Shiro theme [Concept]

Hey humans,

Few weeks ago I started working on a theme called Shiro. Its concept is to bring more air (white space) and also simplify the design language.

Here are more concept screens:

I forked Yaru and tried to customise it but I guess I underestimated how complex the theme was and that basic css skills aren’t enough. I am wondering if there are other passionate humans who believe in my vision of creating a modern minimalist desktop environment.

Theme is open for contributions (code, designs, ideas, conflicts, love)


In really like how you made the surface of gtk just plain flat and buttons only made of a clean border!
Maybe we could steal some of this ideas in an eventual Yaru 2.0 :slight_smile:
This shouldn’t slow the idea of this theme as a whole with a different team or whatever :slight_smile: Just wanted to share that I appreciate the idea!

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Thank you Frederik. The more I work with GTK the more I realise that most of the visual issues are due to bad layout. I think Gnome needs more of a design system not just visual guides, something similar to material design. Currently GTK has the atoms but not molecules (Good read on the topic

You are happy to borrow whatever you wish. Just keep in mind that in order for stroke buttons to work you need to simplify the entry (textfields) even further (bottom stroke only).

I will be contributing more design work in the upcoming weeks, hope you find more inspiration


If this is the case, your best move would probably be to interact directly with GNOME people. As you surely saw already, theming can go only up to some (quite limited) boundaries

My other option was to ping the people from UBports for their Unity 8 project. Gnome humans are untouchable hahah :smiley:

Thanks for your advice, but I already tried…

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how to install this theme?

Honestly, to me it seems very like Windows 10 theme with some orange nuances and Ubuntu’s font :confused:

Typeface is not Ubuntu :wink: