That intense orange is mostly suitable for small things (like selections, underlines).
It’s very flashy and it’s OK for kids, but for an employee who works 8 hours with Nautilus in full screen (and with many folders) it is the predominant color on the entire screen and it is really hard to look at for a long time.
This particular icon should have a more neutral color, maybe something similar to Adwaita’s folder icon.
We can discuss it here, but you should file a bug if you want feedback from the developer (although I doubt that he will change the color palette at this point). An easier option would be to just change the icon theme.
Suru was replaced by Yaru but the orange color still remains.
I cannot edit the title anymore to refer to Yaru so if a moderator sees this, please change the title word Suru to Yaru.
I am not sure if I should open a bug in Launchpad since all the theme refresh discussions take place here.
First thing, Night Light Mode would be an awesome idea to help your eyes. Second thing, is that if you don’t like the theme, you can download new ones. Everyone likes Numix, and if you don’t like orange using folder-color you can change that.
Keep in mind you can also switch with gnome-tweak-tool the background color of nautilus, to Yaru-dark like me.
If you are saying that you just want Yaru folder icons to be a different color, you can go to /usr/share/icons, copy the Yaru theme, paste it with whatever you want it to be, and modify files and things that will make it visible. Then you can modify the pictures by doing things like HSL and Black/White flip.
Have you heard of Suru++? And how to change folder colours? Suru never grew, but some others created more Surus few years ago, much before Yaru.
If you want the your Yaru folder colour (and hue…) changed, you can do it yourself with Inkscape, keep the result as svg or turn to png format. “Yaru” colour will not be changed – there is no will for that, probably. It is only just folder colours, the rest, apps and all can be anything.
Apart from a user being able to tweak a theme, I think it would be worth to discuss whether such a strong orange colour is a good default for the theme. In my opinion, it would be better to be less intense, but it would be nice if someone from the theme group, like @madsrh, @frederik-f , could comment further on this.
Also, I see @madsrh linked to Sam’s repo, instead of Ubuntu’s one. Are you still contributing back this kind of stuff? Otherwise I would send a bug on Ubuntu’s Yaru repo.
Ah thanks for the white mock-up. Sometimes that is very important to see that your (in this case my) idea is crap xD
Yeah toning it down would help a lot imho!
It’s possible that the colours were originally chosen on a machine with a poor colour gamut. And so it is possible the authors of such colours weren’t aware of how intense their colours really were.
So I guess what I’m saying is just a reminder for anyone involved in colour design to do so on a high quality display with reasonably wide gamut (say over 90% sRGB). Otherwise you can’t really see what you’re doing.
Yes I have these orange piercing problems on my xps too. It is sometimes almost burning through the LCD (it looks like its burning)
We had a hot discussion for sidebar rows, too:
Yes, it appears the “piercing” orange is by design, and not unique to just the folder icons:
The same orange seems to be used on this page and nobody’s complaining about that yet. So it seems to be a contextual issue and I guess developers should just use the fully saturated orange more sparingly.