Running XUBUNTU v22.04 (not got around to upgrading yet).
I have a USB external storage disk connected to my router, containing media files etc in various folders, and the folders are shared to the network.
In my fstab file I have the following:
// /media/buffalomusic cifs vers=1.0,credentials=/home/david/.credentials
and in the specified credentials file I have my user name and password.
This has all worked perfectly for years - but suddenly the locations are not mounting. I know not why.
When I try to mount the share in File Manager I get:
The credentials file has permissions of 600.
When I try to mount in Terminal I get:
david@david-N2x0WU:~$ sudo mount -a
[sudo] password for david:
Retrying with upper case share name
mount error(6): No such device or address
Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs) and kernel log messages (dmesg)
The external storage is working fine, the router is sharing the folders as you can see, and the mount points are created.
As I say - nothing has changed, been working for years.
Appreciate any ideas/assistance - and thanking you in advance.