The Road to Mutter & GNOME Shell 3.38 – GNOME Shell & Mutter

Some of the improvements coming with the new Clutter/Gnome Shell 3.38!


Did the work to use nearest neighbour scaling on xwayland apps when on integer scale displays get merged in for 3.38 or 3.36? If the multimonitor performance is finally fixed in 3.38 I might be able to move away from Sway finally, if I can get pop-shell tiling to work similarly.


Oh that is my issue as well. I so hope that gets landed as currently my xwayland experience with non integer scaling is a mess.

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Did the work to use nearest neighbour scaling on xwayland apps when on integer scale displays get merged in for 3.38 or 3.36?

No the mutter maintainer fixed the bug I was working on using different changes and closed the proposal to use nearest neighbour. I had blindly assumed he had also proposed nearest neighbour, but found out later he hadn’t. He then told me has has no intention to because he didn’t like it.

But hope is not lost. I think most people involved at the time did like it. So maybe we can propose it again at some point in future.

Probably more likely to be accepted would be a custom fragment shader. That could also be used with fractional scaling, not just integer. If anyone would like to research the state of the art with respect to upscaling GL fragment shaders and post their findings here then I would consider attempting to implement it in 3.40.

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Ah that’s a bloody shame. It was added to Sway in 1.4 as the default setting and finally made it possible for me to write any code on my laptop’s display. The difference is absolute night and day with linear scaling.

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