Status of Ubuntu support for Lenovo ThinkPad X13s

How can I make the audio louder? My alsamixer doesn’t have “SpkrLeft PA Volume”. There is “SpkrLeft PA”, but changing it does nothing.

Oh nice! Thanks for the link. It’s on my list of things to look into…

libcamera 0.3 is in Oracular Oriole meaning it will be in 24.10, so that’s a good sign.

Hello and thanks for the instructions @juergh. I followed the “New installation” for installing 23.10 a while back using the ISO. Worked like a charm. And today I followed the “Upgrade from Mantic to Noble”. It also worked like a charm. I just want to mention that the row “update-initramfs -u -k 6.8.0-38-generic” didn’t seem to be necessary as the install of ubuntu-x13-settings did that automagically. Just in case another noob tries the same.
My x13s is not my daily driver at the moment, thus I am willing to test things if instructions are easy enough. As an example, I managed to reinstall grub on my x13s after windows update ate it by following instructions on askubuntu. So, a noob, but a noob who can google, copy and paste.

It sounds like there has been progress on support for this machine, is the top post still correct about what is working/not working? e.g. has there been any further progress on audio volume, suspend, or other items?

Yes, that list is still valid. I haven’t checked latest upstream and sc8280xp specific kernel patches lately so don’t know where that’s at. I have to do that when I find some time…

For Oracular, we’re shooting for an official installer and hopefully some basic camera support. But again, this is free-time/hobby work so no guarantees.

I’ve been using Ubuntu 23.10 happily (mostly) for the past few months. It’s been prompting me to upgrade to 24.04 via the software updater application but I’ve ignored that. I did that when I first installed 23.10 some months ago and it bricked my machine. (can’t remember the specific error messages)
Noticed today in the software updater that updates will no longer be provided.
I’m wondering if the update process is more mature and therefore less likely to brick my machine.
@juergh are there any logs or anything else that I can collect before or after the upgrade that will help you? Appreciate all the time and effort you’ve put in and this is the least I can do. Planning on upgrading on the weekend.

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Good to know that upgrade is working. I plan to do the same on the weekend so will post how that went. I use mine as a daily driver so would prefer not to break the OS but have a separate machine for work so not a big risk.

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do-release-upgrade should work but when it asks you to reboot, you need to reboot back into the 6.5 kernel and follow the steps from Upgrade from Mantic to Noble above. Let me know if you run into issues.

Actually, maybe you can perform these steps prior to the reboot but after the system has been upgraded by do-release-upgrade. Never tried that…

Thank you for your work on this, @juergh! It’s an amazing machine, and runs very smoothly on your Noble spin. Even without suspend deeper than s2idle it still has quite a bit of battery life.

In case you want to try (close to Ubuntu) experience and most likely better HW compatibility and less hacks (but ofc with custom 6.10.y kernel), welcome to try Armbian (Ubuntu or Debian) on X13S. I down’t own this device anymore but one of our developer use it as a daily driver.

Hibernation to swap file (and presumably a partition) also works fine.

Did anybody try the kernel 6.10 from GitHub - jhovold/linux at wip/sc8280xp-6.10
I am getting

platform sound: deferred probe pending: snd-sc8280xp: WCD Playback: codec dai not found
and nothing in /proc/asound/cards when running it (compiled myself).

But at least video acceleration with venus seems to work (using ffplay -vcodec h264_v4l2m2m).

The debs from Ubuntu mainline works:

At least :




Works for me :slight_smile:

Unfortunately, no hibernation there. But I can use the config to build my own kernel and check if sound works.

Thanks for the advice. I applied the steps after the reboot as I didn’t want to be the first person to find out if that would be an issue.
I didn’t need to run the update-initramfs -u -k 6.8.0-<x>-generic step as @jokkeholmberg mentioned above.

I am pleased to confirm that the upgrade worked perfectly. Thanks for the help.

11 posts were split to a new topic: Compiling ISO for Lenovo x13s

A post was split to a new topic: VestaCP

Everyhing seems to work fine, just noticed one small, one medium and one big problem remaining:

While brightness keys work out of the box on Gnome, they stop working if switching to XFCE.
So I am using custom scripts that increase/decrease numbers between 0 to 4000 which seems hardware max in steps of 50 into /sys/class/backlight/backlight/brightness which works very nicely, and bind these scripts in .xbindkeysrc to the hardware keys XF86MonBrightnessUp and XF86MonBrightnessDown.
Actually I even prefer this solution to the Gnome one :).

Widevine still doesn’t work, so no Netflix etc.
The “widevine-installers” you find on github and elsewhere just don’t work on this laptop (or they were not telling you steps that you need to know to make them work, but I really searched a lot and didn’t find any working solution :/).

Bluetooth range/reception still is very poor at like 1/4 of what you get on Windows-Arm on the same laptop. I just go away a few meters and reception already starts stuttering, while on Windows-Arm you get the usual BT range where I can actually go two rooms away and still hear everything fine.
Also, after using BT for some prolonged time, audio starts crackling sometimes even if in direct vincinity, requiring a restart to “reset”. It seems this can be provoked by running two audio-outputting apps at once (this would actually very quickly cause strong crackling/static ~a year ago on Ubuntu Concept, it has gotten much better since then but still not resolved).
Unfortunately, even in direct vincinity with just one app running BT will still cause some light crackling now and then.

And finally his one is not X13s specifc, but I’m mentioning it anyway:
Also a BT problem happens on XFCE (not sure about other DEs) that I have had on other distros on other laptops as well on XFCE:
Sometimes a BT headphone on connection randomly suddenly ONLY offers headset modes in the audio mixer, all A2DP modes that should be there (and being used by default) have magically vanished.
The only “solution” I have is to have a script in the background running that checks every few seconds if any BT device is currently in headset mode and automatically disconnects+reconnects it until it finally connects in A2DP mode fine (as this is random it can happen immediately, but sometimes also take several reconnects even, pretty ridiculous).

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A BIG problem:
Wifi and Bluetooth get disconnected during screenblank+screenlock.
Anyone know a solution? This breaks the whole usability, workarounds appreciated.
