100 to contact @jmkim to ask for updated group tour quotations.
- @sukso96100 to contact Openstack KR for privacy policy reference
- Minseong to contact KT plaza nearby the venue
- @sukso96100 to update sponsorship prospectus
Next meeting
Oct 8 2:00 PM
Global team meeting | Sep 24 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
No one joined the meeting this time. It’s been postponed to Oct 1st on same time.
Global team meeting | Oct 1 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording has been lost - No recording available this time.
- @sukso96100
- Giyeon Bang
- @masafumiohta
- Ravi Bhattarai
Updates since last meeting
- Sponsorship: Contract in progress with 3 sponsors
- Meeting with Canonical staff
- Can make progress on Diamond sponsorship next week
- Canonical can also buy and send merchandises to venue and help us with gathering sponsors.
- Travel support update
- @jmkim has been working with most of travel stuffs. But we just found that he’ve been hospitalized for about a month and couldn’t make progress since then. He’s tasks are now transfers to other local team organizers and continue to make progress. We plan to contact Hotel, Travel agency to ask for updated quotation.
- Revisited venue with audio company
- To look for audio and live streaming equipment placement
- Checked large banner size for Intl room - which will be placed next to doors on lobby
- Regarding Ubuntu Summit
- Ravi, @masafumiohta @sukso96100 all submitted proposal for the Summit inlcuding UbuCon Asia panel session proposal.
Proposal review
@masafumiohta shared some suggestion on review guideline based on his experience on OpenInfra Summit. Following is the guideline we made consensus.
- Largely two parts: Pre-process and selection.
- Pre-process
- Drop spam proposals
- For those who submitted multiple proposal, ask to select one.
- Re-assign category if required.
- Ask applicants to improve proposal if it doesn’t provide sufficient information.
- Vote proposal by categories and region (Korea/Foreigners)
- Choose 10 for Korean speakers, 10 for Foreigners
- Except for worst proposals, Other proposals will go to pending queue. In case selected speaker not reachable.
- Considerations when reviewing proposals
- Relevance with Ubuntu and its ecosystem - Other open source topics also ok, but gets a bit lower priority
- If the topic is too broad or generic, In most cases, not suitable for our event.
- Proposal that just talks about facts easily found on the internet and already many people know are mostly not suitable for our event.
- Abstract should provide sufficient overview and information of the session
- proposal should be Ubuntu CoC and Ubucon Asia CoC compliant
- Proposal with product and service advertisement purpose strictly prohibited.
- We can use google doc or spreadsheet format for reviewing proposal. Which would be better
- No one answers, korean team to make decision
- Ticket policy
@sukso96100 suggests 2 ticket policy for organizers/volunteers/speakers
- Everybody pays policy - like PyCons
- @masafumiohta says staff ticket should be cheaper
- Let staffs to choose between free and paid.
- Most participants said this options sounds better.
- Everybody pays policy - like PyCons
@sukso96100 suggests 2 ticket policy for organizers/volunteers/speakers
- Meeting method
- @sukso95100 suggests meeting method with text chat.
- No decision made. Will make survey for this instead.
Action items
- @masafumiohta to make Proposal review guideline document
- @sukso96100 to share document for reviewing proposals
- @masafumiohta @sukso96100 and Ravi to review proposal once its ready
Next meeting
Oct 8 1:00 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Local team meeting (Content team) | Oct 2 4:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording
- @sukso96100
- @sigmadream
- Minseong Cho
- Review process guideline: Adopted guideline from previous global team meeting.
- Slots for Korean/Foreinger speaker: About 10 for each
- Except for workshops, Most Korean speakers will be accepted and will ask them to improve their proposals
- Type of doc for review: Will use Google docs type
About Canonical to buy and send merchandises to venue
- All marketing team folks agrees that it’s a good idea.
- We prefer products in following order: 1. Reversible Vest 2. Performance Jacket 3. Hoody Jacket
- Quantity will be 350-370
- Need to check available customization options
- Vendor seems to be a german vendor. Need to check customs policy for bulk wearables imported from EU
- Also to check if Canonical can also order merchandises from Korean vendor
Action items
- @sigmadream to work with document for reviewing proposals
- @sukso96100 to contact Canonical for merchandises
- Minseong to check Merchandises import customs, duty, tax policy
- @sigmadream, @sukso96100, Minseong to review proposals by next week.
Next meeting
Oct 8 2:00 PM UTC+9
Local team meeting | Oct 8 4:00 PM ~ 6:00 PM UTC+9
Video recording
- @sukso96100
- @sigmadream
- Minseong Cho
- Giyeon Bang
- Gyuseok Jung
- @edenjint3927
Updates since last meeting
Minseong Cho
- Contract with KT Plaza recommended to be done before 2~3 weeks of event.
- Import duty information for merchandises Canonical will send
- Basically, We’ll need to pay 10% VAT and 15% duty
- Import duty can be exempted if supplier attach a document that merchandises Country of origin is EU or UK
Giyeon Bang
- The banner designs needs to be shared in EPS format
- Have not ask for quotation to stomp. Will contact them soon.
