Social Gatherings

Hi folks,

Last Saturday a few of us met up and went on the RAT, real ale train. It was a nice afternoon with a spot of food before hand in Farnham and then we got the train to Alton to board the watercress line and spend a few hours catching up. All in all it felt good to see humans outside of the pixel screens we look at.

Thinking further afield, would folks be interested in a summer gathering. Some ideas could be the following I found that are reasonable cost and easy to get to for those in Surrey but there are no reasons why folks cant chose other locations and post here to make it more local to them.

So in no particular order we have these options:


This is a great idea. Hope lots chip in with some fabulous meet-ups for you all.

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I had really hoped to be there last week, but unfortunately I was unable. I look forward to being able to attend the next event. Personally, I think Basingstoke Canal would be brilliant