"Seeding a classic Ubuntu Image"


A Classic image is seeded such that it is pre-populated with snaps and assertions. That is, you add the snaps and the assertions to the image so that on first boot it contains what your product needs. For example, a gadget snap is normally seeded to point the system at a Serial Vault. Also, one seeds snaps to provide the software that customises the system. This document explains what you may want to seed and how to do it.

Core images are seeded automatically with snaps and the model assertion when created with the normal ubuntu-image tool (available as a snap in the beta channel). However, ubuntu-image does not yet support building Classic images. The principles explained here can be used to manually modify a Core image after it is built
[/note] to seed additional snaps and assertions.

What to seed

Usually one needs to seed:

The gadget snap must be uploaded using the Brand SSO account.

  • A core snap and its assertions.
  • Any additional snaps (each with an assertion file).

How to obtain these assertions and snap files is explained below.

Seed directory

After you have built an image, you will need to add a seed directory to it (explained below): /var/snapd/seed/

This directory has a certain structure. For example:

  • /var/snapd/seed/snaps/ contains the snap package files you want to seed.
  • /var/snapd/seed/assertions/ contains the assertions you want to seed.
  • /var/snapd/seed/seed.yaml provides configuration data.

All you need to do is add this directory to the root of your image. On first boot, snapd handles the rest, verifying the snaps by their assertions and installing them, and verifying and importing any assertions (such as the model assertion).

Creating your seed directory

Create your seed directory as follows:

  1. Make the root seed directory:

     mkdir seed
  2. Make the assertions subdirectory

    mkdir seed/assertions
  3. Make the snaps subdirectory

    mkdir seed/snaps

The seed directory needs to be owned by root user. Change ownership of these directories as follows:

  1. From the parent directory of seed/, recursively change the ownership of all files in the seed directory to the root user as follows:

     sudo chown -R root:root seed

All files in the seed directory should be owned by root. Therefore, this command is executed later as well.

Getting the snap files and assertions

You need to add a snap file for the core snap, for the gadget snap, and for any other snaps you seed into the seed/snaps/ directory. You also need to place an assertion file for each snap in seed/assertions/.

You should only seed snaps that are available in the store the image points at. Otherwise the snap cannot be updated in the running system. (The core snap is always available in every store.)

You can download both the snap and its assertion file with a single command. When the snap is published in a Brand Store, you need to know the store ID. The default behaviour downloads from the stable channel of the store. You can optionally download from any channel. You can also download a snap (and its assertion) by specifying the snap’s revision (if the snap is not published on a channel, you can only download it by revision if you are the snap uploader or a collaborator).

Download the latest revision from the stable channel of the global snap store as follows:

snap download SNAPNAME

Download the latest revision from the stable channel of a Brand Store (where the store ID is “my-brand-store”) as follows:

UBUNTU_STORE_ID=my-brand-store snap download SNAPNAME

Alternatively, add a channel option as follows:

UBUNTU_STORE_ID=my-brand-store snap --beta download SNAPNAME

The result is two files, for example:

  • classic-gadget-1_1.assert
  • classic-gadget-1_1.snap

By default, snap download gets a snap of the same CPU architecture as the current host system’s CPU architecture. If your classic image is a different CPU architecture than your host system, you can download that different architecture with the UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH environment variable.

For example, the following downloads a snap named classic-gadget (and its assertion file) from my-brand-store of CPU architecture armhf (if the store has it):

UBUNTU_STORE_ARCH=armhf UBUNTU_STORE_ID=my-brand-store snap download classic-gadget

Next, we cover what to do with these files.

Getting the core snap file and assertion file

The core snap is always in the global snap store.

  1. Download the core snap and its assertion file:

     snap download core
  2. Show the downloaded files with the ls command, which should output:

     core_3247.assert  core_3247.snap
  3. Copy the snap to seed/snaps/

  4. Copy the assertion file to seed/assertions/

Getting the gadget snap

Your gadget snap may be published in a Brand Store. Let’s assume the store ID is “my-brand-store”.

  1. Download your gadget snap and its assertion file from my-brand-store as follows:

     UBUNTU_STORE_ID=my-brand-store” snap download SNAPNAME
  2. Place the snap in the seed/snaps/ directory.

