The move to Ubuntu Discourse format makes it really really difficult to be productive in this new format

I read the post about Ubuntu Forums transitioning to Discourse: UbuntuForums moving to Discourse: Item for UWN - #3 by bashing-om, and although I don’t really understand what “pensioned off” means, I honestly think this new format is just really really bad in terms of finding things. There is a lot of wasted white space and the simple two column format with the latest discussion (no matter what the subtopic it relates to) on the main page, I just find it really disappointing. Just from a UI perspective the older forums just looked more professional and put together. I’m just wondering if I’m not alone in these thoughts.

kev-hilton :smiley:

Here’s a thought - Ubuntu support is a guest here on the Ubuntu development platform.
Now if you walked into someone’s house and re-arranged their furniture - what re-action would you get ?

-The wonder is that Ubuntu support continues to thrive-

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Actually, we can do a bit of re-arranging if we want to – but it’s just on our own screens.


If you click on the categories button (the left-most one), you can choose a category to view. If it’s support and help, then you’ll only see posts in that category and nothing else, and in a single-column layout.

We can then refine it further if necessary, by choosing a tag. It might be audio-and-video, or networking_wireless. If you do that, then you see only posts with that particular tag.

That might help in finding the posts you’re most interested in.


Hello and welcome, first thing to know is that the site is still under construction and we are moving things around and getting rid of old categories and tags to make navigation easier but its like with anything else it takes a little effort to learn a new system, I am sure the first time you visited a forum you did not know what to do either, there is a learning curve and if you think you are lost imagine how the moderators from the forum feels learning everything over again and there is so much more to learn as a moderator but it has been an awesome experience and I would not go back to the old forum for anything.

You have to do you part and get to know the site and give us more time to complete the massive project and if you have any suggestions on how to make the site better and not just criticize the work that others are doing as volunteers that are not paid one penny to make the community better for support and discussion please offer it, it is always welcome maybe we have missed something but more likely we just have not got around to it yet because we are working on the more urgent matters first so we could get support live here for the users of Ubuntu.

If you have questions on how to navigate the site please ask and do not assume because you do not know how that it is difficult or impossible maybe you just do not understand how the site is set up but like I said the site is still under construction it is like building a house it takes time, thank you for your patience and understanding in the mean time I hope you ask questions and read up on how to navigate the site.

Oh and with a little effort it is not hard this old moderator is not having any trouble with the site in its current form and I had to learn a lot more then the normal user and I am still learning, the moderators have set up many things behind the scenes to make it possible for support to operate here and I promise with a little effort on your part and more work on ours it will feel like home real quick.

Please stick around and help out and be a productive member of the community and Happy Holidays.

  1. Search -

Discourse’s search engine beats the old Forums engine all hollow :smiley:
-learning to use our tools-


Discourse’s search engine beats the old Forums engine all hollow :smiley:
-learning to use our tools-


I have been playing around with it and I find it to be more powerful, more intuitive, and more relevant than the old UF search functions.

And for bonus points, you can bookmark the link with custom search tags and return to it when needed.

I like this :slight_smile:


“Ubuntu support is a guest here on the Ubuntu development platform”.
That statement says it all. Its a new day and we just have to realize that things are different.
Our friendly Ubuntu Forums is gone for good. Its a ghost town over their now.


I would like to correct this statement made by bashing-om we are not guests here if I felt that way I would be gone already and several of the forum Staff and the volunteers for support are here to help as much as possible but all users need to have an open mind.

I am pretty sure VMC about a week ago I sent you a message on the forum to see what has happened and see if we can work it out but you never replied, it is the people that make the forum a great site and not the platform but if someone is not open to change and welling to learn then we can not help them and we do not need to spend all our time having these conversations that go around and around it wastes everyone’s valuable time I reached out to you because you are a long time member of the forum and I hope you will continue to be but I am going to be honest with everyone first this site is much better then the forums platform, second we have access to the whole Ubuntu Community including several employees of Canonical and the devs as well, what we can learn here and with the collaboration it is invaluable I would like to see you and everyone stay around and give us and the platform a chance and I can promise you this many people did not think the forum was friendly but it is because they made it hard for themselves like a few are here.

I apologize for this sounding short but we are working hard here and some people refuse to meet us halfway all I asked was for a dialogue to see what happened and be given a chance to see if it could be fixed because I genuinely care.


If I understand the Meta Discourse support site, it is possible to change the UX rather extensively using themes.

  • Somebody must take the time to learn the process and create the new theme.
  • The new theme must be reviewed and approved by the Canonical Web Team, which handles Ubuntu’s online branding.
  • The new theme must be accepted by the community.

There is already a theme for Ubuntu Discourse, maintained and subtly tweaked regularly by the Canonical Web Team.

We have not really explored theme changes too much since Ubuntu Discourse began, so there might be other hiccups. Over the years, the community side has been more focused on content than format. There have been a few similar complaints, but nobody willing to dig into learning the theming and creating the new experience.

If anybody wants to get together a like-minded group, learn the skills, learn the Web Team’s design criteria, show us the missed opportunities, and make a proposal, please go right ahead.

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I read your Private message on Dec 18th, and I did reply.

“…we are working hard here and some people refuse to meet us halfway all I asked was for a dialogue to see what happened and be given a chance to see if it could be fixed because I genuinely care.” Where are you working hard that we can get involved, and meet you halfway?

I’m looking at messages that I can reply too. Most have the answer that I would have used.

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Just another reason to leave the forum software behind I never received your message and I thought it was strange I figured you would reply.

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I can’t for the life of me figure out how to post a new question…so yeah, this is the most annoying “forum” software I’ve ever encountered.

Read up - to know the why and how there are limits on new users/posts.
Only a bit of time and you will learn this platform too.


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Welcome to Ubuntu Discourse :slight_smile:

Posting is based on trust levels. You need to read for a minimum of 15 minutes the first time and then you can post topics in the Support area.

Your profile shows 22m so starting a topic should not be an issue now.