Submitting reimbursement for your travel

Reimbursement policy

When and who can submit travel grant reimbursement

  • Only people with Travel grant application approved before the event by the committee can submit reimbursement.
  • Reimbursement can be only submitted after the event was finished with guidance from the committee.
  • People with Travel grant approved, But not actually attended the event are not allowed to submit reimbursement. To check If you really attended the event, the committee may ask beneficiary to submit proof of attendance such as photo of you at the event or your nametag.

What can be reimbursed

  • Round trip booking of International and Domestic flight, International or Inter-city trains, bus and ferry
  • Up to single checked baggage for each flight only if checked baggage is not included free of charge and must be paid for.
  • In case the committee guided you to book your own accommodation, Accommodation booking during event dates plus a night.
    • For example, If you’re attending 2 days of event, We will cover 2 night plus a night so that you can arrive a day before the event then leave next day of event finished.
    • If you are also attending the day trip and stay a day longer, We will also cover that night of stay. So, if you are attending 2 days of event, day trip then we will be covering up to 4 nights.

What cannot be reimbursed

  • Missed flight, train, bus and ferry - If you missed then booked another one, We will only cover the one you actually took.
  • Seat selection and Seat upgrades
  • Hotel room services, Mini bar charges and any other additional hotel service charges
  • Local transportations expenses such as metro(or subway), city bus, taxi(or cab)
  • Visa application cost
  • Any additional nights of stay at accommodation that beyond event dates and day trip.
  • Additional checked baggage
  • Any other things not mentioned on “What can be reimbursed”
  • Expense of any other people other than you such as your partner or family members

Submitting reimbursement

After the event, you will be informed to submit reimbursement via Open Collective platform. Committee will give you Open Collective profile link. Opening the link will show you profile page like this. Click Actions then choose Submit expense to start filling out submission form.


To continue, select Reimbursement as you will be reimbursed for expense you’ve already made. Then choose payout method. You may choose payout method information you’ve registered before or add new one. For currency, make sure to choose one that matches your bank account.

For payout method, 3 methods are available. Choose the one that works best for you.

  • Bank transfer (Wire transfer): If you can receive wire transfer via
  • PayPal: If you have PayPal account and can receive fund with that.
  • Other (Custom payout method): In case, Wire transfer option has no support for your currency and PayPal also doesn’t work for you, Choose this method and enter payout details in the textfield (such as SWIFT Wire transfer information along with currency)
    • If you want SWIFT Wire transfer with this option, you will need to provide following informations.
      • Name on bank account
      • Name of the bank
      • Address of the bank
      • Full legal address of the beneficiary
      • SWIFT Code (and Routing number if applicable) of the bank
      • IBAN Number (Europe only)
      • Sort Code (UK only)
      • Currency code of your bank account (e.g. USD)


Next, Fill in expense details. Note that total amount must not exceed the approved amount that you’ve informed from the committee before.

  • Title: UCA<YY> Travel Grant LP#<LP Bug ID>
    • Example: `UCA24 Travel Grant LP#1234567
  • Tag: travel grant
  • Click “Add new receipt” to add one.
    • For attachment, upload proof of purchase that shows expense details, dates and amount.
    • For description, enter description of the expense. Such as Round trip flight for ICN-KUL-JAI
    • For date, enter date that payment made which should be stated in the attachment you’ve added.
    • For amount, enter the amount you see in the attachment. You may lower the amount if it exceeds approved amount.

On next screen, review your submission details then add launchpad bug URL for your travel grant application to notes. Once done and looks all good, click Submit expense to submit reimbursement. Committee will review and process your request.