  3. Place the assertion in seed/assertions/ directory.

Downloading any other needed snaps

Follow the same procedure for each additional snap you want to seed, copying the snap to seed/snaps/ and the assertion to seed/assertions/.

Creating your seed.yaml file

The seed.yaml file tells snapd which snaps are seeded in the image (and included in the seed directory).

  1. Create the file in seed/seed.yaml.

  2. For each snap, fill in the following information:

       - name: core
         snap-id: THE-SNAP-ID
         channel: stable
         file: core_3017.snap
       - name: gadget-gateway7
         snap-id: THE-SNAP-ID
         channel: stable
         file: gadget-gateway7_1_amd64.snap

A snap ID is a long alphanumeric string, for example: X03kFuB2OQ3oiEI563kRMSgdQc8YiBfX

You can get the snap ID for the core snap (or any other snap) with the snap info SNAPNAME command:

snap info core | grep snap-id

Which will return:

snap-id:     99T7MUlRhtI3U0QFgl5mXXESAiSwt776

Getting assertions for the seed/assertions/ directory

The model assertion

As explained elsewhere, each Brand Store generally has an associated Brand SSO account that is used for critical brand activities. This includes making and signing the model assertion:

  • The model assertion must state the account-id of the Brand SSO account in the brand-id and the authority-id fields.
  • The model assertion must be signed by a key generated under the Brand SSO account, and it must be registered.

Also note:

  • The store field value must be the Brand Store ID.

  • The model field value must be registered in the Serial Vault.

  • The model must have “classic”: true

  • If the classic image has a gadget snap, it must be mentioned in the model:

     “gadget”: “GADGET-NAME”

Sign the model assertion json file as follows:

cat model.json | snap sign -k model-key > model

For background information on model assertions and signing them, see image building

Getting the Brand SSO account assertion

As noted, the Brand SSO account is used to generate the key used to sign the model. Therefore, this account assertion needs to be seeded for the model to be authenticated.

You can download this account assertion as follows:

  1. Login to snapcraft:

     snapcraft login

    And enter the Brand SSO account credentials.

  2. Display the SSO account’s account-id with snapcraft whoami:

     snapcraft whoami
     email:        THE-EMAIL
     developer-id: THE-ACCOUNT-ID
  3. Download the Brand SSO account assertion:

     snap known account account-id=THE-ACCOUNT-ID > brand-account.assert

Getting the Brand account-key assertion

As noted, you need to obtain the account-key assertion for the key that signed the model. For this, you need the SHA3-384 fingerprint of the key. If the keys were generated on a system you can access, you can do the following on the system:

  1. Login to snapcraft using the Brand SSO account details on the machine on which the model signing key was generated.

  2. Display known keys and copy the SHA3-384 fingerprint of the key used to sign the model with snapcraft list-keys:

     snapcraft  list-keys
         Name         SHA3-384 fingerprint
     *   model     KEY-SHA3-384-FINGERPRINT
     *   serial    KEY-SHA3-384-FINGERPRINT

    If the keys were generated on another system, you need someone who can access that system to provide the fingerprint.

  3. With the fingerprint, obtain the assertion as follows:

     snap known account-key --remote public-key-sha3-384=KEY-SHA3-384-FINGERPRINT > brand-account-key.assert

Placing the seed directory into your image

Now, simply copy the seed directory and its contents into your image in /var/snapd/, resulting in: /var/snapd/seed/.

As noted, the seed directory and all files in it need to be owned by root user. Recursively set ownership to root as follows:

  1. From the parent directory of seed/, change the owner recursively to root user as follows:

     sudo chown -R root:root seed

Verifying seeding success

You can verify success in a running image as follows:

  1. Verify the snaps you seeded are installed with:

     snap list

    You should see each snap you seeded listed as installed.

  2. Verify the model assertion with:

     snap known model

    You should see the model assertion you seeded.

  3. If your gadget snap includes a prepare-device hook in order to obtain a signed serial assertion from a Serial Vault, you can check the status with:

     snap known serial

    If there is no serial assertion, the transaction may be in progress, so use:

     snap changes

    Find the Initialize device change. If its status is not Done, note the ID and check the details of the change with:

     snap change ID
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