- No quotation inforamtion received from banner supplier. Will contact them to remind again.
- Sponsors
- Confirmed: Onlyoffice (Silver)
- Ongoing: 3 sponsors
- Internal discussion progress: 2 sponsors
- GitHub: They ran out of budget for event sponsorship
- Hotel: Hotel says they can’t cover vegan and halal requirements
- Group tour: they said 100,000 per person can cover just tour. But not meals
Ticket type and pricing
Attendee 350 tickets (Except organizers)
- Early bird: 40,000KRW(2days) 30% (100 tickets) open Oct 14
- List price: 30,000KRW(21USD, 1 day), 50,000KRW(35USD, 2 days) 60% (200 tickets) when Early bird tickets sold out, open after 1 day.
- Donation ticket: At least 100,000 10% (50 tickets) (Open with donation)
- Free dinner for 150,000 KRW and more
- Sponsor ticket: free (Approval by organizer)
- Organizer ticket: (Approval by organizer)
Activity ticket
- Dinner: 36,000 KRW (60 - (number of organizer, speakers, sponsors))
- Group tour: 30,000(50 tickets) (Open with list price ticket)
Conference Dinner
Hotel says (4 star) They can’t cover vegan and halal requirement.
Some other things to consider
- Will need to check what kind of dishes will be provided from hotel buffet catering.
- There must be some dishes that vegan can enjoy.
- In case there are no dishes for vegan or halal can enjoy. Consider ordering dedicate mealbox for participants who need.
- Will need to ask if it would be ok to order and bring mealbox to banquet
Participant data requirement from sponsors
Some other company asked us again wheather we provide participant data. Because they can’t participate with sponsor booth (where they can collect participant data with survey) and sponsor session (to promote themselves to participants). So they want participant data instead to bring budget from their company.
- We will need to ask participants wheather they want to share data with sponsors.
- Only participant data with 3rd party consent will be shared.
- Will need to write a privacy policy for participants
- Will also need to ask sponsor what kind of data exactly they need.
- Some company tolds they need emails at least
Group tour
- Tour agency says, Our current budget (100,000 KRW per person) can’t cover tour with meals.
- To keep our budget. We’ll remove meal from group tour.
Action item
- @edenjint3927, Giyeon to discuss about banner design
- @sukso96100 to share updates if any response from canonical
- Giyeon to ask quotation on current supplier and also on different supplier
- Gyuseok to setup ticket system
- @sukso96100 to ask hotel for buffet menu details and wheather if we can bring mealbox from other supplier
- @sigmadream to find some mealbox supplier that can deal with vegan and halal requirement
- @sukso96100 to ask company who asked for participant data for details of their requirement
- Content team: proposal review meeting on Oct 9 2 PM
- Giyeon to contact other tour agency that we’ve been contacted for quotation updates.
Next meeting
Oct 22nd 2 PM UTC+9
Global team meeting | Oct 8, 1 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Video recording :
- @robbinespu
- @sukso96100
- @masafumiohta
- @jipangmenjerit
- @fenris
- Ravi Bhattarai
- Rudra
Updates from last 2 weeks
- Khairul: Not much
- Robbi: have been busy with business in HK
- Syzawan: None
- Giyeon: Forgot to contact audio company, will contact banner suppliers and audio company soon.
- Today(Oct, 08) I shared with the local team about our audio system.
- Asked LINE Corp for sponsorship, but they are not interested in sponsoring, so they can sponsor us some swags instead.
- Youngbin:
- ONLYOFFICE confirmed
- Cloudmate, Invesume, Inflearn
- Canonical, MS Korea(Supporter), NHN Cloud
- Samsung SDS - reviewing proposal
- Hotel said they can not cover vegan and halal requirements for the banquet and buffet.
- Ravi
- Reviewing proposal, almost done.
- Rudra: Done with reviewing proposal
Participant 3rd party consent
- Many sponsors ask whether we provide participant email. And says may not sponsor us if not provided.
- Such as NHN Cloud
- We will need to write a privacy policy with information about the sponsor first.
- We can write one based on privacy policy doc from other events.
- We’ll need to provide only data with 3rd party agreement to sponsors.
Proposal review step 2
Attendee 350 tickets(Except organizers)
Early bird: 40,000KRW(2days) 30% (100 tickets) open Oct 14
List price: 30,000KRW(21USD, 1 day), 50,000KRW(35USD, 2 days) 60% (200 tickets) when Early bird tickets sold out, open after 1 day.
- says it could be expensive for students, we should consider cheaper tickets with student pricing.
