Hi, just some info about my experience setting up Ubuntu for my music creation and a little gaming:
I think we’re about to see a steady stream of ship-jumpers as Microsoft’s approach to ads and bloat intensifies and Apple, well… Apple$. I usually consider myself quite tech-savvy until I talk to coders or electronics designers but man, getting a stable build of Ubuntu has been a chore - and I’m not even that confident my build is really that solid under the hood. That said, Id rather this than the incessant nag to install OneDrive, Edge, Xbox, Office365.
I make music with Eurorack hardware, synthsizers, recording devices and the computer. All I need is a minimal system that runs VCV Rack 2 Pro and Bitwig (I kinda like a nice UI too). The Wine and Yabridge VST plugins can come later but the meat & potatoes need to run well and reliably.
Now, I’ve relied very heavily on paid subs to Chat GPT in order to get through pretty much everything and I can’t understand why so much of the Linux experience is only available through Terminal (Surprising someone hasn’t made a graphical terminal with lists of commands that I can click and/or combine to make auto-corrected syntax and therefore build a visual memory of this stuff).
My personal experiences:
: Barrier to Entry.
Yeh, the base install has browsing and a bit of office software but as soon as I need professional applications I’m faced with a terminal. Snaps, whilst a lovely dream, don’t have any of the paid apps I need so I have to hunt for official installers that require lots of manual intervention - never mind deciphering flatpak, snap, .deb.
: Terminal.
I don’t hate it but if we want more users, Terminal should be an advanced tool, not a basic requirement.
: Hard disk access.
I have 2 internal NVME drives. One for the system, another for sound libraries and projects. When I open Bitwig it looks for the content libraries and comes up with nothing because for some reason the 2nd internal disk isn’t being detected by the program. I have to open the content drive before opening Bitwig to make sure there’s a connection. I’ve noticed in previous Ubuntu builds that mounted internal drives seem to disappear from time to time. I can’t tell if it’s a power saving feature or a bug.
: Steam.
I thought Steam would have been nailed!! The menu defaults for Linux systems aren’t even pre-set in the Snap version. I have to say that it runs well once set up though. The real problem for me came down to Microsoft’s proprietary Xbox controller drivers!!
It would be nice to have those nifty tools that come with the steam deck, especially the frame limiter tool - since Nvidia don’t want to give me an app on linux.
: Audio.
Jack. jackd jack2, pulseaudio, jack2pulseaudio, jacktopulseaudio, pipewire, also… What?!
This stuff is such a tangled mess to figure out. I still haven’t figured it all out fully but there needs to be one standard or one system that hides all of the mess under a pretty gui and agregated device mixer.
: Nvidia.
Attempting to resume from suspend the machine feels like new pants time, every time. I found some Terminal commands to actually allow it to sleep thanks to GPT and I’m happy to pick up a new AMD GPU next time because #@&% Nvidia along with Microsoft
: Latency.
Here’s where my whining stops. I have hardware synths and Eurorack that I run alongside the computer based sequencers and tools. With the low latency tweaks from Ubuntu-Studio’s installer, I have pretty much real time audio and control voltage communication between the two worlds. This isn’t available anywhere else in computing and it’s opened a world of opportunity for creativity and hardware integration - especially with VCV rack now being latency-free. Absolute monster workflow - even though the VCV linux installer is an afterthought and not intended for use by regular people!
: Bluetooth.
It just works, like the Wifi!! Plug & Play Bluetooth 5.3 dongle. No Terminal!
: System Load
It’s so refreshing to know your system isn’t doing anything when you’re not … telling it to do anything. No background telemetry, ads, stealth installs of software you’ve already told Microsoft you really dont want etc.
: Security.
I’m not really so clear on this. Should I install antivirus, firewalls, VPN, anti trackers, cookie stuff and a million other background tasks to keep my computer trouble-free?
I mean, I have physical USB security keys and not one operating system has a way to use them to secure a computer in any real user-friendly way…
Glad to see this is being worked on. I have my tower connected to my Living room TV because who watches TV in 2025? The non- HDR eye-strain was real but even though there’s no available content, like youtube yet, at least I get the softer desktop experience I needed.
Class compliant audio:
This was an incredible feeling when I plugged in my Audio interfaces and switched them to Class-compliant mode. No setup, just beautiful sound.
Although there should definitely be a default of 24bit 48KHz audio with a settings app menu addition for this stuff - just for modern format compatibility and norms…
After many distros (Mint being by far the most solid - though uninspired gui and dated drivers) and weeks of experimentation, I’ve landed back at Ubuntu and 25.04 is mostly behaving so far… I think. I’ve learned to make a TimeShift snapshot before doing anything in terminal - this should be an automated task at this point!
I’d like to get involved and help where I can but I’m pretty useless with terminal and I don’t care too much for programming. On the computer I just make music, watch youtube, and play a decent game when one comes along. Thanks for the work everyone puts in and I hope some of my experiences help in some way. I’ve worked with Music and tech for many years and I believe the low latency kernel alone is a very good reason for creators to switch to a Linux build. I also know most creators only use a computer as a tool and won’t want to rely on Terminal or ChatGPT like I had to.
Just fwiw, i’ve built 2 galaxy book4 360s with the custom drivers and finally my main tower is now on 25.04 Plucky.
Ryzen 5950X (AM4)
16 DDR4
2x crucial 1TB nvme
RTX 2070
sleep is the only current issue that I’m aware of other than the nvme disappearing.