I created in the terminal symlinks for folders of common directories on a supplemental SSD (four times the storage of system m2 drive) for: “documents”, “pictures”, and “music”.
These DIRECTORY symlinks show in the FILES app at startup, but are not “active”. The “david” symlink created by the system always seems to work fine.
Once I manually access the host SSD as “Other Locations” the symlinks to those devices are both active and work as designed; see “Documents”, “Music”, and “Pictures” where some mount at start-up and some don’t. I’m not catching the determining factor…
How do I make them accessible at startup? Did I do something wrong in creation?
ALSO (related):
I created symlinks on the desktop to common directory of files (work) and an often accessed .txt file I use for notes… those symlinks DON’T work at start-up, often DON’T work once the directory they connect to is accessed manually, but at some point during the user session, these two items on the DESKTOP present as both “active” and “work as designed”…
I don’t get the disconnect on this one at all. I haven’t seen or figured what “triggers” these desktop symlinks to “activate”.
Any ideas?