Time to set the sails for a new journey ⛵

Dear Ubuntu Community,

Having the privilege of working with so many talented individuals from around the world has been such a blast. It is astonishing what you’ve been able to achieve just driven by the mission of bringing free software to the widest audience. You’ve self-organized large scale conferences and other impactful programs, built opportunities for beginners and enthusiasts to find joy and learn something new, or simply took a small step to make Ubuntu a little bit better.

It has been an honor to be part of this journey with you, but it is time for me to set the sails and head on towards a next adventure. Therefore, I am leaving Canonical at the end of May. Thank you for the memories, the challenges, and the victories.

I hope to see many of you again at open source conferences such as FOSDEM. @ilvipero and @aaronprisk have been helping you with so many other things in the community, please reach out to one of them if you would normally have reached out to me.

Please continue to be as awesome as you are!



Thank you for everything, @kewisch!
Good luck on your new adventure and I look forward to seeing your future Ubuntu Membership application. :wink:


Thank you for everything, @kewisch! It has been a pleasure working with you, and I wish you the best on your future endeavors!

Please, don’t be a stranger! If there is anything I can do to help (now or in the future), please don’t hesitate to reach out!


It was always so wonderful working with you! And then so much fun once we were at events and seeing them unfold. Thank you for all your experience, thoughtfully planning and achieving what is a fantastic new period of activity for the Ubuntu community! You’ve been pivotal for this new era.

I wish you all the best for the days and years to come. I’ll be jealous of your next opportunity, because they will have an amazing teammate who will do great things!


Well shoot Philipp !

Who can fill the void that your sailing on will leave ?
You have been such an inspiration - not to mention the great assistance you provide in coordinating so many activities and that you are instrumental in inter team communications and procedures.

-you will be missed-


Philipp It has been a huge honour to get to know you and to meet you. Good luck in your future.


It’s been an honor to collaborate with you in past few years :slight_smile: Especially I would like to appreciate a lot on your help on organizing UbuCons and supporting LoCos over many years.

Good luck on your next adventure, and would be nice to keep in touched :slight_smile:


Oh my God, I am a :exploding_head:
Thank you for everything that you have done for the communities @kewisch!

The Ubuntu spirit in Latam is coming back and that’s in part for all the work that with your help we (Ubuntu Colombia and Ubuntu Ve, special mention @naudyvu) have done here.

It has been a pleasure to collaborate with you, I wish the best and hopefully next year we will meet at the FOSDEM and why not may we meet in Germany :slight_smile:

Again, thank you so much!!!