Seeking desktop icon menu source code

I seek the source code that creates the pop up menu that appears when a desktop launcher icon is right clicked on. I have already downloaded the Ubuntu 22.04 kernel source code, and did a grep search for a menu item text in all those downloaded source code files. I expected this would find the menu’s source code. But that search did not get any hits, so it looks to me like it is not in the kernel. Where is that source code?

The commands I used to download, and search:
git clone git://
grep -r “Allow Launching” “./jammy”

I verified that grep command by also searching for test text I copied from parts of that downloaded source code. That text was found.

I am seeking this source code because I suspect a bug in that code. I want to examine it, and step through its execution.

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I have discovered it is not a system binary at all. It is instead the Java Script file:
(Substitute the above (at) with @. The substition is done to thwart spammer’s email address harvesters.)

It is clear now that I have asked about this in the wrong forum. I will pursue this elsewhere.

Hello @spflanze,
Are you looking for the ubuntu-dock branch of the Dash to Dock extension?

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Rather the DING source, reasonably.

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I do not know about that branch, or DING. All I know is the there is code in file that is not doing what I expect, and need. I have started a thread about it here:
See that thread for more information.

Have you considered to submit a bug? A bug report, where you explain step by step how to reproduce the issue, is a natural step if something does not work as expected.

ubuntu-bug gnome-shell-extension-desktop-icons-ng
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I do not know right now if this should be considered a bug.

I have, however, found out why the option to allow/disallow launching does not appear in the menu. It is because in the file fileItemMenu.js the value of: “this._desktopManager.writableByOthers” is true. I do not know right now how it became true, or how to fix it to make it false. The details of how I found this out are in the thread at: .