Donation ticket: At least 100,000 10% (50 tickets) (Open with donation)
- Free dinner for 150,000 KRW and more
Sponsor ticket: free (Approval by organizer)
Organizer ticket: (Approval by organizer)
Dinner: 36,000 KRW (60 - (number of organizer, speakers, sponsors))
Group tour: 30,000(50 tickets) (Open with list price ticket)
Student verification
- Email (Could be some bypass from graduate folks) - Maybe we should not use this
- Student ID
- Actually… We have to be conscientious… If they need official certificates, basically that is not free.
- Valid ISIC card
Action items
- Youngbin and Giyeon to discuss about Student ticket pricing with Korean team
- Youngbin to create spreadsheet for scoring proposals (next step)
- korean team to work with privacy policy
- All: Research on student verification method
- All: To promote ticket registration once ticket opens
- Youngbin to update budget plan - expected earning sheet.
Global team meeting | Oct 22, 1 PM ~ 3:00 PM UTC+0
Updates since last meeting
- Rudra: Not much, been busy with Ubuntu Summit and Ubuntu 22.10 release
- Youngbin
- Canonical - Diamond
- Elastic - Silver
- WhaTap Labs - Supporter
- Seoul Tourism Organization - Reviewing our application, result should be available before Ubuntu summit.
- Microsoft Korea - Supporter or Bronze.
- NHN Cloud,, Invesume, Onlyoffice, Cloudmate
- Hotels: 25 rooms * 4 nights
- Korean team: reviewed timetable, travel sponsorship.
- Syzawan: Not much
Timetable review
Travel sponsorship application review
Can provide sponsorship for all speakers: But can only book upto 3 people from organizers side: other people go with reimbursement
Can provide letter of guarantee
Conference dinner
It would be good if we can pair a local volunteer(who can speak English) with an overseas guest.
Tasks for volunteers
- Help with setting up conference venue: Friday afternoon
- Help with venue clean up: Day 2 right after the event.
- Track MC(or moderator): Manage each conference room, Introduce speakers, encourage participants to ask questions, etc.(3 tracks)
- Registration desk: Manage attendee check-in
- Photographers: Take photo of participants
- Document about the event overall.
- Video editing
- BoF room Meeting device management: Manage conference phone and presentation laptop.
- Conference dinner
- Venue setup/cleanup team
- Tickets
Local team meeting (Content team) | Oct 16 7:00 PM ~ 8:00 PM UTC+9
- Work on timetable with submissions
Local team meeting | Oct 22 2:00 PM ~ 4:00 PM UTC+9
- @sukso96100
- @mscho7969
- Junhyeon Bae
- Giyeon Bang
Updates since last meeting
Junhyeon Bae:
- Contacted booth supplier for booth installation quotation once again.
- Backdrop design file for gold sponsor booth is required.
- Followed up with simultaneous interpretation company for quotation details.
Giyeon Bang
- Plan to contact Stomp! today to request for contract document.
- Checked budget for ordering banners from
- Forgot to contact tour agency for group tour quotation
- Sponsors: Elastic(Silver), WhaTap Labs(Supporter), Canonical(Diamond + Swag budget)
- Hotels: 25 rooms, Total 13,000,000 KRW
- Worked with Visa invitation template
Review travel sponsorship applications
Choosed about 10 people - detailed information not described here
Discussion on Visa invitation and Visa sponsorship(letter of guarantee) for speakers
The Korean immigration requires organization to take responsibilities for when providing visa invitation foreigners from certain countries. Such as covering unexpected travel expenses for invited person and expel from Korea due to illegal actions. To make sure something doesn’t go wrong, We discussed about pre-verification(Check if the person is really plan to visit Korea for attending our event) before providing visa invitation.
- For speakers who required to submit “Letter of guarantee” - Need to check if speaker has enough will to give there speech.
- Asking speakers to submit draft of presentation slides.
- Check if speaker has a steady job (or steady income) - Korean Immigration might do some another verification if invitee is unemployed(or self employed) or student.
- Invitation period stated in the invitation letter should not be longer then event dates + arrival and departure day.
- Travel team will need to track booking status of each speaker.
Budget and sponsorship
- Seoul tourism organization approved sponsorship for UbuCon Asia 2022
Conference dinner
Go with booking a party room and catering instead of hotel buffet
- Party room - for conference dinner venue
- 60 pax and 4 hours
- Candidates: @mscho7969 to contact for quotations.
- Catering
- Will order catering from Halal guys as they can cover both halal and vegan meal.
- Time: 5pm ~ 9pm (including preparation and clean up time)
- Moving from conference venue to dinner venue
- Korean participants - Will be asked to move to the venue by themselves.
- Foreign participants will be led by few Korean organizers and volunteers who speaks English.
Action items
- Junhyeon to share booth quotation updates when available.
- Junhyeon to contact simultaneous interpretation company.
- Giyeon to design banners with Joowon and ask banner supplier for quotations.
- Giyeon to contact travel agency for quotations.
- @sukso96100 to contact travel agency for group tour quotation without meal.
- @sukso96100 to contact speakers for visa pre-verification process
- @mscho7969 to find party rooms and catering details for meeting at 10 AM
- @sukso96100 to open tickets on and